Funny RP!!So

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Funny RP!!So

Funny RP!!

So this is an rp where you make funny characters, a funny plot, and funny jokez! Erase all logic from your mind and be totally random!! Banana! Microwave!! Photosynthisis!! 

Form~ (remember you can be totally ridiculus)






My Cherrie~

Name- Baloonika (balloon-ick-uh) Microsock (micro-sock)

Age- 4 and a half (wait what?) 

Appearence- Lime green hair that is shoulder length on one side but super long on the other side. bright pink eyes and very small feet(where did that come from??)

Personality- happy-go-lucky, kinda dumb, kinda smart, a bit of a scardey cat. 

Other- Loves brushing her teeth and eating purple mashed potatoes. (seriously??)

Bubbles says spam. I thought the capatchas were suposed to prevent spam! This isn't spam!! 


submitted by SAVVY44x
(May 11, 2015 - 2:57 pm)


Name: Captain Chatter (CC)

Age: 5

Appearance: Curly, wild, out-of-control rainbowey hair that's pretty long, and one green eye, one pink eye. Wears knee-high, mismatched socks, galaxy combat boots, a rainbow tutu, a unicorn-pattern vest, and neon purple fishnet gloves. Oh, and a tiny black top hat.

Personality: Talks. And talks. And talks.

Other: Talks some more. NOBODY CAN STOP HER!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Little Sister, CAPTAIN CHATTER!!!!!
(May 11, 2015 - 5:36 pm)

Name: Miyklekate Neaumopod

Age: 13

Appearance: Long, wavy golden hair worn in a celtic knot (google it) Victoria. Trench coat with a grey floral pattern atop the black color. Steampunky googles atop her head. Lime green bell bottoms and neon colored tennis shoes. Carries a pocket watch with the fancy chain and all. Tall, and shes got freckles. One fingerles leather glove and on her right hand a power glove. When in doubt, she wears a rainbow bowler hat.

Personality: Sly, Smart, Spunky, Sarcastic.

Other: Swag 


submitted by Katydid
(May 15, 2015 - 2:35 am)

Whyyyyyy did we let this thread dry up? 

Magical Flying Unicorn! (Do NOT forget the exclamation mark!)

Age: 3000000000

Appearance: She is a pink sparkly unicorn with purple starry eyes! Her mane is dyed rainbow and her wings are purple! But when she gets mad, she transforms! This new Magical Flying Unicorn! has flaming eyes and mane, black bat wings, a scary red coat, and sharp fangs. Also she grows really tall and breathes fire when she's super angry! 

Personality: Funny, Optomistic, random, nice! But is you anger her, she becomes malicious, enraged, and very very scary.

Other: As I said before, she transforms when she's super mad. Also, she shoots the Magical Sparkly Rainbow Rays of Doom from her eyes and horn, which blast holes in those with evil intent but pass harmlessly through those with good in their hearts! Also, when she vomits, it's sparkles! Her favorite thing to do is to sing a song of her own composition, called Happy: 

Oh, the trees are happy and the flowers are too!

I'm a sparkly magical thing!

Hello! And here are some flowers for you!

That is what I sing!

Her favorite thing to eat is... um... stale Oreos! Yes!  

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(May 31, 2015 - 1:18 am)


submitted by Toppot
(May 31, 2015 - 9:04 pm)

Name: The Fantabulous Throwback Thompers

Age: Although they're meant to look from the seventies, they were made in 2014.

Appearnce: Boots. I'm serious. Seventies style go-go boots. 

Personality: Thinks everything is totally groovy, man! These boots are so stylin and throw rockin' parties. Be there or be square! 

Other: Yes, the boots can talk. And walk.

submitted by Carolion K, age Classified, North Pole
(June 1, 2015 - 4:21 pm)


Name: Extraterrestrial Lilly Lavender Awesomeness (ELLA)

Age: Two.

Appearance: Teeny-tiny, like a lil' cricket-bug, but can get bigger, to about the size of a fox. She has golden hair like the rays of the sun.... (sigh).... and CLAWS like an Eagle's!

Personality: Hwi, mwy nwame's Ewa. Nwice too meet u. I wike candy. Do u? I awso wike ozzer yummy stuff. Wike cwandy. Bwut not like pwotatoes ow yawms. What's da difference, anyway?

Other: I have fwive P.H.Ds! So cwall me Dwoctwor Ewa! Bwut I nweed to wearn how to weally speak.


Name: Terrestrial Idiot Machine (TIM)

Age: ten.

Appearance: Ah, the golden hair. Cascading down his back and onto the floor. Plus he's tall, with pointy ears like an elve's and big, big blue eyes.

Personality: Heya, my name's Tim, and no, I'm not an idiot, and- ELLA! GET BACK HERE!...I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE ABOUT TO DO COSMIC SURGERY ON A YAM!....She worries about the strangest things.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(June 1, 2015 - 7:05 pm)

don't dry up!!! post on here ppl!! top top top

submitted by top, age top, top
(June 11, 2015 - 9:30 am)