Chatterbox: Inkwell



You wake up in the morning to hear a strange, entrancing music coming from downstairs.You quickly throw on a bathrobe and slippers and run down to investigate.

At the foot of the stairs is a door you've never seen before. The music is coming directly from it, and you feel a strong desire to open it and step in. But you don't. You get dressed and call your friends.

Here's the way this works: it's a magical door that can lead you anywhere.

The first person to post gets to live in the house where the door is. The door was made by an evil wizard (me) that sends you to a certain location.

In this location, there is one person that is willing to help you get out, and the others are just pretending. If you follow the people that are pretending, that's your doom.

If you want you can have a special power, but nothing too big. For example, your power could be that your left arm is very strong.

Okay! That's about it! Just one more thing; because the evil wizard controls the door, I will be the one choosing where you go.

Name: Xelphenia, but her fake name is Rachel.

Age: immortal unless slayed.

Appearance: She seems like she's made of shadow. She's very tall and always wears a black cloak that covers her whole body; black smoke curls from the hems.The hood is pulled over so you cannot see her face, but she will take it off when she's going to fight. She has storm gray eyes and long flowing black hair.

Personality: Crafty, scheming, quick-witted, and full of evil. Especially hates children.

Any Special power: SHE'S A WITCH

Other: ??

submitted by St.Owl, age 10
(February 23, 2015 - 4:45 pm)

Okay, I think we have enough people to start now! If you join late, that's OK; you can discover the door after the others have gone through.

submitted by St.Owl, age 10
(March 5, 2015 - 4:20 pm)



It was a good dream. Small, simple, but pleasant. It was something to do with an apple orchard . . . combined with me solving indisputably the 'why is a raven like a writing desk' riddle from Alice in Wonderland. . . and there may or may not have been some mention of riding a turtle- but nevermind, the point is, I'm definitely not dreaming anymore. I'm lying awake in my bed, thinking- a bad business, thinking is, especially when one is home alone. You see, I woke up seemingly for no reason. And something that I discovered very recently is that when you are alone 'no reason' doesn't work for long, and your mind makes up all these awful ideas in place of 'no reason' and pretty soon 'no reason' turns into a whole squad of boogymen with swords riding man-eating horses, and oh, what if the horses knock over Nana's favorite vase? And even if it isn't that, what business does a noise have to be made downstairs in my house in the middle of the night?


After that, of course, I open my eyes. To my relief I see that it isn't indeed nighttime- it's early in the morning; and who ever heard of boogymen early in the morning?


I take a deep breath and gather my thoughts. I'm being silly. So, so silly. I continue thinking this as I rise from my bed and gaze out my window. It really is a beautiful morning. All grey and overcast with the moon still bright, but with tiny hints of pink and orange on the horizon. The birds are just beginning to sing, their bright voices filling the air and welcoming the new day.


I'm just starting to forget my worries and plan breakfast (oatmeal with berries, orange juice, and eggs, and toast if you're interested), when I hear light, chiming music from downstairs.


It's sweet and soft, and it seems to drift on the slight breeze that is ruffling my blue hair. It's so mesmerizing in fact, so calming, that I forget to panic for five whole minutes.


I'll skip ahead this time, as me sitting with my mouth open is hardly action-packed, and fast forward to when I pick up my tennis racket from the corner of my bedroom, and inch, heart beating fast, towards my door.


I tiptoe lightly down my stairs, weapon raised defensively. The music grows quieter, and lower in key. Almost menacing- but enticing, too.


"Hello?" I breath into the cold air. Air, I decide, much too cold for the warm summer evenings we've been having. "Anybody there?" 


An then I spot it. The door at the foot of my stairs. A faint golden light is emanating from it, the music is louder, now.


A dog barks in the distance, breaking my trance. I turn and scrabble up to my room again, slamming my door shut.


I run to my desk and clutch at my phone, my trembling fingers struggling to dial the right number.



"Maia, sorry if I woke you up," I say, trying to keep my voice calm, "hey, could you get over here? Something really weird happened."

"Sure . . . You okay?"

"Yeah. Wait a sec, there's someone on the other line." I press a few buttons. 

"Hello ma'am, would you like to save up to 13% on a subscription to Life of Fishermen today? If you sign on now, I can garant-"

Well, I'm not proud of how I acted. I'm not proud of the screaming, the insults, the rudeness, or waking up the neighbors; and I'm definitely not proud of the vows of revenge. 

But I still did all that.

I switched over to the other line, slightly out of breath. "Hi, again, Maia, sorry about that; telemarketer. Anyway, bye. Please hurry over. Thanks so much." 


I dial Sophie's number; a similar conversation ensues; thankfully, without the offer of 13% off a magazine subscription.

"Okay, I'll get over there soon; see you." She says.

And then I'm alone.

The music has faded, slightly, but it's still there. I huddle in the corner of my bed and wait. 

submitted by Alias
(March 5, 2015 - 9:06 pm)

Name: Rainn Lief

Age: 14 (almost, her birthday will happen during this RP)

Appearance: Raven blue-black hair, with the ends dyed cobalt blue, in a braid, wearing a black and white silk pajama suite (you know what I'm talking about, right? Just got outta bed), petite, yet extremely tall, pale skin, silver eyes, with gold flecks, always has a pocketwatch, around her neck,like a necklace.

Personality: Quite, shy, hardly speaks, emotional, yet hides it, but funny and sarcastic when with friends.

Any special power?: Yes, she can hypnotize people. It's just a gift, she never told anyone about it. It also has to do with her soft, monotone voice, and her eyes.

Weakness: Showing feeling

Other: Comes from a rich family, and hates it. Is an only child. 

submitted by Winter
(March 6, 2015 - 11:45 am)

I quickly get dressed after getting the phone call. What could be bothering Rena? She's normally pretty calm.

It's nothing, I think. She probably just wanted to have a better discussion than a phone call. The explination doesn't really make sense, but I don't have time to think up a better one. I grab an apple from the kitchen counter as I fly out the door.

I'm moderatly jogging, but I've already passed about ten frazzled-looking people. And yet Dad was worried about me not practicing enough for the cross-country meet. I smile as the wind whips my hair against my face.


I run up and ring Rena's doorbell. She doesn't awnser right away, so I ring it again. And again.

"You don't have to do that. I heard you," Rena says in a snappy way as she opens the door. Something is most definitly not right. Rena never talks to me that way.

"So, what is it?"

"What is what?"

"The reason you called me here!" I'm starting to get impaitent. Did she just call me here for nothing?

"Oh! Right. Follow me. You're not going to belive this," she tells me, all snappiness gone. I follow her to the staircase, which looks pretty normal. But then she points to something and I gasp.

For there is a green door, glowing softly. And there's tinkling music wafting from it. 

submitted by Carolion King, age Classified, North Pole
(March 6, 2015 - 7:52 pm)

Yes, come on, stop stalling, dears! That music is too beautiful to hear! Come on, come on, step through the door! It only leads to....

"The first floor"!

submitted by St.Owl
(March 7, 2015 - 9:10 am)
This shall nooooot dieee!
"So, should we . . . go?" asked Maia, brushing a lock of curly hair out of her eyes.
"Go where?" My face is blank. 
"I dunno- wherever the door leads."
"But where exactly is that?" I snap.
"That's the point," comes a voice from behind me that is definitely not mine or Maia's. We both jump. One of us falls on her behind. 
I scrabble to my feet with as much possible dignity as I could salvage under the circumstances, only to find the last person I would have possibly expected standing before me- that is, Sophie.
"What are you doing here?" I cry.
"You called me."  
"Oh, right . . ."
Silence for a moment. The music was growing fainter, and odd sounds were emanating from the door.
"I think we should go," says Sophie. "I mean, it's an adventure, right? How often does this happen?"
"Adventures don't always . . . turn out . . . well . . ." My voice is objecting to going through the door; as is my brain; but something else was pulling me, beckoning.
"Maia, what do you think?"
Maia had been uncommonly silent for the duration of this conversation. When she did speak, her voice was very faint and her eyes were still trained on her shoes, as if there was some mystery written there that was to wonderful to abandon.
"We should go. Sophie's right. If . . . if we don't do this, we'll always regret it. 'What was behind that door,' we'll say, 'what if it was something wonderful?' it'll drive us crazy."
"But if we die . . .  " I say, slowly, letting the word linger. 'Die'- what an awful word. I never really thought about the possibility of it referring to me. Or any of my friends.
I lean against the banister of my staircase. 
And then Sophie puts her hand on the door knob. The doorknob for that door.
"Wait!" I yell. I run into the kitchen and bring back a few things; two pocket knives (mine, and my brother's), a flashlight, a rope, a walking stick, and a disposable camera. I distribute the items among us, and slip the camera in my pocket.
A silence follows. The sort of silence where you know that everybody is buried in their own thoughts. Eking themselves on. And then, as if a silent signal had been sounded, we all walked closer to the door.
Sophie opened it. Sophie went in, then Maia, then me. I shut the door behind us.
"Whoa," I gasp. 
Repeat; this shall nooooot dieee! 
submitted by Alias
(March 12, 2015 - 11:59 am)

Agh! My format's all messed up . . .

submitted by Alias
(March 17, 2015 - 2:27 pm)


submitted by Top
(March 12, 2015 - 12:32 pm)


submitted by Top
(March 12, 2015 - 6:49 pm)


submitted by Revive this thread!
(March 13, 2015 - 7:14 pm)

Only three. Only three.

Well, three is better than nothing, I suppose. But I can't have them go to the same space. No, because they have powers.

The first girl walks in.

eenie, meenie, minie, attic!

I wave my hand, and the girl is transported to... the spider amusement park.

The second girl goes in.

eenie, meenie, minie, ocean!

I wave my hand, and she is transported to an underwater town.

The last one goes in.

eenie, meenie, minie, jungle!

I wave my hand, and she is transported to a jungle... with cannibals.

Spider Amusement Park:

All of the vendors are acrumantalas, except for a select few. All the rides have spiders hidden in them; for example, the ride where you're spun around and around has seats that are in the shape of spiders.

Underwater Town:

Guarded by merpeople. The whole town is protected by ginourmus bubbles so the civilans can breathe.

A normal jungle. It has all of the poisonus things, however, and there are soo many of them. Not one inch of the forest is poison free... except for the cannibal town. But, of course, that's not much better.

Hee, he, hee! Let's see them get out of these!

submitted by Xelphenia
(March 16, 2015 - 4:06 pm)

Can my character have gone to the Jungle? Pretty please with a under-ripe strawberry on top?

submitted by Alias
(March 17, 2015 - 2:49 pm)

Sure, but switch that to a perfectly ripe strawberry with sugar sprinkled on the top.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(March 17, 2015 - 6:29 pm)

Nevermind! Just read the 'first girl walks in', 'second girl walks in', part. 

submitted by Alias
(March 17, 2015 - 6:31 pm)

Oops! Didn't see your comment when I posted. Thanks! =)

submitted by Alias
(March 17, 2015 - 8:30 pm)