Magic Cat RP...

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Magic Cat RP...

Magic Cat RP...

So these cats aren't really magic, but they have a special skill or two. Um, they're kind of powers but not really. They're just extra powerful traits. To make it simple, I'll make a list of the ones you can choose:

Extra powerful senses, extra stealth, extra fast regeneration (like she gets a gaping wound and in like two days it looks like it'd never been there), extra strength, extra smartness, extra cuteness.

Choose 1-2.

Also, you have to have one weakness. They're like the opposites of the powers, here is the list:

Weak senses, little stealth, really slow regeneration, little strength, not smart, ugly and uncute.

You can be one of three kinds of cats: street cat, average housecat, cat from rich household. The classes get along okay generally. All the street cats are part of the "cat gang" of alley cats. You can just write about how old your cat is like "teenager," "kitten," "adult" or "elderly". You can have three.

Here's mine:


Gender: F

Age: Almost adult cat 

Appearance: Lean, black cat with sleek coat even though she is a street cat. Violet eyes and muscular in that feminine way. 

Personality: Dominant, defiant, protective of the cats she cares about, slightly mistrusting. She rules the cat gang as the undisputed leader but is still kind and loyal to her cat gang. She believes that the ruler should give back.

Class: Street

Powers: Stealth and regeneration.

Weaknesses: She isn't very cute. (She isn't really ugly but has the ferocious street cat look.) 

Other: Snowflake's older sister. She is also the leader of the cat gang. Good fighter.


Gender: F

Age: Kitten. If she were human, she'd be about the equivalent of a six or seven year old.

Appearance: Fluffy little white kitten with clear blue eyes.

Personality: Sweet, kind, trusting.

Class: Rich household cat.

Powers: Adorability and good senses.

Weakness: Isn't strong.

Other: Shadow's younger sister. All of the cat gang likes her. At first they only didn't hurt her because Shadow would have shown them their place. Then they grew to like her.

submitted by Somebody , age Who cares, Various places
(April 19, 2015 - 10:57 pm)


Oh my. The cat gang is moving, for reasons I am, of course, unaware of. I am curled up in the littlest bigfoot's lap, purring contentedly as she pets me. Suddenly the biggest female screams, and tears me off the little one's lap. I grab on with my claws, brining her to tears. I try to let go, but the big one rips me off and i yowl. She takes me to where my bed is located, next to it is a puddle...The dog! "You little good for nothing brat!!!" I hiss, and with that, i am thrown outside, into to the rain, probably never coming back. I land on the cold, wet grass, my white coat is already soaked, and I'm shivering. I turn toward the porch, but then think otherwise and dash out of the yard. 

I come upon a large bigfoot house a few minutes later, and dash under the large porch. I also catch a glimpse of a couple cats inside bathing in the warmth of the fire. I shiver at the thought and curl up into a ball. I am too tired to dry myself, I decide, and fall asleep. 

submitted by Katydid
(April 29, 2015 - 1:49 pm)

"Hang on, young queen (mother)," I say. "I've seen them multiple times. They play with our kits sometimes. We call them Penny and Indiano, though.

"We saw them last when they were running away from a dog. A few cats went after them, and they came back later quite injured. (What a job it was to fix them up.) There were no kits with them, but they said they were safe. I don't know what happened to them after."

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(April 29, 2015 - 4:45 pm)



submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(April 30, 2015 - 10:36 am)

1. Everything exciting is happening with the street cats, something exciting needs to happen for us housecats too.

2. Princess' is just temporary. Her bigfeet are just mad at her. I'm planning to have them find her in the most ridiculous circumstances.      

submitted by Katydid
(April 30, 2015 - 11:28 am)


Scraps shows me around camp. It is still raining and I am soaked.

She walks into a hole in an old shed. I follow. "This. is where we sleep" she says. It is a very good choice. It is dry, safe, and no bigfeet have been here for a long time.There are shelves lining all the walls. Some are missing so it is easy to jump for one shelf to the next. 

Then Scraps shows me where meetings are held, where uneaten prey is stored, where they hunt, and where the good water is. "And to think," she says, "we will be living this all Clawsun." She seems sad. This must have been her home for a long time. "Where are we going?" "To an ally in Sunrest."


That Darkfur [night] the moon shines full and bright. I see Scraps sitting atop a wall, gazeing at it. I leap onto the wall beside her, the moonlight making my silver fur seem to glow. "Scraps," I say softly. "There's one thing I want to ask you." She looks puzzled, "What is it?" "Well..... I just want to know........ Did you ever have any bigfeet?"  She looks sharply at me. "No! I never had any bigfeet!" she exclaimed fiercely. "Whatever made you think that?" "I was just wondering," I say, taken aback by her words."You better get going," says Scraps. "Darkfur is almost over."

Something is wrong about the way Scraps spoke about the bigfeet. I can tell. She was lying. I don't know why but I will not say anything about it. I want to start on good terms with these cats.

As I walk back to camp, I hear something behind me. I whirl around.

A cat stands in the ally, snarling at me. 



submitted by Shadow Dragon, age 11, No Where
(April 30, 2015 - 5:27 pm)


"Now, now, Wolfgang," I tell the snarling cat sternly, "stop. This is a new initiate. Be nice."

Wolfgang growls but turns away.

"Don't worry, Cyrus," I say to him, "you'll be fine... just be careful-"

There is a huge boom from the other side of camp. 

Pie said auca. Is she referring to the Auca Indians who killed missionary Jim Elliot? 

submitted by Brookeira
(April 30, 2015 - 8:38 pm)


I wake up to the sound of my bigfeet calling for me. I scamper out to them and am embraced with hugs. "So much for exile." I meow; the bigfeet laugh.

(Can't post much now, maybe later.) 

submitted by Katydid
(May 1, 2015 - 11:20 am)


I wake up to the sound of my bigfeet calling for me. I scamper out to them and am embraced with hugs. "So much for exile," I meow; the bigfeet laugh.

(Can't post much now, maybe later.) 

submitted by Katydid
(May 1, 2015 - 12:59 pm)

It was very tiring for me to pack. All of my herbal remedies plus personal supplies had to be stored; I was lucky that I once found a large quilt on the pavement. I just hope nocat gets injured between today and Catsun.

I stick a sharp thing (a large needle) ontomy bundle to keep it closed, then I wander out onto n old wall in front of my dwelling. 

"The moon is round tonight," I remark to no one in particular.

Then I see it.

The kittens.


"Penny?! Indiano?!" I cry, rushing towards them. They're lying in the middle of the Monsterpath (road), blood seeping out from all sides. I'm deadly courious about what happened, but they're in no state for questioning. 

I practically rip apart my bag as I search for the herbs they will need. I finally find them and cover the kits with them. I snuggle them up in my bed, then I hop down, searching for that queen.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(May 1, 2015 - 3:44 pm)

I yowl, hearing the loud boom. In the name of Shadow, what was that? I bound over to Blue, who is hissing, her fur sticking out in all directions.

"What was that?"

"Bigfeet. they are using some kind of... of thing. It's handheld, and they're hurting each other with it!" Blue looks at me, and for the first time, I see a slight fear in her eyes.

"Warn Shadow! I will gather the cats to safety." I bound over to the kits' hole, holding them my the scruff and leading them out the Backway (A hole in the back wall they can escape through from danger without being seen). Shadow has already gather the rest of the cats.

"WE LEAVE TODAY! CATS, GRAB YOUR THINGS AND LET'S GO!" I leaned to the right to let the cats past. Then I bounded to camp, making sure everyone was safe. Then I saw Amber.


"But I can't leave them here!" Amber beckons toward a few cats.

"Fine! Grab them by the scruff and let's go!" Amber sighs, helping one up while I grab the other.

"EVERYCAT OUT?" I yowl. I search the camp once more, and finally see that we are good to go. 

The gang is in a group, squeezing together for protection.

"Remain calm, everycat! The sun won't rise from fear!" Shadow calls out. We truge on.

Cyrus steps toward me.

"What?" I snap. I'm still slightly frustrated from out last meet.

"Scraps... You're not hiding anything, are you?" Cyrus looks me in the eye, his eyes betraying his worry. I stop in my steps.

"Why do you want to know?" I hiss.

"It seems to bother you." He tilts his head.

"You want to know? Fine. I'll tell you. But you better not tell anyone else!" I growl, my forest accent getting the hold of me.

I explained my life. My forest, my experiment, and my end. 

submitted by Scraps
(May 1, 2015 - 9:22 pm)

Ack! Buisiness! Sorrysorrysorry!


I'm not nearly ready to leave, but how can I argue with Shadow? I give a little sigh and trudge along, trying to console myself that the big booms the bigpaws are making are dangerous and scary. Even still, before we leave, I take one last glance towards the tan house.

Memories flood me of the little one, laughing as she stroked me, pulling my tail. I didn't much care about the pulling, because the petting was so nice. My metal thing that the bigpaws had put on the cloth piece, jingling as I moved around. The nice food, the warm fire...

And the change.

The biggest one getting suddenly mad, kicking me and shouting. Yowling in anguish, then watching in horror as the little one cried and the big one yelled at her. Hit her.  The cold, empty feeling when they weren't at home.

All of this floods me at once, until I turn away from the house and move on. My ear twitches in anguish as I think of the hitting of it. I give my head a little shake and trot to join the pack. 

submitted by Carolion K, age Classified, North Pole
(May 3, 2015 - 5:14 pm)


submitted by top
(May 5, 2015 - 8:49 pm)


submitted by top
(May 7, 2015 - 4:16 pm)


Gender: f

Age: 11 in cat years--very old

Appearance: dark brown with sleek tail. grayed face. suttle green eyes 

Class: street

Powers: invisibility

Weakness: old with fading eyesight

personality: wise, trusting, sentimental, sweet

Other: used to be a housecat with a loving old woman owner, when she died, the neighbors forced her out.  


submitted by Minty , age 11-cat yrs
(May 8, 2015 - 4:34 pm)

Minty, you didn't read the description. They don't ACTUALLY have superpowers. And anyway, we're too far along.

submitted by Brookeira
(May 9, 2015 - 9:11 am)