Jurassic park survivor
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Jurassic park survivor
Jurassic park survivor
The cb Jurassic park opens all the chatter boxers can't wait for the gates to open . The ominous gate opens I come out and say,“hello my name is Amber (first name I could think of) I am a Dino care taker at Jurassic park . Chater boxers and alter egos be amazed by all our dinosaurs . Sighn this waver saying you can not sue us if you get eaten,mauled,or maimed". All the chatter boxers sighned the waver and walked up to the Jurassic hotel.
Alter egos are allowed I will pick names out of a hat on who dies each day I am not sure when it will start it is okay if you have not seen the movie please play gues who I am and get a specail
submitted by Amber , age Dino care, Taker
(June 16, 2015 - 9:09 am)
(June 16, 2015 - 9:09 am)
I'm Somebody and I already joined. I already have two alter egos, so I shall have an extra life.
(June 19, 2015 - 10:07 am)
Toddles! It's us, Danie and Squeak!
Squeak: You always put your name first.
Danie: That's because you don't exist.
Squeak: Neither do you.
(June 19, 2015 - 5:37 pm)
Count me in!!!!!
(June 19, 2015 - 7:59 pm)
Day 1 -
All the cbers wake up; they had a nice sleep at the Jurassic hotel . They go outside to meet their tour guide, Amber. She says, "Today we will go to the Jurassic petting zoo . You will get to pet baby plant eaters." Amber led them to the petting zoo, then her Walky talky buzzed and she said she had to leave. Maple said, "Aw this one is so cute." Squak replied, "And slimey. " Kate cradled a cute little plant eater while Sombody controlled her alter egos. Saphire fed one a leaf. All the cbers were having fun …until…Squeak sat in the corner and avoided the baby dinosaurs. Volcano said,"HA HA SQUEAK'S AFRAID OF BABY DINOSAURS!" Squeak said, "No I am not. I will show you," then Squeak climbed into the big plant eater habitat and petted one . Danie yelled, "Get out of there!" The dinosaur got startled and started running around like crazy and stepped on Squeak and he became a pancake. Right then Amber came and said, "Sorry about your friend; here are some free gift cards for the Jurassic gift shop.
I think Sapphire said she wanted to join. I will check. By the way late members are allowed only for one day.
(June 20, 2015 - 9:17 am)
Day 2 - They meet up with Amber the next day. She said that today they could use their gift cards at the gift shop. The gift shop was gaint; they had stuffed animals, t-shirts, and anything else you could think of. All the chatterboxers spread out. Maple looked at the snow globes with Danie. Kate looked at the t-shirts with Saphire. Somebody looked at the stuffed animals with her AEs. There were long rows of stuffed animals. Somebody picked a baby plant eater stuffed animal. Shifting picked a pterodactyl. Volcano wanted the t-Rex on the top shelf. Volcano could not reach the t-Rex and there were no assistants around. So she climbed up the shelve . With a crack Volcano came down with all the shelves! There were hundreds of stuffed animals that fell on top of her and she suffocated under them. r.i.p.
(June 21, 2015 - 3:44 pm)
(June 21, 2015 - 7:14 pm)
What this was a good thread
(June 26, 2015 - 8:27 am)