Huckleberry Road
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Huckleberry Road
Huckleberry Road
Here it is. The first RP I've created. Ever.
All of a sudden this idea popped into my head, and I just have to do it. I just read a book called Somebody on This Bus is Going to Be Famous, and that might have been part of it. Read the book, you'll see why.
In a nice, normal, town, in a nice, normal neighborhood, there is a street called Huckleberry Rd. On the road there are x houses, and a family lives in each house, at least one guardian and one kid each.
This RP is going to be about the relationships between the kids on the street, and also some family dynamics. For now, lets have one writer per house. If you want to be twins or something, fine, but lets just keep it like that.
All of the charries should be around the same age. Let's say 10-15. Ish. One charrie per person. Up to nine writers. This is the maximum.
Also, when you sign up, it's like you are signing a contract saying:
I, a CBer of the Cricket Chatterbox, will see this RPG [Role-Playing Game] through to its end. I will not post more than once a day and give people time to respond to the latest story installment and to add on before writing more. I will try my hardest, or at least pretty hard, to make my characters and RPG installments interesting and relating to my fellow RPGers' installments. I will try to Top this post whenever I see it falling away from the front pages, and do my best to keep it alive. I will have only one charrie [Character].
Got it?
Good. Here's the Charrie form.
Family composition (including names):
Time lived on Huckleberry Rd:
Here's mine!
Name: Amelie Stern-Mayple
Age: 14
Appearance: Auburn hair, grey eyes, pale skin. She has a little scar on her cheek.
Personality: Usually kind of moody, but she has her cheerful streaks. She is a bold character and stands for what she believes in--unless, of course, it involves contact with people other than her safe, comfortable community.
Address: 1 Huckleberry Rd
Family composition (including names): Dad (Samuel Mayple), Mom (Alexandra Stern), Grandma (Heidi Stern), younger sister (Ida Stern-Mayple, 8 years old). She also has a black cat named Ross.
Time lived on Huckleberry Rd: Since she was four. She doesn't remember her old house that well, as she lived there 10 years ago.
Interests/hobbies: She loves taking pictures: She carries her camera around everywhere. She takes pictures of the most random things and uses them to sortb through her day.
Other: Umm, nothing yet.
Please make sure you read through the whole thing, if you want to join. I know I'm being kind of pushy about this, but it is the fiorst RP I've ever created and I want it to be at least almost as good as the Strange New RP, the only RP I was in tht actually finished.
Thanks! I'm so excited.
(July 20, 2015 - 7:37 pm)
Toppity top top top!!!!
(August 12, 2015 - 4:08 pm)
I sit down in my bedroom to write in my journal, when there is a knock on the door.
"A-me-lie! Can I come in, Honey?"
"Sure, Mom." I grumble.
She sits down on my bed. "How was cookie delivery?"
"Fine. Whatever."
"Why so glum?"
"Did you consider that I didn't want to deliver cookies?"
"Well, sweetie, you didn't have anything else to do, I thought you might as well."
Mom has a point. There was nothing else to do! No people my age. It seems like the only way I'd be able to interact with them would be to mentor them or something.
Or something.
I get Mom to leave, and I get to work.
(August 13, 2015 - 5:29 am)
Top! Please post! Don't die!
(August 13, 2015 - 8:39 pm)
I'm back from camp and will post soon!
(August 14, 2015 - 4:36 pm)
"Go play with other kids." Says Mom, shooing Cassaranda and me out the door. "Get to know people."
But l don't want to. People think we're weird.
"Great idea!" Exclaims Cassaranda, running off down the sidewalf. "C'mon Beowulf, it'll be fun!"
Yeah right. l think as l follow Cassaranda. She dashes to the end of the street, and then l see someone, who starts talking to Cassaranda.
Who could they be? They'll find out pretty soon that Cassaranda's very annoying. In about five seconds, Cassaranda is back.
"You'll never guess who l met!" She says, dragging me along. This is going to be fun.
(August 15, 2015 - 1:32 pm)
A girl came over to me, her name turned out to be Cassandra. I asked her name knowing that mom would want me to be more social. I had seen her around a few times, but never really talked to her. It turned out she was nice, a bit hyper but nice. We talked about drawling for about a minute before she disappeared to get her twin brother, Beowoulf. Now I feel like I'm standing here awkwardly so I glance over towards them to see if they are going to come back. Sure enough Cassandra is tugging Beowoulf towards me.
"Hello, my name is Beowoulf."
"Hello, Mine is Charlie." I look him in the eye. Mom says this can make people uncomfortable but that just seems to be a habit of mine. He doesn't look uncomfortable and I take that as a good sign. Maybe I can make some friends around here!
(August 15, 2015 - 7:05 pm)
An hour later, there are flyers posted up and down the street.
Cookies and Lemonade with Amelie!
Come chat, play cards, and have a good time!
Monday, August 17th, 3pm @ 1 Huckleberry Road.
It is my best attempt at trying to get kids younger than me to socialize with me, but also to see me as older than them. I think it is the perfect plan, but all plans can go wrong. I sigh, and walk back into the house, up the stairs and into my room. I start to right in my journal, pouring out my enstrangement from the other kids, my sister, my mom, my plan for cookies and lemonade. It's going to be a long day.
So guys, we can postpone Monday untill all charries have seen the flyer and decide to come. How does that sound?
(August 16, 2015 - 6:41 am)
That sounds great!
(August 16, 2015 - 12:33 pm)
After a few hours of Andrew's teasing, I decide that I'll actually go to the library today. Picking up my bag and the books that are due tomorrow, I scribble a note in case anyone is worried and leaves.
The brisk afternoon air is sharp on my face, but it feels all right. The streets are practically deserted, and I like it that way. Leaves rustle on the ground and crunch beneath my feet, and everything is just so perfect as I walk down Huckleberry Road.
I wish I had my paints with me.
Suddenly, I notice something flapping in the breeze on a nearby pole. I walk closer to get a better look.
An invitation to Amelie's house for a party-like thing on Monday!
I suppose I'll go. Just keep my head down and in the shadows...
(August 16, 2015 - 7:31 pm)
l talk with Charlie for a while. l feeling kind of nervous. l never got to know anyone that well. l'm not really social. "So, ah, do you know anything about robots?"
"Not really."
There is a bit of a akward silence. "Um, your name, it's a rather odd one. What's it from?"
"It's an old English poem, very long,-" Cassaranda dashes up to me. "Look what l found!" She waves a piece of paper. l grab it from her and read it.
"Cookies and lemonade?" l wonder. "We should go, we really should!" Says Cassaranda, hopping about.
(August 17, 2015 - 1:56 pm)
We need everyone to comment about Amelie's party! This is what will bring the charries together, people!
(August 18, 2015 - 2:43 pm)
I walk down the street with Ella, on the way to the park. Ella wants to feed the ducks that swim in the little pond. She loves birds and tells us that someday she'll be an "ornoth- ortholin- ornigoth- ornithologist" (a scientist that studies birds. BTW that was a seven year old's pronounciation of it. Only the last way that it was spelled is right.)
There is a community bulletin board next to the park gate, and a neon pink and yellow tie-dye sign catches my eye.
Cookies and Lemonade With Amelie
Come chat, play cards, and have a good time!
Monday, August 17 (should we change the date?) 3 pm @1 Huckleberry Rd.
"Hey Ella, does this sound like fun?" I ask, reading the sign out loud to her.
She says yes very excitedly, so we decide to ask our mom if we can go.
"I don't think Alex will be very excited for this, but it sounds okay to me, and I know that Sammy will want to come when he hears the word cookies," I say.
Then we race each other to the pond (Ella is extremely fast for a seven year old), throw some bread into the water, and wait for the ducks to arrive.
(August 18, 2015 - 7:53 pm)
"That's why satellites are always coated with gold tinfoil," I finish telling my mother. She nods and keeps flipping dinner. She starts humming. I gulp and try to tiptoe away, because when my mother starts humming while making dinner she always remembers things. I'm almost out when my mother calls to me, "Oh Patrick dear, I saw a flyer that looked like fun. There's one on the lampost outside." I sigh and go out into the front yard. Spotting a white paper, I go to it. Tearing it off, I read it.
Cookies and Lemonade with Amelie!
Come chat, play cards, and have a good time!
Monday, August 17th, 3pm @ 1 Huckleberry Road.
Maybe I'll go, in fact it will help me meet everyone. Maybe they all like space too!
(August 19, 2015 - 5:33 pm)
(August 22, 2015 - 7:32 pm)
Toppity boppity!
(August 25, 2015 - 3:15 pm)