A sudden disease
Chatterbox: Inkwell
A sudden disease
A sudden disease has broken out, and people are dying. Scientists of the United States have tried to find a cure, but it's almost too late. Half of the world has almost been wiped out. People have started to call this diesease the "Atomic Bomb" because of all the destruction it's causing. You knew you were sick when a black star appereared on your palm. Like a burn that won't heal. Side effects inculde a high fever, delusions, dizziness, and memory loss. Over a period of time your body would get so hot it would disintegrate.
Scientists have turned to their last hope, to create the perfect being. A being which couldn't be penetrated by any disease and could heal faster than normal humans can. After many tries the superior being had failed. So instead they tried a serum, in which they injected into 7 13-year-olds. This is test #347, and it is currently being tested. You are going to be the test subjects.
The rest of the world has gone into hiding to maybe save themselves. Different serums were tried on each subject, hoping one would be the solution to this problem. The government erased the 13-yr-olds' minds and left them to wake in an unknown world and fend for themselves. But because of this serum their genes have been altered, so you can have super powers if you want.
I will be making my cherries later, and I'm having two (twins, for plot reasons so please don't be mad. :) )
Okay so who wants to join? Is this a good Idea?
(May 15, 2015 - 5:10 pm)
I think it's a cool idea! So, are we people who are going to be tested on, or are we people who have already been tested on? Or can we be either? And how many charries can we make? Because if it's possible, I would like to make three... Sorry for all the questions! Tell me if I have to change anything:
Name: Dawn
Personality: Whenever she turns into something, it's personality starts to cloud her mind. She can't stay as them for too long or else her mind will completely merge into the person she is being's mind. But in her own form, she is loud, boisterous, hasty, determined, rash, really friendy, and brave. She is the kind of person who would have anger issues. She doesn't think before she talks or does things.
Apperance: Fiery, curly, orangey-red hair that is almost impossible to tame.
Backround: Her parents and little sister died by the disease. She tried to resist being a test subject, but they captured her and used her...
Powers: Shapeshifting.
(May 16, 2015 - 8:52 am)
Don't worry about it I like it when people have questions! Go ahead and have three characters its fine with me! I don't mind, I like it when people add more than one person! We can do both, so yes we are the people that had been tested on. So yeah, we were already tested on. I love your character and am egealy waiting for the next thee! Yay!
(May 20, 2015 - 10:46 pm)
(May 22, 2015 - 3:55 pm)
(June 5, 2015 - 12:12 pm)