Fantasy RP!&

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Fantasy RP!&

Fantasy RP!


Okay, this roleplay will be stricter. I am having EXACTLY six people because I hate overcrowded rps.

We all have different names. Our names give us certain powers.

You'll get it as you read my charrie description.

Name: Ura Aquara

Name means/power of their name: She can control the water element. You know, water, ice, mist, etc... Ura means water, BTW.

Do they know about their power: Yes, since birth.

Is she good with it (scale from one to ten): 11. She's amazing.

Backstory: Grew up the daughter of a rich military leader.  She's been trained in martial arts.

Preferred weapon: Daggers, crossbows, and her extraordinary powers. 

Appearance: Dark blonde hair, green eyes, very pale. In a mint blue dress.

Personality: The smartest person in the group, the know-it-all. Can be snappy, but is pretty nice.

So the characters should be a know it all (that's me!), a shy one, a wiseguy/girl, and a nice one. The fifth is a wildcard. He/she can have whatever personality you want.

Finally, a villain. He/she can be any sort of villain, maybe wanting to steal the name powers?

No exceptions to the six-people rule. Unless you have a knock-my-socks-off character. Then you can. 


submitted by Brookeira
(March 8, 2015 - 8:26 pm)

Name: Skiá Fýlakas

Name means/power of their name: Name means 'Shadow Keeper' in Greek, and his powers are turning into a shadow, manipulating shadows, and stealing shadows.

Do they know about their power: Yes, but they discovered it recently

Is he good with it (scale from one to ten): 8. He's pretty good at it

Backstory: Lived life as a normal kid in a little village. Only recently learned his powers. In his village he helped his father by working as a blacksmith.

Preferred weapon: A magic shortsword with a steel hilt and an onyx blade. It has a shadow gem set in the hilt. The weapon will always come back to him after he throws it.

Appearance: Kind of long black hair, green eyes, pale skin

Personality: He can be the shy one.

submitted by Immortal, age 3.14159265, This thread
(March 9, 2015 - 6:59 am)

Your age is pi???

submitted by Lindsey R., age 13, Lehi, Utah
(March 10, 2015 - 8:05 pm)

I'm joining on time!

Name- Spark Scarlet

Power- Electricity

Do they know?- Yes but no one else does

Is she good with it- 9

2 b continued! School.




submitted by SAVVY44x
(March 9, 2015 - 7:06 am)


submitted by Brookeira
(March 10, 2015 - 10:56 am)

Btw I was about to leave for school and my iPod was dead so I didnt have time to look up a name that means Electricity, but I did it, and her name is now Levina.

submitted by SAVVY44x
(March 10, 2015 - 3:08 pm)

Backstory- normal parents annoying normal little sister normal life

Preferred weapon- well.... she's forced to use her powers and a cross bow, but her preferred weapon is her voice. She can shatter glass with it and sing so high only dogs can hear it. And they listen to her. And if she really wanted to she could make someone deaf. Not as useful as like a dagger or something, but that's her preferred weopn

Personality- crazy basically. Hyper. Clever. Not what she seems. You would think she's talentless and stupid, but once you really get to know her you'd be surprised what she'd hiding.

Appearence- bright orange curly hair that poofs out everywhere. Bright vibrant green eyes. Pretty short.


submitted by SAVVY44x
(March 10, 2015 - 3:51 pm)

Name: Petalie Kindera (But likes to go by pea)

power of name: Can control plants, create and give life to plants, and talking to plants. 

Age: 5

knows about power: Yes, and like Ura, since she was born.

how good at power: 10, but doesn't really know that she's that good at her power.

Backstory: Was the daughter of a king who ruled a large populated city. However, he soon died, and Pea had to go rule the city by herself. However, these people who called themselves the "Powered" told Pea that they would help her. Pea, clueless as she was, agreed, and the "powered" pretty much lay waste to the city. The whole city blamed it on Pea, but an honest peasant led her out of the ruins. Pea is now living with this honest man, who Pea calls "Big Hands" because of his rather large hands. 

Preferred weapon:... She's 5? Okay? She likes to help more than fight. She's very honest in that amazing 5-year-old way. She can use her magic, I guess, and she does have a small pocket knife that big hands gave her.

Appearance: Short green hair, a gray shirt that is so large that it looks like a short dress. Black pants, barefoot. Very short in height.

Personality: She's the nice one. Pea's very honest, in that adorable child way, and loves everyone. Senstive, clueless, but smarter than you think. (But not smart smart.) 

submitted by Danie
(March 10, 2015 - 5:45 pm)

Name: Aria

Power: Wind, Air, etc.

Is she good: 8, she's working on control.

Preferred Weapon: Bow and Arrows.

Personality: Polite, people pleaser, trys to keep out of fights if possible.

Appearence: Light brown hair tied in a braid down her back, pale, sprinkling of freckles, pale, misty blue eyes, blind. Wheres a flowing, sky blue dress with a cream sweater.




submitted by Lindsey R., age 13, Lehi, Utah
(March 10, 2015 - 8:10 pm)

We can start. 

submitted by Brookeira
(March 10, 2015 - 10:38 pm)

Change the sweater to a shawl.


Backstory: She lived in a normal family, but when she was 9, she learned aout her powers by accidentally creating a tornado, killing her parents, and ruining her eyesight. No orphanage wanted her, so she lives in an abandoned tree house. 

submitted by Lindsey R., age 13, Lehi,Utah
(March 11, 2015 - 11:50 am)

Name : Lustro Mesraso

Power of their name is: fire  

Do they know about there power? yes  

Is she good with it? 5

Backstory: grew up as a normal kid,her mother died in car crash and her father is lost in the wild

preferred weapon: long bow and arrows and a silver dagger for close hand combat.

appearance: red hair which she hides under a hood, green eyes dark green dress

personality: smart secrteive but kind, rather lonely for her parents and whatever is left 

submitted by Lyra
(March 11, 2015 - 7:29 pm)

I drew all five of our characters! :D Sorry Lyra, I started this project before you joined, so I didn't include your character. Sorry. For Levina and the boy (forgot his name), I had to imagine their clothing. This is what I got. The boy wears all black, long sleeved shirt, black pants, boots, his sword, and a shadow cape. Levina, a yellow long sleeved shirt, gray vest with lightning bolts design, jeans with lightning bolts on the pockets, and grey boots. Wish I could show you all, but I don't think I can.

submitted by Lindsey R., age 13, Lehi, Utah
(March 12, 2015 - 12:07 am)

thats o.k. 

submitted by lyra
(March 12, 2015 - 10:11 am)

Yay! Lindsey, could you post them?



submitted by Brookeira
(March 12, 2015 - 11:19 am)

I don't know how. If I did, I would.

submitted by Lindsey R., age 13, Lehi,Utah
(March 12, 2015 - 4:22 pm)