Diablo III RP!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Diablo III RP!
Diablo III RP!
How many of you play Diablo III? I do, and I just thought it would be cool to do this. I was inspired by the ongoing Minecraft RP which I couldn't join because I don't play Minecraft. (I read it anyway.) This is basically the same thing but with DIII.
You have been sucked into the Diablo III world, in the beginning of the campaign-- above Tristram. You are the character you are currently playing, maybe even the real world one. You can be computer or Playstation version. Important: THIS IS STILL A GAME. Unlike the Minecraft RP, if you die you resurrect as usual. Introduce him/her and write away! Here is mine:
name: Lyssyra
class: Demon Hunter (female)
Level: 30
I switch on my PS4 and HDTV and start up the PS4 version of Diablo III. Act I, level Expert, level 30 Demon Hunter named Lyssyra. Lyssy for short.
It's loading when the screen goes black. Oh perfect, it's malfunctioned again, I think. But then the blackness reaches beyond the screen and I black out too.
(March 7, 2015 - 7:59 pm)
Oh! Also, the game has malfunctioned a little so more than 4 players can play at once.
(March 7, 2015 - 8:25 pm)
(March 7, 2015 - 9:26 pm)
I wake up on a path. It seems to be overlooking a flaming town.
Wait, a FLAMING TOWN?! I have to help! I run down the path and stop in my tracks when I see a ZOMBIE.
What. The. Burning. Hecks? I realize that there is a bow in my hands-- my gloved hands. And wait, a leather hood? Shoulder plates? High heeled boots?
Oh. No. Am I IN Diablo III? I assess the situation and come to the answer YES. I'm playing as Lyssyra. Fortunately, I have my current skills and gear. I wonder if I can do the skills! I decide to use Entangling Shot. THAT gets his attention. He hobbles toward me-- and I hit the zombie with Rapid Fire. It comes naturally. I walk down the path toward a pair of gates. The guards ask me to help kill the risen dead attacking. The zombies don't stand a CHANCE against my Sentry turrets, Entangling Shot, Rapid Fire, Vault, and Smoke Screen. I don't even need to use my R1 skill, which I forget the name of but sends a rain of arrows down from the sky.
I still have questions-- Will I get to come home? If I die, do I resurrect as usual? Is there anyone else here? Do they have cereal in the world of Diablo III? I'm pondering all this, especially the cereal thing, when I see another player.
The other player will be the next charrie anyone posts!
(March 7, 2015 - 9:41 pm)
So, I'm the only person, in the ENTIRE CHATTERBOX, who plays Diablo III? Awwww....
(March 8, 2015 - 6:50 pm)
(March 9, 2015 - 10:42 am)