Chatterbox: Inkwell
I made one of these, but I guess it died out...
In this RP, you are either a hospital patient or you have a freind or family member in the hopsital. Eventually, all of our charries will meet each other and start a group that helps hospital patients by making care packages for them, training therapy pets for them, making birthday boxes for those that have birthdays in the hospitals, and making artwork to decorate the gray and white depressing walls. Here's the form:
If someone they know is in the hospital:
Family/Friend in the hospital:
Family/Friend's condition:
If they are in the hospital:
You can have up to two charries, but if you make a boy charrie you can have three. No OP charries and (This is goinf to make me sound like a goody-goody wimp, but I don't care...) Nothing too gruesome and detailed.
(July 17, 2015 - 9:04 am)
Name: Katy Bismer
Age: 12
Personality: Ummmm..... Insane.
Apperance: long platinum blond hair and crazed green eyes
other: She's in the hospital becuase she is BONKERS. She only eats with her fingers becuase with utensils she either;
1. Try's to hurt herself
2. Try's to hurt a nurse or somebody else
She's made 6 nurses quit their jobs, and her family wants to send her to a Insane Asylum.
Condition: INSANE.
(July 17, 2015 - 7:09 pm)
(July 18, 2015 - 10:22 am)
OOOH Maple, can my charrie be your twin?
Name: Selene Bismer
Name: Selene Bismer
Age: 12
Personality: Quiet, smart, cunning.
Appearance: Same as her sister's.
Other: Likes to read.
Condition: Schizophrenia
(July 18, 2015 - 10:42 am)
I want to join, but I don't know if I will be able to keep up with it. I have three or four other RPs I am in right now.
(July 18, 2015 - 11:41 am)
(July 18, 2015 - 12:32 pm)
Name: Nina Netoski
Age: 9
Personality: Very quiet, never smiles. Listless, rarely answers to anyone about their questions. It is hard to get her annoyed or angry but when it is angry she holds a grudge for a long time. She cries a lot.
Appearance: Dull blonde hair, blueish gray eyes. Thin, worryingly so, and has very pale skin. Has dark circles under her eyes.
Other: Her parents her twin and her baby brother died in a car crash which left her with a scar on her arm and a chunk out of her right ear lobe. (Both injuries from flying glass that came out of the windows when they shattered.)
Condition: She's suicidal and has often tried to hurt herself.
(July 18, 2015 - 1:28 pm)
Name: Alice Clermon
Age: 11
Personality: Shy and always uncomfortable when talking to grownups. Never cries. Holds in her anger.
Appearance: Thin brown hair, grey eyes, perfectly white teeth. On the smaller side, fare skin, slender.
Other: Her Dad is a doctor who works for "the" hospital and is always trying to get Alice to volunteer for making care packages ect.
(July 18, 2015 - 7:31 pm)
NAME: Giselle Hickman
AGE: 12
PERSONALITY: Kind of died out, depressed, sad, moody, sensetive, creative, artsy.
APPEARANCE: Fiery, curly red hair that she doesn't bother trying to tame. Blue eyes that used to be tinted green, but are now tinted gray. Lots of red freckles dotted all over her pale white face.
NAME: Roxy Dennen
AGE: 11
PERSONALITY: A struggling optimist. Hopeful, cheerful, happy with a sad kind of tint to her hapiness. Weak but strong at the same time. Smiles a lot. Supportive, encouraging.Never complains.
APPEARANCE: Her hair has mostly fallen out with a few strands left. Her face is pale from barely ever being outside. You can see her bones everywhere. Usually carries a sketchbook around, but no one but her knows whats inside it.
(July 18, 2015 - 5:15 pm)
What kind of cancer? There's Bone Cancer; Breast Cancer; Heart Cancer; Skin Cancer; Brain Cancer and a whole bunch of other kinds of cancer, too. There's a boy going in to seventh grade in my school distict and he has bone cancer in one of his knees. He has to get it amputated.
(July 19, 2015 - 7:12 am)
Ahh...umm... I'm not really that farmiliar with cancer. Something that makes them stay in the hospital for a long time.
(July 24, 2015 - 5:22 pm)
I wonder why everyone is making their charrie's condition a mental one?...
Name: Skye Penderwick (!. I got this from a series of books I love. Virtual ice cream to you if you guess it, and 2 I know, I know, I name all my charries Skye, but I live that name. Sadly it's not mine.)
Age: 10 (Maybe this should be like, a children's hospital.)
Personality: Quiet, reads a lot, really nice once you get to know her. She is the 'Straight A+'s' kind of student.
Appearance: She has wavy knee-lenght auburn hair; bright, sparkling blue eyes; really tall, afew freckles here and there; pale skin.
Friends/Family in the Hospital: None. She helps the hospital out of the goodness in her heart.
Other: She had a little sister named Fiona who died from a car crash with a drunk driver. Fiona was going on a preschool field trip and the bus got hit. She was the only one who died, but a whole bunch of kids got really hurt. Now Skye is an only child.
(July 18, 2015 - 6:07 pm)
Oh, and I forgot! She has this super cute border-collie puppy named Jane, who is a trained therapy dog, so she brings it to the hospital all the time to cheer people up and it works! She also knows all the patients at the hospital, visits them all, all the time with care packages and stuff.
(July 24, 2015 - 3:16 pm)
Name: Valentine Evens
Age: 14
Personality: Fun, happy, really patient, and always tries to see past things.
Apperance: Soft long red hair, and green eyes. Slightly noticable freckles, and she's kinda lankey.
Friend in the hospital: Tryston Nikeston (This is her best friend crush.)
Tryston's condition: ? Um I have no idea, if some one could be him, that would be amazing! You could make the condition, who ever and if anyone chooses to be him.
(July 18, 2015 - 7:13 pm)
Name: Cleo West
Age: 8
Personality: Sweet, quiet, and caring. She is scared of shadows, the dark, and water. Normally nice, but can get very agaitated and temper-y when she's in one of her "moods", whoch espeically happen when her father is brouht up.
Appearnce: Pale with vibrant green eyes and raven black hair. Looks fragile and sickly.
Condition: A major case of post-traumatic stress disorder. Her father was swimming with her when something happened and he drowned.
Other: Because of this, she has night terrors (Which in case you don't know, is when you scream, panic, and flail while still asleep,) and sometimes has flashbacks and halloucinations.
Name: Christopher West
Age: 15
Personality: Pretty laid back and chill, but can get agaitated when his siter is brought up.
Appearnce: Tan with his sister's vibrant eyes and black hair.
Family/Friend in hospital: Cleo
Family/Friends condition: ^
(July 18, 2015 - 9:09 pm)
Name: Fallon Kaye
Age: 14
Personality: Friendly; kind; sometimes stubborn. Opinionated. Likes to be in control.
Appearance: Pale skin, long straight caramel hair, and large hazel eyes. Medium-height; skinny. Pretty, in an unapproachable kind of way.
Condition: Anorexia.
I would add more about her past, but I think it'd be better if I let that unravel on its own as the story begins.
(July 19, 2015 - 8:45 am)