Monster RP H
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Monster RP H
Monster RP
Hey everyone! Here's a new rp to get you fellas started.
this rp is-- Obviously-- About monsters. But not those old regular dragons and vampires you cbers crave. But the real ones, the ones you find in sticky shoes and your box of lucky charms. Make up your own monsters! But make sure to tell their weaknesses, and as well as there strengths, level of danger, habits, and habitats.
Name of Monster:
Level of Danger (from 1-10, 1 being not at all dangerous and 10 being the most dangerous):
Why it's dangerous:
This monsters are after people-- Or people's stuff, in some cases--, and there are only a few who can destroy these monsters: B.O.G.U.S, or Beast Oblivion General Unit Squad.
Form for catcher (Please come up with a beast as well!):
My characters:
Name: Neea
Appearance: Black long hair, unusually short, one eye green another blue. Black gloves, black shirt, black pants, long bright pink socks (Don't ask). Black old sneakers.
Personality: Cold, clever, serious, dark sense of humor. Mysterious, creepy, awkward with people.
Weapon: Hatchet, Lacrosse stick, and a jar of pickles.... Actually, pretty much anything she can get her hands on.
Talent: Fast, resourceful, and knows a lot about monsters.
Weaknesses: Unorganized, doesn't like to work with others, and hates slugs and snails.
Other: Was raised garden Pertquaro. Because of that, she knows a lot about monsters and gardening.
Monster: Nailerus (Nail-e-rus)
Appearance: A small dogish like creature with a sharp and pointed muzzle. it's tail is long and thin, and at the tip is a very sharp spike that looks very metallic and strangely like a nail. It's arms and legs are long and thin as well, with it's paws looking like nail.
Level of danger: 5
Why: It pricks people's feet with it's tail or legs and pumps their blood out of the person. Naileruses pretty much drink blood. However, the blood is very little, as the Nailerus is small and needs little.
Habitats: Under the porch or other places where it can prick people's feet.
Strengths: Sneaky and hard to find. It's methods are quick and smooth.
Weaknesses: Can get stepped on and killed, can break it's tail if trying to prick a hard shoe. Not very long life span.
Other: Nothing else.
(June 18, 2015 - 10:07 pm)
Anyone is welcome to join. Please join.
(June 19, 2015 - 8:38 pm)
Why not.
Monster: Kraethen (KRAY-thenn)
Appearance: A roundish, orange rat-like creature with no tail, and huge claws and teeth.
Level of danger: 7
Why: It propels itself off of ledges and onto anything it can swallow. Even if it does not kill you, it leaves deep claw marks. Some are even known to fight birds of prey. Very dangerous in a group.
Habitats: Around cities, mountains, or other places with high ledges
Strengths: Surprisingly fast and agile, immune to fire.
Weaknesses: Once you get past the claws, they are very easy to kill. Bright orange and easy to see.
Other: ...
I'll post my hero later
(June 20, 2015 - 4:14 pm)
How do you kill it? Or.......
(June 20, 2015 - 7:27 pm)
Once you get past the claws? Pretty much anything except fire. Although a quick stab with a sword is the easiest way.
(June 21, 2015 - 9:18 am)
Appearance: A purple fuzzball about five inches high with violet eyes and a mouth full of sharp teeth.
Danger level: 1
Why: It hurts a little bit when it bites but it's TINY.
Habitats: It lives only under the roots of redwood trees.
Strengths: Its bite and its undeniable cuteness.
Weaknesses: Its only real offense is its bite, and that isn't very bad.
Appearance: A tiny lizard like creature that has bright blue skin and orange eyes.
Danger level: 9.
Why: Even though it's small, its needle-sharp teeth are venomous and can kill with a single bite. Also, they can produce powerful shocks out of their tails and are very fast.
Strengths: See above.
Weaknesses: Only one: its size.
Habitats: They live in rocky areas prone to rainstorms.
(June 20, 2015 - 10:25 pm)
Gupie, what's pertquaro?
Monster: Tarata
Appearance: It's a very small and round red creature. Its eyes and other facial appendages are very scrunched up, which makes most people think it "cute", and it has a large red triangle sticking out of its forehead. Kind of like a pygmy puff.
Level of Danger: 4,5,6, I'm not all that sure....
Why: Taratas are little fire-creatures. They can burn a hole straight to the bone if you hold them too long, and their triangle is rather pointy. They eat human skin, whether that means burning it off, biting it off, slicing it off, or eating dust, but they need very little because they're tiny.
Habitats: Sleeps at the roots of trees during the night, during the day they prowl around in places they can't be seen (e.x. high grasses).
Strengths: It's small and therefore easy to hide, and it's hard to touch without getting burned, which is useful in a fight.
Weaknesses: Its bit and its traingle don't to much damage, and it mostly relies on its burn. Plus, it's very small and therefore easy to squash.
Other: .....
Name: Nymph (Nie-amph)
Appearace: Long black hair (worn loose) and a black jumper with black boots. Green eyes. Slightly tall.
Personality: A quiet, cold person. She isn't really sure what she wants to do in life, and killing creatures isn't really her cup of tea.
Weapon: She usually has a gun in a belt by her waist, and you can always count on her to have gloves, a blaster, and rope.
Talent: Acrobatic and very good with her gun/blaster.
Weakness: She's very hesitant. She could be spiked by a Nailerus while she's making up her mind to shoot it.
Other: It seems that Taratas like her. When she was growing up, she found a pregnant Tarata in the roots of a gigantic tree. She, well, let it feed and then it let her see its children, and from then on they don't bother her as much as they bother others.
(June 21, 2015 - 9:05 am)
Messed up. Raised in a garden by Pertquaro.
(June 21, 2015 - 11:15 am)
Pertquaro is a garden creature that lives on the garden plants.
(June 21, 2015 - 11:16 am)
Ok,I'm posting my charrie now.
Name: Tomaz Bishop
Appearance: Big, curly light brown hair and old leather goggles. Curious brown eyes and a nice smile with a smallish build. Usually wears leather gloves and loose vest, with a rolled up sky blue shirt, baggy cargo pants and hiking boots. Always wears a red bandana around his neck.
Personality: Optimistic, Resourceful and witty, he doesn't mind helping ones in need, but is bad-tempered if you hurt his friends.
Weapon: His most common weapon which he carries 24/7 is his wrench. But you could also find him brandishing a makeshift smoke bomb, and maybe metal pipe here or a 2 by 4 there.
Talent: A complete wizard at machines. You got any broken thing ever? He can fix it. That being said, he is also very keen in the knowledge of science, and can do some heavy-lifting too.
Weaknesses: A bit messy with equipment, and is not too experienced with combat or monsters.
Other: When he was a young boy, his father dropped him off at his Uncle Ferdinands workshop to learn about machines. Later in his life, he got news that his mother was dead, and his father in an army. His father went M.I.A, but Tomaz stays positive and still has faith that he will find his father.
(June 21, 2015 - 1:40 pm)
Oh I forgot to add the rules.
1) Please no over powered characters
2) No copying others people's work
3) If you make a monster character make a monster, and if you make a monster make a character.
(June 21, 2015 - 7:55 pm)