Inside Out-Like RP...
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Inside Out-Like RP...
Inside Out-Like RP...
"Stupid ump!" shouted Anger. "That was totally a ball! It grazed my feet! In fact, I should be taking a base! Since when was that a strike?!"
"Yeah, that guy's terrible," Disgust agreed. "We should get him kicked out."
"What if another ball hits us?!" Fear cried.
"Oh, come on, guys," Joy sighed. "Everyone makes bad calls. Swing! Swing now!"
Veronica swung, but missed by a hairlength.
"AAARGH! Stupid pitcher, stupid bat, stupid everything!!!!!!!!" Anger cried, and he was about to push the levers back, but Joy stopped him.
"Cool down, Anger. Everyone has their bad days. Besides, remember that amazing play in right field during the second inning?"
Suddenly, Headquarters gave a mighty lurch.
"W-w-w-what's g-going on?" stuttered Fear.
"I-I don't know, but it has to pass!" Joy shouted as she grabbed onto a shelf of memories. "Everyone grab something!"
Suddenly, the rumbling subsided, and the emotions found themselves rolling...
On fresh grass.
So! The movie is called Inside Out, isn't it? But the thing is, the insides don't come out! And I thought to myself, what if they did?
Here's the idea: A few select people had their emotions launched out of them. These emotions have to meet up and figure out how to get back into their humans. Until this happens, they're hollow, empty shells.
You can have only one charrie (emotions). The form is below:
Name : The name OF YOUR HUMAN.
Age: The age OF YOUR HUMAN.
Appearance: The appearance of the emotions. You know how Mom's emotions all had hair and glasses, and Dad's all had mustaches? Add something that makes the emotions distinct.
Personality: You know how Joy had most of the control in the movie? Well, how angry can Anger get? Does Disgust care more about other people, or food? Is Sadness a very quiet, not noticable emotion, or is the human crying every five minutes?
My charrie:
Name: Veronica Smith
Age: 12
Appearance: They all wear blue baseball caps. (Anger's is fireproof.)
Personality: Sadness takes over a lot, but Joy usually stops Veronica from crying. Disgust usually complains abut decisions, but, of course, she cares about everything. Joy is rather powerful, but she lets others take their turns, and steps in if it gets out of hand. She strives to be optomistic at all times. Fear is... well, Fear is brave. :P
(July 6, 2015 - 5:48 pm)
Yes Yes yes!! Then all the emotions have to get back in so humans aren't just brainless emotionless lumps!!
Name~ Delaney Carpenter
Age~ 11
Appearance~ Well Delaney herself has curly red/orange hair and is short with green eyes, but all the emotions... hmmm.. well she's a swimmer so I guess bathing suits, but that might look a bit strange... all of them wearing swim caps or goggles would be weird too.... maybe... I don't really know.
Personality~ Sadness is barely seen-- only when she loses races-- but joy isn't always around either. Anger and disgust are there a lot, but fear is never shown, even though it's there. Joy likes to win. Anger and sadness (mostly anger) take over if she doesn't.
(July 6, 2015 - 6:40 pm)
(July 6, 2015 - 6:40 pm)
Name: Mellie Anderson
Age: 15
Personality: Disgust comes in a lot, but Sadness usually never comes in play. Anger is a bit more of a sarcastic, dark influence, while Joy keeps Anger in touch, usually throwing in a joke or two. Fear never comes in at the little things, but he will get influenced if its Mellie's greatest fears. AKA Mellie is a sarcastic and dark person who makes practical jokes and doesn't step away from a good dare.
(July 6, 2015 - 6:42 pm)
Oh, and they all wear a beanie.
(July 7, 2015 - 5:39 pm)
(July 6, 2015 - 8:34 pm)
Name: Charlotte MeLegs
Age: 12
Appearance: They all have team jerseys they wear over their clothes. (For Track)
Personality: You could say she is by-polar. Meaning, one moment she's happy the next she's down in the dumps. Fear like to take the controls while Joy and Sadness are arguing, and Anger is watching. Anger likes to get mad when things aren't fair. So like frustraded. Disgust, is the smartest, and though she likes to have her opinions she tells the others what to do.
(July 7, 2015 - 11:02 am)
Bipolar. Bi, like two.
CAPTCHA says giny. Ginny? From Harry Potter.
(July 7, 2015 - 6:38 pm)
Sorry, I should have checked the spelling! Thanks!
(July 8, 2015 - 10:30 am)
Name: Winter Lily Johnson
Age: 12
Appearance: They all wear tiny flowers in their hair.
Personality: FEAR. FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR FEARFEARFEAR. The best way to describe Winter Lily is that she's, well, a scaredy-cat. She's afraid of everything. Other than that, Joy also takes over quite a bit, Sadness steps in whenever necessary, and Disgust and Anger are very rare occurences. Winter Lily is a sweet and sensitive girl overall.
(July 7, 2015 - 1:28 pm)
Ok so all the emotions can wear little gold medals since she's super super competitive and loves to win! Yay!
Bubbles says udey. I'm dey apparently... I hope that means awesome....!
(July 7, 2015 - 6:07 pm)
(July 7, 2015 - 7:46 pm)
Um, could I join?
Name: Paris Campbell
Age: 12
Appearance: They all have an umbrella. Like, Fear's is iron and protects him from everything, Anger's is really pointy and kind of bedraggled, and Joy and Disgust have parasols (brightly colored and with an intricate design, respectively), and Sadness has a royal blue regular umbrella that rains on her whenever she gets really upset.
Personality: Disgust and Joy are prominent, next is Anger, then Fear. Sadness is last. Paris isn't mean, just really picky and has high standards for people to prove themselves to her. Gets mad when her morals are broken by somebody. Is happy, but not particularly optimistic through everything, because she knows she has to do something about things, not just grin and bear it and say whatever.
(July 7, 2015 - 8:03 pm)
Name: Britanny Williams
Age: 13
Appearance of Human: (I'm sorry, I really wanted to do this.) Blonde hair, blue eys that are naturally a very fadeed blue, but Brittany wears colored contacts to make them brighter. She dyes streaks of her hair, And when the story begins, she has pink and blue streaks. She wears designer clothes and expensive earrings. Wears lots of makeup.
Apperance of Emtions: The emotions are all girls, and they have flat ironed hair and earrings. Joy usually has her hair up in a ponytail, Sadness lets her hair hang down, and Disgust does a different fabulous harido everyday. They all wair eyeshadow and lipstick.
Personality: Brittany is a bully,popular, Valley girl, mean girl, etc. But you'd be surprised at what goes on in her head. Her Joy is one body but switches to two types. There's the innocent, joyful Joy, but usually, there'll be a weird buzzing sound, and Joy will flicker, and she will transform into more of a Wicked Pleasure. Though Disgust and Wicked Pleasure are the emotions Brittany uses the most, Her actions are caused by Sadness and Anger, since her parents divorced. Fear and Joy/Wicked Pleasure lead the emtions. Fear that her secrets will be discovered. Fear that she wont be popular. Fear that something else will happen. Fear someone will stand up to her. But she doesn't show fear. It works behind the scenes.
(July 8, 2015 - 11:49 am)
Wow, that's a really nice backstory. I can't wait to see how she plays out...
(July 9, 2015 - 5:44 am)
Name: Martyn Piedrich
Age: 12
Appearance: The men (fear + anger) have mustaches, and disgust and sadness have berets. (Martyn is from French heritage, so of course I had to include that stereotype :P)
Personality: Sadness is quite prominent - Martyn doesn't openly cry very much, but he is rather depressed at times. Joy and Fear balance each other out and sometimes get in each other's way - like when Martyn wants to ride a rollercoaster but fear starts listing all the ways he could die. Anger and disgust also take over sometimes (hint: asparagus).
(July 8, 2015 - 12:03 pm)