Chatterbox: Inkwell
So I'm going to start a new thread....(Hopefully) :)
This is about spies, so we are going to be spies! YAY!!!
Okay so we are going to work for a company called the AYA. Shor for Alete Youth Academy. The Plot line is: You have just been recruited to work for the AYA. The headmaster (it's kinda like a spy training school) Agent Headmaster (Pretty orginal right? He chose that as his Agent name.) has picked you for a certain resaon: To help humanity. I will explain that. Okay so the AYA's rival spy company the LIVE is acutally "EVIL" ( Education vile in living) backwards. They designed that way to trap and get young spies like yourselves. You right now don't know about it, but you will soon) That EVIL is planning to take over the world by making mind controllers. They plan to rule the youth and to blackmail the parents into giving them money to get their kids back to normal. So yeah, we can start where we have already been in the AYA for a while, or you just got your acceptence letter. Or something, but you guys get to decide.
Oh!!! P.S You may have a character on the evil side, but you have to be like an undercover agent for them. So you still have to go to the AYA but you can be on EVIL's side. Plus other characters if a person chooses to do this you can't just figure they are evil in like two posts. Wait till the like 5th or 9th page please! There has to be an incident that gives your character some hints but no like super smartness!! We want this to be fun for everybuggy. So yeah just wanted to add that. :)
Let's make this short and sweet.
1. All characters are 13.
2. No more than two characters per a person.
3. HAVE FUN!!! (most important.)
4. Please also inculde other peoples characters in your comments; lets make sure everbuggy is included!
Okay I am going to make my characters! Yay! I am going to have two, they are twins, plus I have some plot line for them Hope you don't mind.
Character Ref:
Name: Madison Parks
Agency: (Can be Evil or AYA) AYA
Agent Name: (for when they go on missions) AND M
Appearence: Medium height, dark brown hair the color of fudge. Brilliant blue eys. Light freckcles on her nose and under her eyes. Fair skin. Hair to her shoulders, usually in curls or in a high pony tail.
Personaltity: She and her brother have always been mischievous and always causing trouble. She is happy and bubbly, but is sometimes really shy. Can't move when she gets scared. She only ever cries when she is REALLY distraught. Super duper gullable. Like you could tell her there was a spider on her face as big as a baseball and she would believe you.
Spy Ability: Super quiet, and can easily blend into the shawdows...
Name: Mason Parks
Agency: AYA
Agent Name: M
Appearence: Has clean-cut milk chocolate hair, that is a little bit shaggy, that only goes to his nape. (Back of neck) Ocean blue eyes. Freckles on his nose, and no where else. Medium height.
Personality: Mischievous, like his sister. Is also bubbly like his twin sister. Will do anyting to please someone. Not gullible at all (he learned better from his sister) Laughs a lot. Has one fear: Losing his sister. He likes to make his sister laugh, or anybody for that matter. Plus he loves reading and solving mysteries.
Spy Ability: He is super stong, and good in fighting techniques. He also has a quick mind.
Okay that's pretty much it. Sorry if it was long and boring! But hurry and save a spot before they get filled up! Enjoy!!
(May 20, 2015 - 8:53 pm)
1. I want to join.
2. I WANT to join.
5. Isn't that enough reasons?
(June 16, 2015 - 5:23 pm)
It was a normal day in the AYA. My brother had a different class than me next. Combat? I didn't remember. I would be taking the non-advanced combat class later today. It was a good thing we were going to lunch next. I was starving! I clutched my stomach as I entered the AYA's lunch room. Mason wasn't here yet, he was probably getting praised about how great he was in class. Typical Mason. I smiled while I thought of my brother, but then a different boy came to my mind. I blushed, why did I always have to think of him? I scanned the room in search of friends. I noticed Cammwren Davis sitting alone at a a table the far left. I looked down at my feet and got the courage to go sit next to him. Cammwren was a great friend (?). I always like to talk to him. He sometimes would he say or ask weird things, but that's normal right? Everyone had weird perks, not everyone has to be ordinary. He had a certain way of putting things, whenever he talked to people they would always get drawn into what he was saying. On my way over more people enetered the luch room. Jessica Troutman chatted with Cammwren for a little before she strode off. I placed my tray down next to Cammwren's while other spies began sitting at our table. Maricia Windriff, Kimberly Tenant, and Cat Simmons sat down at our tabel. Jessica Troutman sat down alone, but other student spies invaded her space. Chestnut Corntet, and Embry Flame sat next to Jessica. Katara Monroe eyed the two tables nevously, then sat down at a differnt table accross the room. She was soon joined by Miyuki Thaii. Every level of spies had different lunch times. 12:05 was the 13th level spies. The most altete level for 13 year olds. I sighed, still no Mason...
I gave a smile at Cammwren "Hey,"
(It sounded like everybody agreed that we have been in the AYA for a while, so that's what I went with. :) I'll be posting some about Mason soon. Can't wait for you guys to comment!)
(May 22, 2015 - 6:13 pm)
"How much did they pay you to come here as a mercenary?" Cammwren asked.
I laughed. "I fear to articulate on the premise that I might deviate upon the highest degree of accuracy. I don't know. They say they'll pay me based on how good a job I do."
The building goes dark.
(May 23, 2015 - 10:45 am)
New charrie:
Alexandra Leanai (goes by Alex)
Gender: F
Agency: AYA
Agent name: Cepheid
Appearance: wavy auburn hair, green eyes.
Personality: Tricksy but not mean. Drives the teachers nuts the same way Miyuki does. Obsessed with astronomy.
Spy ability: Super, super agile.
"Does anyone know what the nickname for the most stolen painting in history is?" Professor Rob asks.
I lazily throw my paper airplane across the room and raise my hand.
"Does anyone ELSE know?" he asks. No one does. He sighs. "Yes, Miyuki."
"The Takeaway Rembrandt," I drawl. "The proper name is Jacob de Gheyn III."
"That is correct." Professor Rob turns back to the ActivBoard, starting a lecture on the painting during which I keep occupied by dropping the eraser and of my pencil onto my desk and trying to make it bounce.
After class, it's lunch. My lyin' sense is tingling, but I can't hear the lie over the chattering voices in the lunchroom. Ah, well. I grab an enchilada and a pudding cup and head over to the table I sit at with Alex. She's playing music on her iPhone.
"Hi Miyuki!" Alex calls. I sit down. "Hi yourself, Cepheid."
(May 23, 2015 - 10:56 am)
I move away from the people around me and leave to sit with Katara. She's in EVIL, just like me, but for a slightly different reason.
They blackmailed her.
They promised me.
Cammwren is over at the other table, so I can't talk with him, and I can't talk with Katara either because Miyuki is sitting with her. Bother, I wanted to see if they'd heard anything from EVIL. They weren't sending any instructions, and I'm starting to worry. They said the machine is almost done, and that was it. No "machine is done." No "you can return now." No "you can destroy all of these puny little spies-in-training". Just silence.
(May 24, 2015 - 12:14 pm)
I meet Jessica's gaze and shrug, Miyuki notices and tilts her head in a questioning way. I give her a shrug and smile. "How is class going?" Jessica asks.
I shrug again, then shift in my seat and take another bite of my food.
I hate EVIL.
I hate Jessica because she enjoys EVIL.
EVIL is exactly what it sounds like.
I have to admit that they have great training programs, but that still doesn't change my attitude toward them. I instinctivly tap the round metal circle under my shirt. My reason i don't comepletly give up and tell the world that i work with EVIL. I can't stop thinking of what i will do when it comes to a situation where i kill my comrades. I can either kill them and survive, or not kill them and blow up, so they die anyways.
"Hey!!!" Miyuki shouts in my face. From the look on it she has been saying that a bit. I blink and recoil at another shout.
"There you are!! You were in dream land again!!"
I flush and flash her a sheepish grin, "Sorry." Jessica flashes me a warning look and i choose to ignore it. Suddenly my tiny earpeice buzzes and says, 'Operation 4'
Operation 4 means....poisoining yourself so you throw up, and so all the other agents and you can talk in the nurses office. She happens to be an agent of EVIL too. I grab my cup and let my ring slide in. "Oops!" I exclaim, then fish it out. "Lets hope its still drinkable, right?" I flash Jessica a grin as she drinks her water. I drink mine, then everything goes dark...
(May 24, 2015 - 6:26 pm)
Katydid... just so you know, Jessica doesn't particularly enjoy EVIL, and she wouldn't have joined at all if they hadn't promised her something... I'm keeping that something a secret....
Cammwren, Katara, and I pass out at the same time, and when I wake up nurse Leto is giving us the antidote.
"Have you heard anything?" I ask immediately. "They haven't contacted me for months! What's going on?"
Leto looks at me guiltily. "The machine exploded and destroyed base. They're busy rebuilding and could barely even tell me what was happening or tell Katara what to do."
"Is Martin okay?" I ask, suddenly worried.
"They haven't told me anything but what I just told you."
Martin... he has to be okay. He has to. They can't afford for him not to be okay.
My earpiece buzzes just then, and quick words say, "Surcumstance 10."
I've been hit by a bolt of lightning. The world is spinning around me and the floor is heaving. Volcanoes are exploding, shifting chunks of rock are touching each other.
This can't be happening.
(May 25, 2015 - 10:45 am)
Yeah, sorry.
(May 25, 2015 - 9:48 pm)
Aaaaand the same people have passed out. Again. Really? The lunch inspectors take them to the nurse. I wish I could have passed out, considering my next class is math. They all get to hang out in the hospital wing, while I'm learning algebra. *Grrrrrr* I keep eating my lunch as if nothing happened. But I'm more excited about something else. We are first going to split into groups today, and tomorrow, WE'RE VOTING FOR EVERYONES POSITIONS!!! XD I REALLY hope that I get voted as leader. Or the fighter. I SO EXCITED!!!!!
(May 24, 2015 - 10:35 pm)
The SAME PEOPLE have fainted again. What the freakin' heck? Miyuki and I simultaneously facepalm.
Miyuki opens her pudding cup. "So, did you hear the rumors?" Miyuki asks.
"What rumors?" I reply.
"Apparently EVIL has infiltrated the Alete Youth Academy."
There's silence at our table.
"They're not true, are they?" I ask.
"The people spreading them aren't lying, but I'll have to find the source first. So... I don't know."
The bell rings and we get up to go to P.E. Then my earpiece rings.
"Agent Cepheid, you and Agent Poison Dart are to investigate the claims thet EVIL has infiltrated AYA. This is an undercover mission. No one is to know of it. Understand?" Agent Headmaster briefs us.
"Roger," Miyuki and I say at the same time. She must have gotten the message too.
We look at each other and nod. Then we head down to P.E.
(May 25, 2015 - 12:15 pm)
People look at me nervously. They have the right; I've gained quite a reputation for being fairly tough in P.E. That's what happens when you train with the Blue Clan. You become very, very skilled.
Suddenly alarms blare and I go into hyper-alert mode. "EVIL HAS INFILTRATED THE BUILDING," a voice says, "TO ARMS. I REPEAT, TO ARMS!"
(May 25, 2015 - 2:45 pm)
Wait, this doesn't fit. My charries got a SECRET MISSION BRIEFING! SECRET!
(May 25, 2015 - 5:51 pm)
I agree with somebody.)
I growled. I had just missed lunch! Some dumb teacher wanted to praise me about how good I was doing in class. I hated that! I'm not better than anyone else, and I don't need the teachers acting like I am! Every agent was amazing at different things, but mine had to be super noticable! ~Growl~ I sighed, and headed to my next class. Combat, yay. I acutally liked it, it's just it was advanced, so only a few other agents were there. I had some time before class started, so I raced to my room. I needed to grab something, my book. I was probably going to finish my training skills set in class, so I needed something to work on. I flung open the door and went to my drawer.
I stopped mid-step and saw a little glowing red light under my desk. I bent down to investigate. It was a listening device. My face went pale; someone had been in my room. And this wasn't some AYA device, those lights are blue, and have are square, not spherical. I didn't feel safe in my room anymore... I yanked the device off, and it started to make a REALLy loud beeping noise. I wanted to faint. I hurriedly smashed it under my foot. I had hoped no one heard it. I grabed my book, and ran to class. I was almost late, but luckily I made it in time. I had a cold sweat on my body, and couldn't pay attention to the teacher. I, or even anybody I knew was in danger. Someone, was tracking me, and I was going to find out who! Then an even sicker thought came to mind,: What if they are tracking other spies?! What if they have listening devices under their desks too!? What if...MADISON! Once I had the chance, I was going to secretley check every spy in the elite 13 yr old class. I won't rest till the culprit is caught!!
"Mason Parks!" a teacher called, a worried look on his face.
"Oh here! Sorry, I ummm, don't feel so good.." I said smoothly.
Mr. Barkston's face fell. I bet he was hoping he could have me demonstrate for everyone.
"Oh alright, head to the school nurse won't you?" he asked.
I nodded, and left class. But I wasn't going to the school nurse. I was going to investigate!
Boy I love a good mystery!
(May 25, 2015 - 8:38 pm)
Dang it!! Someone found the bug I planted!! My earpiece was rinigng violently and I had to excuse myself to the restroom to turn it off. I exit and am confronted by Mason, whose hands are crossed in an intimidating way.
"H-hi?" My usual smile has faded.
"Hello," he says. "Are you with EVIL?"
"U-uh..." I stutter, startled from the question. "No."
"Mmhm," he says.
I figured it out: he found his bug. Now he is asking questions. My face probably resembles something like sheer terror. I quickly change it to confusion. "What? Why are you asking? Do you really think i am with EVIL? I thought you were smart!! How could i be with EVIL? I hate EVIL!" It is true, I do hate EVIL, more than anyone can comprehend.
He seems startled by my sudden outrage, then changes his face to anger. "I found this!!" He holds up a bug, his bug, my bug. I would have been suprised if I hadn't figured it out already. Instead, I show confusion.
"What is that?" I ask.
"An EVIL bug!"
I gasp and bring my hand to my mouth. " But...what?"
He seems to belive my reaction and nods. "Yup."
He nods again, "Yes."
I let out a sigh and remove my hand from my mouth. I really like think he's cute, and smart, and nice. But...I just really can't get attached to anyone here. I really can't do anything but what EVIL tells me to do. "Good luck," I say.
"What?" he asks.
"Well, you want to find the person..right?"
Suddenly my earpeice says, "Tell him you will help." I jump a little and look to the right, which is in the direction the the earpiece resides.
Mason looks at my like I'm crazy. "You okay?"
"Yeah...thought I heard something. I'm probably just being paranoid." I flash him a sheepish grin.
He smiles, "Yeah, like usual."
"What's that supposed to mean??"
He laughs, "Nothing."
" you need any help?"
"I'm available i guess. I'll keep an eye out. Now, this is one long bathroom break, so the teacher is probably getting suspicious."
"Yeah. Sure. Have fun!"
"And good luck." I wave good bye and scamper down the hall to class.
(May 25, 2015 - 10:13 pm)
l hear the rumors that fly around the cafeteria after the same three people faint. Again.
One of them, Jessica, was sitting right by me.
l don't belive the rumors. The EVIL spying on the AYA? Nonsense. But it seems like everyone else does.
The rumors are just nonsense l assure myself as l exit the cafeteria for P.E. l cross the cafeteria floor into the hallway.
l reach for the door handle, when Agent Posion Dart comes streaking down the hallway. We see each other too late and she runs full speed into me. l tumble to the ground, my arm at an akward angle beneth me. Agent Posion Dart falls on up of me and there is a sickening crunch as her weight falls apon my arm.
Streaks of pain shoot up my arm. Agent Posion Dart stands up. "Agent Hawk, are you all right?" l slowly stand up, wincing whenever l moved my arm. "Something is wrong with my arm, but l don't think it is broken." "Then l better get you to the nurse's office." l nod in agreement and we head to it.
(May 25, 2015 - 10:01 pm)