SPACE RP!!!!!!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
SPACE RP!!!!!!
SPACE RP!!!!!!
I know there are way too many rp's right now but I've wanted to do this for a while. So, in this we are a group of traders in space with our own ship. We travel around the galaxy and trade with whomever we please, we don't have a major group that we're with. The ship has transporters and the room where the controls are is called the bridge. Only six people including me can join. These are the positions, engineer, doctor, pilot, science officer, first officer, and captain. I'll be the captain, and after someone takes a position, no one else can have that position.
Species: Human( you can come up with a species if you want!)
Name: Marco Zaci
Age: 17 ( I was thinking we would have the be in their middle to late teens.)
Personality : Laid back but able to make quick judgments and can handle a crisis well. Does not tolerate weakness.
Appearance: Dark skin and startling green eyes, tightly curled black hair that is cut short. Wears t-shirts and cargo pants.
Other: Has put this group together from kids in his town that all wanted the same thing and were very talented, this is their first trip from earth.
(July 23, 2015 - 3:37 pm)
"Guys?" I say. "Um, trade route?"
Marco clears his throat. "So, I think Noahi is probably right about the computer... Lilly, how is the distance from here to Combolate to Atlantia?"
"It's a pretty straight route, and assuming we fix up our navigation in Combolate when we do the computer, we'll be able to take a pretty straight and short space highway," the Lodotian says.
"Combolate's a good destination inventory-wise," I chime in. "We have lots of Earthen produce and it's better to trade them, sooner rather than later because they're more valuable when fresh, and Combolate specifically because it's close and demand is high."
"Once, twice?" Marco asks again. "Okay, let's ready the ship. Noahi, can you go to the bridge with Lilly and Aqua to work on navigation? Everyone else, just strap in and find something to do."
I head back one door over to the storage bay. My "quarters" which are really just in the corner where I've pushed some crates to the side to make a "secret" corner for my own personal stuff and a hammock. I've got a crate bolted magnetically to the wall for my larger items like computers and clothes, and then a smaller satchel pack hanging on a magnetic strip for portable things I might take on-planet. A porthole lets me see an absolutely *amazing* view of the grey potato-like side of an asteroid passing by. A blue laser streaks by the window: that must be Aqua.
Lilly's voice comes back over the earpiece. "Kiliel, can you bring whatever crate has the extra earpieces to the bridge? Mine is --" She's cut off by some static. "It's fritzing."
"Rodger." More static sounds in my earpiece, but I try to ignore it and get the crate from a stack deep inside the pile.
(July 27, 2015 - 11:14 am)
Guys.. maybe you misread it. Lilly isn't Lodotian, she's Iodotian- with an i. You know, the moon Io.
Well, I thought it was going to be a straight route.
"Aqua," I say through my new earpiece. "Do you think you have those weapons worked out?"
"Pretty much, yeah," she replies.
"Good. Because this one asteriod has this really strong graviational pull, and I can't get away from it."
"Which one is it?" she asks.
"I have no idea! We're too far away!" I try to keep the rare edge of panic out of my voice.
I do my best to steer away, but this ship is rather outdated; the engine isn't strong enough.
"Danielle!" I scream. Yes, scream. I have never had such a close-death experience before. "Can you do something- anything- to make the rockets stronger? We don't know what asteroid this is, and I can't break this pull!"
The intercom crackles, and the voice of Danielle replies...
(July 27, 2015 - 4:14 pm)
Sorry, St.Owl! I read Iodotian but forgot... oopsies!
(July 27, 2015 - 6:22 pm)
"Wait, I see it!" I yell, pointing to the baklit dark object.
My lasers bounce off and my blood runs cold.
"Ladies and gentleman," I say in a hushed voice, "that's the Surkon Starship."
(July 27, 2015 - 6:59 pm)
Brookeira, just letting you know, the Atlantians' streaks don't glow. And they are a different species than Aqua's kind (I forgot what they are called).
Danielle ~
"I can figure out which asteroid it is, if you tell me how strong the gravitational pull is." "How do I do that?" Aqua replies, "There must be a little meter showing the gravity." "There isn't one!" "I'll just have to find out myself. Marco, get me a space suit." Static buzzes in my ear piece, "Who made you captain?" "I didn't say I was captain. I just need a-" "ARGUING IS GETTING US NO WHERE! Danielle, figure out which meteor is pulling us. Aqua, prepare the lasers for blasting. The rest of you, secure all objects. This is going to be a bumpy ride!" I grab a space suit, put it on, tether myself to the ship, and jump outside into cold space. "Okay. I can feel the pull of gravity, and judging by how hard it is, it's that giant meteor by the little blue one. Fancy that! A blue meteorite!" "Danielle! Focus! Aqua, shoot it!"
(July 27, 2015 - 7:39 pm)
OK. Let's just say that my comment came first. It would make a little more sense.
(July 27, 2015 - 7:50 pm)
"Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh GOSH!"
Ginger was running circles, inside the medicine quarters.
She listened intently to the conversation through the earpeice.
"Danielle, focus. Aqua, shoot it."
"Danielle! You get back in here right now, or so help me!" Ginger says into the earpiece this time.
"Whoa okay! Fine, but I do what I want."
"No you don't! I do the orders around here!" Marco barked.
I grab on to the cabinets, this time for something to hold on to. Mr. Cat and T.A.C., were locked into a cabinet I made kitty perfect. That way they can breathe and eat and drink, and blah, blah, blah and so no one can get in or out.
She ran to the docking station where Danielle's teather was.
"Okay three, two, one," Aqua began. Ray beams flew from the ship, hitting and destroying the blue meteorite. Chunks started flying everywhere.
Ginger screamed.
She immideately started pulling in her friend's teather.
"Ginger Snap release me! I want to catch one!" Danielle's voice rang through the earpeice.
"I was afraid of that!" Ginger replied.
Screaming, Ginger pulled even faster as one flew towards Danielle.
"Come to Mama little blue meteorite chun- Hey! Ginger stop!"
Finally, Danielle was back in the air space chamber.
"Hold on to your butts!" Marco screamed through the earpeice.
That's when a chunk collieded with the ship.
(July 27, 2015 - 8:11 pm)
I pulled on an oxygen mask, curisng in Aqan (by the way guys, it's Aqan, not Aquan. They are a marine planet, but they're called Aqans).
I jumped out of the ship, tetherless, while my shipmates told me to get back inside. Screamed, in fact. I scuttled along the side of the ship, unholstering my blaster and disintegrating the asteroid chunk.
Now for the dent. I pulled out a magnet, set its polarity, and pulled. It was undented.
I was met with shouts as I came in.
"WHAT were you DOING?" Danielle howled as I took off my mask, "you're a SWIMMER, not a... space invader? Space flier? Oh, whatever, THAT WAS DANGEROUS!"
"We have bigger problems," I snap, "There's a Nodajaena Ship on the rad-"
A blast rocks the ship and we all hit the deck. Too late; they've caught up to us.
(July 27, 2015 - 10:13 pm)
Oh my gosh, Buggy. You matched Danielle's personality perfectly.
(July 27, 2015 - 10:21 pm)
Uhhh okay. This got confusing FAST. How 'bout this chain of events:
1. Marco says that everyone's going to go to Combolate.
2. The earpieces start getting staticky.
3. The asteroid's gravity starts pulling them in.
4. Danielle jumps out into space.
5. They see the blue meteorite.
6. Aqua shoots the meteorite.
7. A meteorite chunk hits the ship.
Not judging or anything but the little scientist voice inside my head is screaming, "Meteorities are the tiny rocks that land on earth! Asteroids are the ones in space!" Just saying. Sorry.
BTW whenever I post as Air (clearing) that means that it's not a part of the plot and that you can write more while disregarding my comment.
(July 27, 2015 - 10:30 pm)
1. Marco says that everyone's going to go to Combolate.
2. The earpieces start getting staticky.
3. The asteroid's gravity starts pulling them in.
4. Danielle jumps out into space.
5. They see the blue meteorite.
6. Aqua shoots the meteorite.
7. A meteorite chunk hits the ship.
8. Aqua jumps outside.
9. Aqua shoots the chunk and fixes the dent.
10. The Nodajaena ship blasts them.
(July 28, 2015 - 11:42 am)
(This is all in cat language). "Hey!" "Ouch!" "Watch it you grey furball!" Mr Cat tumbles into me. "I'm sorry. But it's a little hard to avoid hitting you in this tiny space." I start rolling towards him as the ship tilts another way. Ginger had filled this area with pillows, so it doesn't hurt when I run straight into the wall. "I have an idea," Mr Cat says, while steadying himself, "You run into the door really hard, and try to open it. I will be pushing on it." "Okay!" I back up against the back wall, and run towards it. *BAM!* The door flies open, and Mr Cat and I tumble out. "Now let's go find Danielle and Ginger. But first," Mr Cat jumps back into the cabinet and grabs his lucky pillow. "Ok. Now we can go."
(July 28, 2015 - 12:13 pm)
I grab the crate and run to the bridge only to find everyone in a panic. Shouts are coming over the intercom, and through the large windows and radar screens of the bridge I can see the proximity of the asteroids very near us.
"This one asteriod has this really strong graviational pull, and I can't get away from it!"
"Which one is it?"
"I have no idea! We're too far away!" Lilly's voice has wild panic in it, and her wide Iodotian eyes dart around the bridge as she runs from a computer to a monitor to the controls.
"Danielle! Can you do something-anything- to make the rockets stronger? We don't know what asteroid this is, and I can't break this pull!" Lilly's screaming now.
Aqua seems to be the only one even half calm. She swivels the lasers and fires, hitting the asteroid squarely.
Ginger screams from the earpiece. I look around: she's not in the bridge, she must still be in the doctor's quarters. But then an alert pops up at the bottom of the screen I'm watching: Crew member DANIELLE tether reel by crew member GINGER. Ginger must be in the airlock connected to the bridge and the doctor's quarters.
A small thump sounds, not over the earpiece, and a new alert comes up. Crew Member DANIELLE entered airlock.
A big thump doesn't just sound through the ship, but over all the earpieces. Marco shouts. The alert screen flashes a red message. Impact airlock by space rock.
Aqua snarls something in Aqan that Danielle probably could translate, but doesn't seem to be. She locks the laser with a smash of the controls and runs over to the airlock door. Crew member AQUA entered airlock.
Seconds later, another message. Crew member AQUA exited airlock.
Marco shouts over the earpiece loud enough to make me recoil, "Aqua, get back in the ship this instant!"
Noahi opens a camera feed from the exterior of the airlock, where Aqua is. Aqua draws her blaster, and the laser blast vaporizes the asteroid. She fiddles with her glove, and after a moment, we can see the dent pop out. Impact airlock by magnetic force, the alert explains.
Marco keeps talking. "Aqua! In!"
Aqua leaves the camera feed's view. Before Noahi has time to switch to the bridge camera, which would offer a view of the entrance to the airlock, the alert screen informs us that Crew member AQUA entered airlock.
"WHAT were you DOING?" Danielle screams over the earpiece. "you're a SWIMMER, not a... space invader? Space flier? Oh, whatever, THAT WAS DANGEROUS!"
"We have bigger problems! There's a Nodajaena Ship on the rad-" Aqua is cut off by static, a blast, sirens from all over the bridge, and of course an annoyingly calm alert: Impact bridge by laser blast.
Marco acts fast, slamming the bridge doors shut and punching in the access code to lock them. "Ginger, Danielle, Aqua, get to the bridge!" He's barely said the words when the airlock door opens and Aqua slide-tackles Ginger and Danielle through it as Marco slams that door shut too and locks it.
Aqua doesn't even wait for instructions, but runs to her weapons station and aims her laser off to the left. My first thought is "how does she know where to aim?" but then a blast registers on the radar. She must have seen the ship.
Crew member AQUA fired laser. Laser impact at coordinates 210 by 30 by 55.
Marco shouts, "Aqua, keep firing! Lilly, get us out of here. Venia, can you cloak the ship? Noahi, activate more lasers. Ginger, take care of Danielle, check for injuries. Kiliel, I need you to just watch the alert screen and call out any pertinent information."
Everyone leaps into action. Lilly slams a button to shut off the screaming sirens and banks the ship sharply to one side to avoid the Nodajaena lasers. Noahi's hands leap over her keyboard, and her eyes dart back and forth from one of her monitors to another. I toss Ginger my medic kit, but she already has one and is bending over Danielle's arm. Aqua remains steely-eyed at her station, firing laser blast after laser blast. Venia closes her eyes in concentration and clenches her fists. Marco stands at the front of the bridge between Lilly and Noahi, calling commands. The alerts come fast and hard on my screen.
Crew member AQUA fired laser. Laser impact at coordinates. Crew member NOAHI activated starboard laser. Impact starboard storage bay by laser.
My head is spinning. I call out impacts on our ship over my microphone. The intercom is loud with commands and status reports: "I've activated the starboard laser." "Impact near the back storage bay!" "Lilly, bank right!" "Aqua, aim for the Nodajaena lasers." "Kiliel, I need a coldplastic pack." "Ginger, left compartment in the kit."
And suddenly, the radar shows no more laser blasts. The ship is still there, but it's no longer blasting. Aqua fires one last blue blast and there's silence.
What just happened?
(July 28, 2015 - 12:54 pm)
"Guys. Trouble."
I notice them first, seeing as I'm the one with the eyes that can see in different directions. A small party of Nadajaenas are floating around in space, just at (most of the) occupants of the ships' blind spots.
Whirling the wheel, I turn the ship so the Nadjaenas are in clear view.
"What should we do?"
Sorry it's so short, I just want Forrest to decide, you know.
(July 28, 2015 - 4:44 pm)
Danielle ~
"Ginger! I'm fine!" Ginger keeps a firm grip on my arm. "You almost got hit with a space rock! You could have been fatally wounded! OR WORSE!" Suddenly, the ship turns around with miraculous speed. I'm about to reply, when I see the Nadajaenas. Aqua aims her lasers. "Wait!" I pull out of Ginger's grip, and tackle Aqua. "Hey! What was that for?!" "They won't hurt us if we don't threaten them!" Marco steps in. "They were firing at us!" "Well they wouldn't have fired if you hadn't-" I'm interrupted by a small, high-pitched voice. "Danielle! Ginger! Where are you!?" Everyone stares as T.A.C and Mr. Cat run in.
(July 28, 2015 - 7:34 pm)