"Oi. Oi, you.

Chatterbox: Inkwell

"Oi. Oi, you.

"Oi. Oi, you. Yes, you, boy."

"C- captain?" the boy asked, "you hardly ever dock here. What brings your ship to Everfield?"

"I need... supplies," the Captain replied, smiling a grin full of golden teeth set with jewels, stolen from an Arabian Prince whose bleached skull he/she wore on his/her belt.

"You... you can't steal them," the boy said, "my father runs the biggest business in the province. He'll se the police after you."

"Oh, I know that," laughed  the Captain, "but I can steal you."

A bag was shoved over the boy's head and everyhting went dark.



Okay, so this is a fantasy...


A male hero (this is the boy who was captured)

A female heroine (this is a pirate, but she has a good heart and is really cool)

Any gender, but I need a third hero(ine) (this will be a magical humanoid creature, probably a dragon hybrid)

Any gender, but I need a fourth hero(ine) (this can be basically anything)

A villain turned hero(ine)

A faithful animal sidekick (male or female)

The Captain (villain, male or female. A tough pirate.)

The Netherking/Netherqueen (a really epic villain, male or female)

NOTE: I will be a charrie, and will draw out of a hat. NO asking for roles. If you really want something, and someone else wants to trade you that role, I MIGHT consider.





submitted by Brookeira
(May 3, 2015 - 2:59 pm)

Um, Brookeira?

I'm a girl.


submitted by Shadow Dragon
(May 4, 2015 - 4:51 pm)

THIS IS MY FIRST TIME BEING A VILLAIN, EVER!!! I am sooo excited!!! Arrr, I am a PIRATE!!

submitted by CaykeTheCook
(May 4, 2015 - 5:29 pm)

Yaaaay is right! This'll be fun!

submitted by Carolion K
(May 4, 2015 - 8:21 pm)

Squeak: I'll watch this through. This will be interesting!

Danie: Aw man, I missed it! Well then, I'll just join some other one the next time another one pops up. 


submitted by Squeak and Danie
(May 4, 2015 - 5:32 pm)

Okay, that is hilarious for one.

And On Danie's..whatever you call these, I am a villan turned good too XD.


submitted by Katydid
(May 4, 2015 - 5:57 pm)

Ooh! Can I be another hybrid? I like cats, bats, birds of prey, wolves, and snakes. 

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(May 4, 2015 - 6:11 pm)


Ooooops! I didnt put you in the hat! I'm really sorry. Would you forgive me if I made you a main charrie?


@ Shadow:

OOOPS! I'll just make your person female. 

submitted by Brookeira
(May 4, 2015 - 6:43 pm)


The Captain sighed and leaned back in her hammock. Another job
smoothly and well done. Just like when she had been a little girl, a baker
known as Cayke Cooke, and she baked cookies for her father….

She blinked away the memories. That life was over now.

Shadra Dragon sat with the bag over her head, desperately
wrestling to get it off. It was tight and choking. The inside of the bag became
darker as she fought for air…

The bag loosened and was taken off of her head. A young
pirate girl stood before her, in a red jacket with gold embellishments and a
white necktie. She wore roughhewn pants of a strong cloth. Her sea green eyes
were alive and intelligent. Her dark blonde hair was tangled and wter-splashed, and she had a golden earring.

“Hullo,” she said, “I’m Brookeira. Call me Keir. It’s the
sound a seagull makes when ye’ shoot it.”

Shadra winced at the casual mention of death. All of her
town was vegetarian. “Where are we, Keir? Why did you…”

There was a roar up on deck, and the Captain and her crew
were shouting.

“Dragon-girl!” roared One-eyed Pierre, “DRAGON-GIRL!” 

submitted by Brookeira
(May 4, 2015 - 9:32 pm)

Peep!!! Peep!!! This is awesome!! Keep going, this birdie loves it! Also can The Captain have a pet bird? (Hinthintmehinthint)

submitted by A Little Birdie
(May 6, 2015 - 1:15 pm)

I wouldn't mind being a main charrie at all!

submitted by The Chocabookaholic, age 12
(May 6, 2015 - 2:58 pm)

Keir quickly untied Shadra and drew her sword, running onto the deck. A strange beast with bat-like wings was rising above the deck, firing arrows at the pirates. 

"Stop that!" yelled Keir, firing a blast of water at the dragon and freezing it. The dragon-girl-thing roared and shot fire from her hands, melting the ice. Shadra jumped back and hid behind a barrel. It was wrong for people to have magic! They would hurt each other!

That's kind of the point, a voice in the back of Shadra's mind said.

The dragon girl plummeted to the deck as a well-timed blast of ice brought it down.

"G'job, Bookworm," The Captain told Keir, "she'll fetch a nice bounty."

Indigo struggled against the ice that covered her flesh, breathing fire and roaring in pain. To her annoyance, she felt herself becoming normal again.

"Rooooarrrrnnnnoooooo," she groaned as her vocal chords straightened out. her horns slipped back into her head, the scales and her claws faded, and her wings shrank until they were normal sized. Her bursts of flame grew smaller and smaller as she lost power.

"Ah. A Fyre-Dragon Hybrid," said the pirate who the Captain had called Bookworm.

"What, Keir?" the Captain asked, irritated that she didn't know.

"A Fyre-Dragon Hybrid, native to the Flamelands of Falconcry. They are typically Fire Mages and-"

"Alright, I ge' it," the Captain didn't give Bookworm/Keir a chance to finish.

A red-haired girl with a wolf tail stepped out of the shadows, then, to Indigo's surprise, wrapped them around her like a cloak. A Shadow Mage.

Nameless looked at the black haired girl with indigo dragon wings. She felt a twang of pity; she too had been captured, for she was a wolf hybrid and was valuable to the Netherqueen.

Only Keir, a girl whose name was apparently Shadra, and the dragon hybrid stayed on deck with Nameless.

"Sorry about that. What's your name?" asked Keir.

"Indigo," hissed the dragon hybrid.

"I'm... Somebody," said Nameless. Not very creative, but a better name thatn Nameless.

"I-I-I'm Shadra," said Shadra, looking away.

"And I'm Keir."

"I'm Cho-ca," said one of the pirates, coming from below. She had chocolate brown hair and eyes, and honey-colored skin.

"What should-" Cho-ca began, but was interrupted by the hum of bug wings...

submitted by Brookeira
(May 6, 2015 - 6:51 pm)

Sweet! Wolf! Score!

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(May 7, 2015 - 12:15 am)

So you write the plot, and we submit perspectives? 

submitted by The Chocabookaholic, age 12
(May 8, 2015 - 2:18 pm)

Sorry, I guess I shouldn't have joined if I wasn't clear on what I was supposed to do, it just looked sooo interesting! 

Cappie says CBEE! Do you love the CB to, Cappie! 

submitted by The Chocabookaholic, age 12
(May 8, 2015 - 2:23 pm)
submitted by don't let this die!
(May 9, 2015 - 11:39 am)