Chatterbox: Inkwell



Calling Cbers to join the Medieval City RP!!!! Do you wish battle the nobility the city of Durskief, a city full of thieves, street gangs, and mystical happenings?? Sign up below!!!




Short Term Goal:

Long Term Goal:


One thing we all should know about your character: 


My character is as follows... 

Name/Age: Reginald Himmelstelf/23

Occupation: Former Pirate- I mean Privateer come to Durskief's port

Short Term Goal: Has come to seek vegence on the man that brought his crimes to light six years ago and that forced him to flee the country.

Long Term Goal: Searching for the key to a mysterious box that he has had since his parents died, when his was only three. Rumored to have all the secrets of his rich, dark history.

Appearance: Handsome, still young and strapping. Bushy, unmanageble blonde hair, starting amber eyes. Always carries his special knife up his shirtsleeve.


One thing we all should know about your character: He is haunted by dreams of the fire that killed his parents every night.

submitted by Abigail A., age 14, VT
(June 28, 2015 - 9:37 am)

Oh, and Pern's 16.

submitted by Danie
(July 1, 2015 - 2:48 pm)

Can I redo my goals?

Long term goal: Find out what happened to her parents, who disappeared without a trace

Short term goal: Steal the King's legendary Book of Secrets, which she believes could fetch an unimaginable price on the Black Market.

submitted by TARDISrider, age 982, Gallifray
(June 30, 2015 - 12:28 pm)

Abigail, we seem to be muh older than everybody. Should we change our age? 

submitted by Uknown
(June 30, 2015 - 12:14 am)

Sure- I'll be 17!


submitted by Abigail A., age 14, VT
(July 1, 2015 - 7:23 am)

I'll post tomorrow and I'll be 15.

submitted by Unknown
(July 5, 2015 - 1:31 am)

top top top

submitted by top
(July 1, 2015 - 7:24 am)


submitted by TOP
(July 2, 2015 - 8:51 am)

Ohhh, don't die thread!!!!!


submitted by top
(July 3, 2015 - 6:42 am)

We start tomorrow!!! 

submitted by Abigail A., age 14, VT
(July 3, 2015 - 6:42 am)

And Happy Fourth everyone!!!

submitted by Abigail A., age 14, VT
(July 4, 2015 - 6:31 am)


I sat in my tent in The Alley. Around me other thrives were trading, going missions. I was supposed to go on Fence Duty. Meh, I could use the gold.  I get up from the tent and walk to the Main Street. I sit at a booth, where we thieves take turns selling stolen goods to locals. So sometimes we accidentally frame somebody... Whatever. After what seems hours I walk back to The Ally with a full coin purse. It clicks against my leg.

" Hey Daria!" I call down the alley. A girl pipes up a few meters away, pulling her head out of a chest. 

" Beth!" she calls back. She starts walking over to me.

" I have enough money to support the Group for a few days. Want to go with me to turn it in? Haze will let me keep 10%. If give you half."

" Sure." We walk down the alley to a sewer grate. We open it and drop down into the Carscombs, The City of Thieves. The City Down under. Whatever you wanna call it. 

"We have to capture Haze," Somebody says. Guards! In The Thieves City! 

" So why are we doing this?" another Guard asks

" Pern said there's treasure down here.... And he'd give me 100 gold. Money," the other guard says.

" We need to get to Haze before they do!" Daria exclaims, grabbing my hand and dragging me down a tunnel.

submitted by MapleSyurp/ Bethany
(July 4, 2015 - 9:16 am)

It was nice to be back in port. I had forgotten that most land does not buckle under your feet, nor sway mightily when it storms.

I strolled along past shops- a bakery, a pawn store. They were all more dilapidated than I had remembered. I looked up at the castle far off, on its private hill. Everything seemed to be shining up there. Why couldn't the wealth trickle to down here?

But I knew the reason. The new king was a nasty one. Selfish, spoiled -- heck, he was barely older than me! My sister had been sending me coded reports of all the troubles since this new reign.

And I intended to fix it.

I felt the cool of my knife on my arm, it's carved handle imprinting on  my skin. Ah, yes, I would fix it. 

submitted by Abigail A./Reginald , VT
(July 5, 2015 - 7:14 am)


I grin at one of my old pirate contacts and hand him a letter. "You know where to find My brother, right?"

"Aye," he nods. "From Bloody Mary?"

"Aye." He leaves without another word. We try to keep contact short and silent. I use my key and insert a copy of the coded letter into a secret compartment.

Later that night...

I fill my mouth with the 'special' drink and spit it into a torch. The crowd goes wild and I bow as coins rain down upon my red hair. I nod thanks and grab my supplies along with the money. I head back to my small house that the innkeeper rents me. I enter and toss my rent money to him then go up the stairs and slide in my room. A letter waits on my desk. I set down my coins and open the letter with one of my hidden daggers and decode the message.

Bloody Mary,                                                                                                                                I am going to fix this~

I nod and throw it in the fire. "About time."



submitted by Katydid
(July 5, 2015 - 11:51 pm)

Oh, and just to let you know I will occasionally type my name as someone else, if that is okay wih you. You will know i am Unknown because of my charrie though.

submitted by Unknown
(July 6, 2015 - 11:36 am)

"Arabella, come. There is something I must tell you." Farenzi, the  Ladron Re'l Escapdoran (LRE), or head, of the SSR, whispered. It was midnight, and all the runaways were asleep. Except me and, now, Farenzi. I slowly crept out of my tent. Farnezi stood waiting, his long brown hair blowing in the wind. He was old now. He had to choose a sucessor to battle my brother, the traitor.

"Hello, my lord. What is the matter?" I said.

"Arabella, I am an elder now. I cannot govern the people of the SSR any longer. I have chosen you to become the next LRE. You are wise beyond your years, Arabella. You have battle smarts, and you are stealthy. Do iot for the tribe, Arabella."

I looked at him with tears in my eyes. I loved the SSR dearly but the thought of a 15 year old girl running an elite spy/theif/runaway force was a crazy idea!

"No, I-"

"Please. For the people."

I sighed. "Alright." I agreed. 


The next day was my coronation.  There were traditional songs, arching contests,and many other fun ideas. When the twig-and-gold crown was placed on my head, I felt a sense of bittersweetness.

The happiness was interupted by horns. "The King of Theives!" whispered Gerty, my sister.

The King of thieves and his daughter, Bethany, were ariving for the coronation too! beth, my best friend and hunting companion, wasn't supposed to come because of a quest. But she did. "There is horrible news. The selkies, one of our great allies, are under attac. The king's forces are too strong. We need your help."

"My Queen, lead the way." said the Major General. So began my first quest in the world as a LRE.

submitted by Luna, age 11, Everywhere
(July 6, 2015 - 11:47 am)