@ Winter, Will,

Chatterbox: Inkwell

@ Winter, Will,

@ Winter, Will, and other members of the old Star Wars RP:

Who wants to restart our RP? Will and I will try to fill you guys in.... Here's the link to te original: 

http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/inkwell/node/155540  ( in there somewhere is a link to the original...)

Here's my character! ( my previous one!)

name: Ahsen Kashel

gender: female

race: togruta

Ocupation: padawan

master: idk one of your guys' charries

light or dark side of the force: light side

light saber: one blade, sky blue

Appearance : ummm.... her head tails and horns ( I forget the exact names!) are pure white woth stripes that resemble a tiger's. She is a orangey crimson ( like ahsoka tano ) and has ice blue eyes. She despises the normal padawan clothes so she resorts to her clothes from home which are a brown leather vest and longish shorts. She keeps a leftover lightsaber Crystal necklace on all the time ( she feels it keeps her connected to the force)and the togruta culture says that they don't wear shoes. 

submitted by MapleSyurp
(April 17, 2015 - 8:13 pm)

Maple! Maple! Maple! So glad you're back! The Star Wars RP was mentioned in the last edition of Cricket! Look in the Letterbox! I would love to start the RP again. Great idea!

submitted by Will, age 14, GA
(April 18, 2015 - 10:03 pm)

Found this thread in the back pages!

submitted by Will, age 14, GA
(April 20, 2015 - 9:54 pm)

Top! You guys want to restart this?

submitted by Maple
(April 27, 2015 - 7:00 pm)

Yep, that would be great!

submitted by Will, age 15, GA
(April 28, 2015 - 9:01 pm)

Yesyesyes! Yayayay!


Name: Lokoi Mueme

Gender: Female

Race: Togruta, though, she is a special one, she is white, with purple, tentacles.  

Occupation: Master

Padawan: Ahsen Kashel (is that okay, Maple?) 

Light or dark side of the force: Light.

Light saber: Deep purple.

submitted by Winter Firefly
(April 30, 2015 - 1:26 pm)

Yes! We are BACK!"

submitted by MapleSyurp
(April 30, 2015 - 6:25 pm)

YESyesyes!!!!! Joining! There are too many Togruta though, so I'm making a Mirialan. ;) (By the way, the right name for Togruta horns is "montrals," and their headtails are called "lekku.")

Name: Sothalla Taynn

Gender: Female

Race: Mirialan 

Occupation: Senator (curveball!)

Master: Her political mentor was Jonan Kophari, the former Senator from Mirial.

Light or dark side of the Force: Not applicable to Sothalla herself, as she's not a Force user, but as a Senator she's allied with the Jedi

Lightsaber: None. She fights with an electrostaff if she fights at all, which is uncommon.

Appearance: Like a human teenager except for her yellow-green skin color. Her hair is long and very dark brown; she prefers to wear it either loose or in many tiny braids. Her eyes are bright purple (which is her favorite color, incidentally). Her brows and cheekbones are outlined by the small geometric tattoos that most Mirialans have. She wears a variety of generally high-end clothes, though recently she has taken to wearing only white, since white in Mirialan culture is the color that represents death (made-up culture point, you know how much I like making these). This is in honor of her mentor and dearest friend, Jonan Kophari, who was recently killed by an unknown assassin. He had been grooming her to become the next Mirialan Senator, teaching her as an apprentice of sorts, so she was the overwhelming choice as his successor. Consequently, at age sixteen she is the youngest Senator in Mirialan history.

I was thinking the assassin thing could be a plot point. While a team of Jedi (you guys) chases the assassin around the galaxy, the dead Senator's successor takes the investigation on Coruscant into her own hands, and everybody is trying to figure out why the murder took place. Sound good?

submitted by A Curious Dragon, age 14, New Hampshire
(April 30, 2015 - 8:03 pm)

Okay! I think our crew is good! Start anytime!

submitted by MapleSyurp
(May 1, 2015 - 3:59 pm)

Luko Tarrin

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Occ: Padawan

Master: Luke Skywalkr

Light side. Has a blue, single bade lightsaber.

Appearance: Luko wears an arm guard on his right arm. He is black haired and tall. He also wears a blue star-warzy shirt and pants.



My team and I walked through the dark trees to the iron clad wall. I pulled out my lightsaber and-oh, sorry, quick explanation! I am Luko Tarrin, but most people call me...Luko. Hmmph. Anyway, my master (Luke SKywalker) sent me on a top secret mission with a couple of comrds, Ashen and Lokoi Meume.(Okay, i did have my droid R5-D3 with me. He looks like R2-D2 except he's green where R2's blue) I drew my lightsaber and ignited it. Casting an errie glow in the pitch black forest around us

"Why did we have to infiltrate a clone base again?" Ashen whined.

"Because, Master Luke told us to." I said. "Plus, I looove this kind of stuff."

"Of course you do. Boys!" Ashen said, shaking her head.

"Remember, we need to get past the clone guards and to cell 583 in the max-security area. That's where the jedi is being held." I stabbed my lightsaber into the wall and cut a hole just lage enough to squeeze through. Phase one complete. Once were all inside, I used the force to sense the area around us. A few clones, but no lethal threats. We walked cautusly through the hallways,carefully looking around corners for guards. When we had gone through about five hallways into the labyrinth of corridors, six clones came marching around the corner. They stopped in shock. Three jedi and a droid. Jedi children for that matter. Their shock didn't last for long, they quickly pulled out their guns and started shooting. I blocked several laser blasts with my lightsaber before jumping forward and attacking the nearest clone. I sliced his gun in half before cutting him down. Ashen had already taken out two and Lokoi was just knocking out the third. I quickly lashed out, knocking the gun out of the  last clone's hands. I then gave'm the ole one two to the head and he fell like a sack of plooplollies. We put on the clone armor to disguise ourselves before continuing down the hall. Oh, wow that was fun. But our mission was far from over. We figured that out when Ashen's ex boyfriend's master came waltzing aroujnd the corner... Akwaaaard.


Oh, guys, I thought the prisoner we're trying to rescue could be someone fromt the old RP. If you think that would be good. 

submitted by Will, age 15, GA
(May 1, 2015 - 10:36 pm)


Nice surprise. Him being here.... I should have known.

The looks at us all. R5 whistles nervously and Luko gets into a defensive stance.

" Ah, Ahsen. Back for  that..... Position from earlyer?" He smirks.

"Never," I hiss. "I should of never trusted You or him."

"Right you are. Let's dance," he growls. All three of us spring forward. Everybody thinks my technique is sloppy. Yeah it's be yards I hate all the already made up ones! Luko and Llokoi distract him while I sneak around  him and. Succsess! I stab at his legs and feet he falls . " Opps." I smirk at him. He scowls and I smile.

"Let me lock him up," Lokoi says, " for taking him back to base."

"Let's just get rid of him," Luko suggested.

" How about you 3 go and free our friend here."

" Fine," I hiss. "I much better prefer Sith in Jedi combat though!" I yell behind me. We walk down the hall and I cross my arms. I look down and focus on Kicking a clone helmet.

" I think your wish is granted,.." Luko says puting an arm I front of me to stop me. 


submitted by MapleSyurp
(May 2, 2015 - 7:34 am)

YES! Stars Wars rp! Please don't go all info on me, since I only watched the movies and don't know much about the rebel wars in between the old and new movies.

Name: Xamie (X-a-mie) A'hoka.


Gender: female

Occ: Jedi Knight

Force: Light

Lightsaber: One bladed and Bright green.

Appearance: Pink all over with orange eyes. Short black tanktop and shorts. Barefoot.

Personality: ABSOLUTELY Brave. Sarcastic, a bit of a loner, jokes a lot.

Other: Has a sister named Elaiza.


Name: Elaiza A'hoka

Race: Twi'lek

Gender: Female

Occ: She's on the dark side...

Force: Dark

Lightsaber: Two bladed and orange

Appearance: Red Twi'lek

Personality: Seriously, proud. Is more of a planner, and will say what she thinks is right.

When does this take place? 



submitted by Danie
(May 2, 2015 - 10:51 pm)

I don't know when exactly this is taking place. I was originally thinking Old Republic, some time before Phantom Menace, but Luko has other ideas; he's tailored to the New Jedi Order era, after Return of the Jedi. I suppose if either he or I changed some details about our characters, we could make either time period work. The two Togruta seem pretty ambiguous to me. What does everyone think?

Koda says koop. What exactly is a koop, Koda? 

submitted by Curio
(May 3, 2015 - 11:41 am)

C'mon guys, write!!! TOPTOP!!!! We need to work out the time discrepancy- are we doing Old Republic or New Jedi Order?

submitted by A Toppifying Dragon, age TOPPIFY!!!, TTOOPP
(May 7, 2015 - 3:46 pm)

The story itself takes place after the return of the Jedi. About...sixty years following the Star Wars movies? I think.

submitted by Will, age 15, GA
(May 11, 2015 - 10:46 pm)

'Kay then. Toppy TOP!!!!!!!


I went to Jonan's funeral today.

The body wasn't even there. It was still being tested for every poison and disease known to the galaxy, because they're still not sure what killed him. I think. Med droids can be very evasive. People seem to think has been a bittersweet few days, since on the one hand Jonan is dead but on the other hand I'm the new Senator, but it hasn't. Whatever sweetness there might have been has been overwhelmed by the bitterness. At my emergency swearing-in as Senator of Mirial, I was almost too deeply in shock to even force a smile. And then came the endless stream of condolences, transmission after transmission after transmission coming through the viewer in my new rooms in the Senate building, where all the other Senators treat me like a child who's gotten too big for her britches.

I am, in fact, still at the reception for the funeral, but only because my infernal new publicity droid wouldn't let me leave. All I want is to run from the room packed with people wearing bleached-bone white, toss that publicity droid in the garbage compactor, and hide someplace where I don't have to deal with anything. Where I can do some very immature things without fear of discovery. Where no one will see the tear stains on my own white dress.

Yet another tap on the shoulder brings me out of my reverie. To my relief, it's not another guest, but a service droid, purple and gold in the sea of white. Her tinny feminine voice drones, "Mistress Senator, your presence has been requested in a conference room whose location I cannot disclose in public. The meeting is of utmost importance. Please follow me." Well, this is intriguing. Location cannot be disclosed in public? Utmost importance? Maybe this meeting, whatever it is, will help take my mind off things. I tell the droid to lead on; she stiffly turns around and walks off into a side corridor.

I follow the droid into a turbolift, where it punches in a code I've never seen anyone use before. It looks to be for somewhere in the east wing, at a surprisingly low level. The very bowels of the Senate. I don't go there often. Why are they holding this allegedly top-priority meeting there, of all places? When the turbolift opens, the droid leads me past doors whose rooms are dark and silent, a rare sight in the upper levels of the building. The corridor is dingy and dusty, the lights flicker slightly, and I see exactly one other person: another service droid, going the other way. Clearly, this section does not get used a lot. Finally, my droid stops at the only door I can see with a light on inside. The door slides open to reveal...

...a roomful of Jedi Knights. 

There are actually four Jedi and one med droid, whose ID code I recognize as the droid in charge of Jonan's autopsy. Two sets of Masters and Padawans: two Togruta, a human Padawan, and Master Skywalker. The Master Skywalker. I am so surprised I can hardly speak. "Masters Jedi...Padawans...what...what is this?" I manage to squeak out. The med droid replies, "Mistress Senator, the autopsy on your late predecessor, Jonan Kophari, has been completed. Due to the puzzling nature of the results, the Jedi felt that they should get involved. Master Kophari died of a crushed trachea similar to that inflicted by strangulation. However, no marks or bruises were found on the outside to suggest-"

Master Skywalker cuts the droid off. "To make a long story short, milady, he was Force choked. By a Sith. One of our number confirmed a dark-side Force presence on Coruscant around the same time Senator Kophari died. These three are the investigation team."

submitted by Curio
(May 18, 2015 - 2:57 pm)