City life RP!!!!!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

City life RP!!!!!

City life RP!!!!!!!!!!!!

So basically, we are young adults, just out of college. We all went to the same highschool, and all attend a high school reunion. And, the highschool bully, comes in with a gun, takes us hostage, and demands the government to pay a large randsom. During this time we build relastion ships, learn things about ourself we never new, and become a totally different person. (This is just the basic plot and a guideline.)

We start the RP before the reunion's invites are sent out.

Here is the charrie form!!


Age: 23 (due to the party being for class of...something)






submitted by Katydid
(June 12, 2015 - 12:04 am)

@ ...:

Um, how is that OP? She's not perfect, just very successful in life. Being OP would be making your charrie a billionaire or something.

@ OtR:

I'm just saying that because Christians, Muslims, and a lot of other religions have certain morals we follow. The stereotype is that lawyers are heathen and lie a lot, and I kind of want to dispel that. I'm a Christian, BTW. 

submitted by Brookeira
(June 16, 2015 - 8:17 am)

Because you are probably going to make your charrie beat everyone else. If I don't see your character winning every fight, then I will consist. 

She is op because:

1. Very smart.

2. Kind despite being a lawyer

3. Won a lot of cases.

I would like you to list a few disadvantages if you want to prove your point that she is not op. 

submitted by ...
(June 16, 2015 - 6:48 pm)

Also, no offense, but your response "Christians, Muslims, and a lot of other religions have certain morals we follow" to me translates to "if you are religious it usually means that you have a set of rules to follow, so it ensures that religious people are good human beings, which may not be the case with agnostics, atheists, or some religious cults." Or in simpler terms, "people who follow mainstream religions are more likely to be good people than non-religious people." This I find quite religion-ist and offensive, as my family and I are all secure agnostics. 

No, I'm not going to hide behind a pseudonym. I don't care if you all hate me for this. This is my freedom of speech and religion. I have the First Amendment backing me.  

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(June 17, 2015 - 12:06 am)

Two things I know so much about!!! :)

Name: Maple Witherberry

Age: 23

Major:  English

Occupation: Author. She's kind of a protigee... wrote a series of books, the first one published at 15. She's now working on her Traitors sequence, one she dared not start until she could weave words as well as J.K. Rowling, for fear that she would mess up all the feelings. (Yeah. My ideas- that's actually my life's plan...)

Other: She has long brown hair and soft brown eyes. She's slightly tall but not overly so. She's a very quiet person, but not shy. She spends a lot of time in her head and is rather anti-social.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(June 15, 2015 - 7:20 pm)


(My charrie is an author too.) 

submitted by Booksy Owly
(June 15, 2015 - 9:09 pm)

I won't be able to post for a wee bit today. patient?

submitted by Katydid
(June 16, 2015 - 12:00 pm)

When do we start?

submitted by Pete the Trollslayer, City moon
(June 16, 2015 - 5:39 pm)

You can post whenever you want, or wait for me.

submitted by Katydid
(June 16, 2015 - 7:51 pm)

I'm finally starting!!!


I plop down at my computer with a sigh and take a sip of my fresh coffee. "Ah...what a long day." My painting apron is covered in all sorts of art materials. My legs ache from standing and playing flute and my arms from drawing and painting and such. I browse through a long list of emails, mostly spam. "What do we have here?" An email with the title, "Reunion" catches my eye. I open it and read. 

Dear class of _____,

You are invited to your high school reunion!! Fun and even some classic games that were all the rage in the day. There will be food, drink, old friends, and maybe your old crush or sweetheart. Come and join us at Austin city high school. It will be from 5-10 Pm on 6-19-15.

Sincerely, your principal and old pal!

I laugh and favorite the email. It couldn't hurt to go. I've got three days to mentally prepare myself and that is probably enough time, so why not? I finish looking through my emails and set my now empty coffee cup down. "I'll mark it on my calendar." 

submitted by Katydid
(June 16, 2015 - 8:39 pm)


I walk into my room and sigh, planting myself on my spinning chair.

"Whoo! What a day," I remark to no one in particular. I spent the whole day analyzing samples of one of the strains of salmonella, salmonella enterica. The microbiology class was trying to find out the optimal climate for the bacterium to develop.

I check my email. Spam. Spam. More spam. An email marked "Reunion." More sp-- wait, an email marked "Reunion"?

I open it. It says, "Dear class of _____,

You are invited to your high school reunion!! Fun and even some classic games that were all the rage in the day. There will be food, drink, old friends, and maybe your old crush or sweetheart. Come and join us at Austin city high school. It will be from 5-10 Pm on 6-19-15.

Sincerely, your principal and old pal!" [Katydid, since it would make sense that he just sent out the same email to everyone, I just copied and pasted from yours, hope you don't mind!]

Well why not? I can do that. I favorite the email, mark everything else as read, and then flop onto my bed. 

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(June 17, 2015 - 12:24 am)


It's 2 am. I just submitted an email to my boss and feel like collaspsing. I yawn and am about to close my email when I see something entitled "Reunion." I open it. 

"Dear class of _____,

You are invited to your high school reunion!! Fun and even some classic games that were all the rage in the day. There will be food, drink, old friends, and maybe your old crush or sweetheart. Come and join us at Austin city high school. It will be from 5-10 Pm on 6-19-15.

Sincerely, your principal and old pal!"

I smile. Pal. Yeah right. I used to hate this guy. I lost count of how many pranks I had pulled after the first week! I think about the invite. Wouldn't hurt to see my old friends again. I'm way to tired to RSVP, but I make a mental note to do so tomorrow. A reunion. This would be fun. 

submitted by Savvy44x/Ashlynn
(June 17, 2015 - 10:07 am)


"And that is why, graphite would be a more effective component of modern technology solar collectors. Thank you."

The conference applauded and slowly started to stream out of the meeting room towards the parking lot. I had been worrying about that presentation for weeks, and it was great to finally get it off my chest.

"Nice work, kid," said cheif executive Ryan, slapping me on the back. "You'll get your raise tomorrow."

"Thanks, Mr. Ryan," I said. He nodded a "You're welcome" and followed the others. I turned back to my laptop and exited out of the powerpoint. I had my email open, and something caught my eye. "Reunion, huh?" I grunted.

Out of curiosity, I opened it.

"Dear class of _____,

You are invited to your high school reunion!! Fun and even some
classic games that were all the rage in the day. There will be food,
drink, old friends, and maybe your old crush or sweetheart. Come and
join us at Austin city high school. It will be from 5-10 Pm on 6-19-15.

Sincerely, your principal and old pal!"

"I guess since the presentations over... sounds ok."

I closed my laptop and headed to my car.



submitted by Pete the Trollslayer, City moon
(June 17, 2015 - 3:14 pm)


I finish a chapter of my book, and decide it's time to wrap up for the day. Before shutting down my computer, I glance at my email. I don't usually get many messages, but it doesn't hurt to check. I open up the page, and a message called reunion pops up on the page. I open it.

"Dear class of _____, 

You are invited to your high school reunion!! Fun and even some
classic games that were all the rage in the day. There will be food,
drink, old friends, and maybe your old crush or sweetheart. Come and
join us at Austin city high school. It will be from 5-10 Pm on 6-19-15. 

Sincerely, your principal and old pal!" It says.

Oh, the principal! I loved him, he was so nice back in the day! Well, I don't have many friends, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to go... I doubt the old bullies and mean girls would pick on me much now, so, why not?


"Dear Mr. Johnston, (is it OK if that's the principle's name?)

I'll be glad to come. Thanks ever so much for hosting this! I'm looking forward to it!


Emmy Lovejoy" I reply, and turn off my computer. Time to go write a packing list! 

submitted by Booksy Owly
(June 17, 2015 - 6:52 pm)


I come home from a late night concert featuring Beethoven's fifth, and take a nice, hot shower. I change into pajamas, and sit in my computer chair. I make it a habit to check my email every day, just in case. I scroll down, seeing messages from friends, some spam, and a message tittled "Reunion." Hmm. I click on it.

Dear class of _____,

You are invited to your high school reunion!! Fun and even some classic games that were all the rage in the day. There will be food, drink, old friends, and maybe your old crush or sweetheart. Come and join us at Austin city high school. It will be from 5-10 Pm on 6-19-15.

Sincerely, your principal and old pal!

That sounds good. I had one or two friends in high school, and goodness knows I need a break. I write back.

Dear Principal Johnston,

I would be happy to attend the reunion! Thank you for the invite. I'll see you there!


Margalit Stone

I settle back, and sigh. I stand up and hop into bed. Then I sit up.

That bully. The one who was awful to me. What if he's there? 


submitted by OtR
(June 18, 2015 - 7:42 am)


The next morning I wake up at 6 am. What a good night's sleep. I make a cup of coffee and pull out my computer. What I'm really doing is looking for a reply from my boss, but I see that "Reunion" email, and decide to rsvp.

"Dear Mr. Johnston,

As fun as it was to" I type, but then shake my head. Too immature.

"Dear Principal Johnston," I suggest. Yes. 

"Miss me? Just kidding! So I got your email, and a reunion sounds fun! What else can I say.... oh yeah, I have a surprise for you! Be expecting something from a long time ago I hope you'll remember! See ya!

From, You're #1 (or #312) student, Ashlynn!" 

I laugh a bit, then write myself a note to bring it. This would be fun. 

submitted by Ashlynn/Savvy
(June 18, 2015 - 4:57 pm)