Tree Town RP!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Tree Town RP!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tree Town RP!!!!!!!!!!!!
I try not to have more than one Rp at once...but this idea was amazing!!!!!!
In the small average town of Zuhaitz Herria *Tree town* there are no large mansions or castles. No more then average houses. Nothing more than average and nothing less. Until you reach the center. From the sky you can tell the town is round, a small spiral, leading to the center. The tree. The largest tree you would ever see. It covers most of the houses along the inner spiral road. Its leaves are various colors, you could almost call them personality leaves, Nortasun Hostoak. But the leaves are falling. For ages new leaves have sprouted for new life. Every leaf is a life in the town. But the leaves are falling, people are dying. With absoultly no cause. Something is causing this, and we need to find out what. We need to find out before all the leaves fall. The town gathered us. People each of a different Nortasun.
Personalities!!!! (Nortasun!!!)
Red Hostoak: A fiery personality. Someone who is quick to anger, but strong and brave.
Blue Hostoak: A shy personality. Someone who rarely smiles, but has many hidden talents.
Green Hostoak: A happy personality. Someone who always laughs, but isn't the brightest.
Grey Hostoak: A bland personality. Someone who doesn't understand smiles, but is very smart.
Pink Hostoak: A sassy personality. Someone who is a total girly-girl, but is very defiant.
Purple Hostoak: A regal personality. Someone who thinks themself the best, but can strategize.
Black Hostoak: A dark personality. Someone who hates brightness, but can predict outcomesish
Brown Hostoak: A mixed personality. Someone who can blend in, but makes a great spy.
Magenta Hostoak: A romantic personality. Someone who always thinks people are in love....
Only... 9 people can join, (Including me). One charrie per person!!! And, we need guys!
Character form:
Age: (13-15)
Appearance: (Eye color is the same as your leaf.)
Mother's Maiden name:
Okay!! There we go. The Mother's Maiden name is something I think might come in use.
My charrie!!!!!!
Name: Adira Forkestar
Age: 14
Hostoak/Personality: Brown/She is one of those people who don't just know where they belong. She can make herself fit in anywhere, and thats why a lot of people know her. Her leaf isn't rare, there just aren't as many as the others. She would be great for going undercover. And she can manipulate.
Appearance: She has big, brown eyes that show her curiosity. Her hair is hazel colored and loosely curled. It reaches her lower back. She is tall and gracefull, with a round, freckled face. She usualy wears her dresses, as all women are required, but for their quest she wears pirate-like clothes.
Mother's Maiden name: May.
Other: Her passion is singing. And she is good at it to. She often sings to the town some Medieval ballads she 'found.'
Just to let you know this is in a Medeival time period. And I was thinking the Pink Hostoak could be the Mayors daughter/son, or whatever.
(July 13, 2015 - 2:51 pm)
Her name's Willow.
(July 22, 2015 - 10:23 pm)
(July 22, 2015 - 6:33 pm)
I sit half submerged in the water, a small tear sliding down my cheek. I gaze at the brightening moon and sing.
Fate has been cruel and order unkind
How can I have sent you away?
The blame was my own; the punishment, yours
The harmony's silent today
But into the stillness I'll bring you a song
And I will your company keep
Till your tired eyes and my lullabies
Have carried you softly to sleep
I bolt upright as I hear a giggling voice approach my stream. Not a magenta hostoak. Anything but-
Of course it is.
I lunge out of the water. "Listen," I hiss at the girl, making her leap back, "this is my stream, and magentas aren't welcome here."
"Do you know who was singing?" she asks, undeterred.
"No," I say, more calmly now, "some girl. I have to go now. Oh,"
I start to swim away and she leans out after me.
"Tell any pink hostoaks in your fair city to dunk their heads in a creek."
(July 22, 2015 - 10:05 pm)
OH MY GOSH LULLABY FOR A PRINCESS!!!!!! Yes. I'm a pega-sister.
(July 22, 2015 - 11:29 pm)
I dash down the cobblestone street as fast as my legs can carry me. Today is the day that the mayor will choose one person from each hostoak to go on a very important mission. I don't want to leave my family, but I do love a good adventure, and this is an opportunity for the adventure of a lifetime.
The mission is to save the tree in the center of the city. Every leaf is a life, and it's losing leaves for no reason. I know that we can stop it from happening. The people dying from the lost leaves don't deserve this fate.
Anyone that wants to go on this mission is required to meet in the town square, (or should it be circle?) and line up by hostoak. I finally reach the end of the street and slip into the green line just as the mayor starts calling names.
I hear:
"Adira Forkestar, May"
"Skye Morgan, Wrengold"
"Willow Cottonwood"
And then, to my surprise:
"For the green hostoak: Montana Windsling"
Wow, I knew I had a small chance of being chosen and I really wanted to, but I never thought I would. I walk up to where the mayor is standing with the other girls that were chosen.
"Wow" is all I can think for the next ten minutes.
(July 23, 2015 - 10:57 am)
I'm a little surprised when my name is called. They usually choose the more popular members of each Hostoak. And I am not what you would call popular. I walk up to the stage, where the other chosens are. I look upon the rest of the citizens of Zuhaitz Herria. Most of the people my age are smirking or whispering in disbelief. My brother is one of them. They call me cukoo clock, after the noise I make when I'm thinking. I'm not popular around here. I'm a total outcast. Why was I chosen?
By the way, I found out the language. It's basque. Here is Willow's post, but in basque.
Harritu pixka bat nire izena deitzerakoan naiz. Hostoak biotako kideen gehiago popular aukeratu ohi dute. Eta ez naiz popular zer deitu nahi duzun. Oinez I etapa, non aukuratu bestea dira. Zuhaitz Herria gainerako herritarren gainean begiratu dut. Jendea nire adineko gehienak lrribarre edo urratu xuxurla dira. Nire anaia horietako bat da. Erloju cukoo me deitu dute, zarata pentsatzen naiz egiten dut ondoren. Ez naiz popular dut hemen inuruan. Baztertutako guztira naiz. Zergatik aukeratu zen I?
(July 23, 2015 - 12:56 am) were speaking in Basque
Wikipedia says:
Basque (Basque: Euskara, IPA: [eus̺ˈkaɾa]) is a language isolate[4] ancestral to the Basque people, who are indigenous to and mainly inhabit the Basque Country, a region spanning an area in northeastern Spain and southwestern France.
(July 24, 2015 - 2:15 pm)
So, is anyone else going to write? About 5 of us have.
(July 23, 2015 - 9:02 pm)
Is the choosing random or is it, well, not random?
(July 24, 2015 - 7:33 am)
I don't think it's random, but they find members with exordinary talent.
(July 24, 2015 - 10:04 am)
Really. I was the last comment, so will somebody please comment?
(July 24, 2015 - 12:35 am)
"And chosen for the pink Hostoak....Rayseli Pettit!"
I flash a perfect smile and put on a shocked/happy face. Father always said I was a good actress. Of course I expected to be selected to represent my Hostoak this year. I always am. I
I sigh. it's a big honor and all, but the representatives never do anything.
Except smile and wave. Which I actually enjoy doing very much.
A crowd of goggled boys crowds around me. They all start flirting at once.
"Wow, you got picked...I mean of course yuo got picked ...cuz you're so hot oops i mean beautiful..."
'WOuld you like me to take your picture?"
"If you ever need a date, I mean, just call me..."
"Do you need help, like carrying something?"
"Alright, alright, boys. Like, I really appreciate it. Now please let me through, because like, that would make me happy,” I laugh. Besides the fact that I’m beautiful, popular, and the mayor’s daughter, why do I have a crowd of such passionate fans?
It’s a long story. See, one day, I picked a random guy out of my fan club. I flirted and pretended to be into him, and for about two weeks, we dated and walked in the park, etc, etc. Then, I did what I call “discreet ditching”. I purposely, gradually fell out of touch with the boy. See, that’s how you break up without dumping or arguing. Then the boy kept following me around, hoping I’d remember him. Then I’d select another guy, and do the same thing. I do it over and over again until I have about eleven sort of ex-boyfriends. And they all still follow me, and their passion rubs off on everyone else, and pretty soon they’re all fighting for me.
I’m not actually into anyone, though.
I walk with my three best friends, Autum, Ophelia, and Hayley. Autum has blonde hair and pink eyes, like me, but she’s a little….common. I mean, still pretty, and some boys crush on her, but….well, doesn’t have a fan club like me. She’s still a really good friend.
Ophelia has violet eyes and long, black wavy hair that I really like, but Ophelia usually flatirons it and is considering cutting it to a bob. She has severe features, a sharp nose, high cheekbones, and slanted eyes. She’s pretty in a striking kind of way. She’s super romantic, and whenever people need love advice, they go to her. She’s knows who crushes on who, and who would be good for who, etc, etc. Whenever she gets a faraway, dreamy look in her eyes, it means she either thinks someone is in love, and is making up a story about them and their lover, or she's making up a good story for her siblings to hear.
Hayley has bright green eyes and is always super perky. She’s really funny, and she used to be really tomboyish, but after a day with me, she actually takes care of her red hair and wears fashionable clothes. She’s not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, but she can make clever jokes and looks on the bright side of things.
(July 24, 2015 - 8:30 am)
Only 4 more people need to write. There already 5 of us that have been called.
(July 25, 2015 - 12:33 am)
(July 25, 2015 - 5:04 pm)
(July 26, 2015 - 11:53 am)