Chatterbox: Inkwell



So we are all dragons . There are three types of dragons; Dark arcane, Light arcane, and Mystic Arcane. Light Arcane dragons are yellow or light orange scaled an control light. Dark arcane are Black or Deep Purple an contol darkness. Mystic arcane vary in all shades of Blue or purple and control spirits, arcane energy, and minds. I know you're thinking, "Oh! I am going to be arcane 'cause they're overpowered!" Wrong. They are as big as a wolf, never bigger. Dark arcane are the biggest and as big as House. Light arcane can vary. So caution with what breed you pick. For this RP I was thinking 9 people (not counting me) and 4 Dark arcane dragons, 3 light and, 3 mystic. Here's the sheet;

Name: Ohna

gender: female 

Breed: Arcane

appearance: Aqua scales and ice blue eyes. Large wings and the tail has a end like a spear point.  

personality: We'll see

strength: speed, acrobatics, ice breath

submitted by MapleSyurp
(February 15, 2015 - 8:40 pm)

Yep! I just don't have time to make a good post!

submitted by Maple
(February 22, 2015 - 2:36 pm)

Yes. Will start writing as soon as I can be satisfied with my work on my CriNo novel. 

submitted by Young Writer
(February 22, 2015 - 12:05 pm)

Okay, I've got 2 minutes.


Ahhhh...I could fly again. After getting shot in the shoulder by an arrow, I couldnt fly for a month. And now...the bliss was so great. How did I live without this? I wonder, as I go in for a landing.


Sorry, its so short! 

submitted by Young Writer, The Leaky Cauldron
(February 22, 2015 - 6:31 pm)


I sigh happily as I zip through the air. Even though it's just a lightning bug, I love chasing it. I zoom even closer and bat it down with my paw (that's what dragons have, right?). I notice the sun is setting and head over to my small cave. 

Except suddenly, another dragon jumps out of the shadows.....


Sorry for short post! 

Could someone else be that dragon?

submitted by St.Owl, age 10
(February 24, 2015 - 5:09 pm)

I leap out of the shadows, tackling the other dragon. I fly upwards and beat my wings hard, sending air towards the dragon. I snorted and frost floats through the air. "Hello, stranger," I say as I land, sorta strutting through the shadows...

" Hi?" The other dragon says confused. I play around with the arcane energy around the other dragon and squeeze the fellow dragon. " Stop that," she sweaks as I start to tie her tail in a knot. The little ( compared to me ) yelps and lunges at me, but I fly above her and beat strong gusts of wind towards her. 

Sorry for the short post! 

submitted by MapleSyurp/Ohna
(February 24, 2015 - 5:40 pm)


"Cut that out!" I say, as I ride the wind and zoom back towards this new dragon. I think she's a Mystic. "I was here first!" I say, and try to bite her. She nimbly dodges it and strikes a blow with her tail.

I'm hurt, and maybe bleeding a little bit, and the sound that comes to my ears is her taunting voice: "Finders keepers...."

I growl and tackle her. Even though she's larger than me, I'm pretty strong and am able to pin her down.

"Get-out," I say, but she just attacks me with her tail again.

"Find a new cave!" I say. "There are lots around!"
"This is the biggest one," she sneers, "and besides, if that's so, why don't you move out?"

"Because I was here first!" I say, and give her a sharp nip on the tail.

She catches me and is dragging me back in, and I think to myself, yep. This is it, the end. Say bye. Treasure your last moments alive.



Sorry I made your dragon kind of a jerk!

submitted by St.Owl, age 10
(February 24, 2015 - 7:21 pm)

Don't be. I want her to be the Jerk Of The RP.

submitted by Maple
(February 24, 2015 - 8:38 pm)

I change my mind. Reni is BIG for her size, not small.


I lounge around, picking my teeth with my claws. Alcantha is getting food, and I'm suppose to keep guard.

What's the figure in the distance? Looks small. Must be a Mystic Arcane. I claw toward it.

"Who dares go near our tribe?" I roar, scaring the little thing nearly into pieces. I jump onto it and roar again. It's puny body, no matter it's powers, is no match for me, as I'm nearly as big as a 2 story. 

I throw it into the air, and catch it again. It squeals and I laugh heartily. I push my claws aganist its head, making the dragon's eyes bulge. 

submitted by Danie
(February 24, 2015 - 8:23 pm)


My eyes are half-closed as I listened to the sounds of the water and forest surrounding me. I hear distant dragons in the forest, and seagulls cawing to each other out on the water.

It is time. 

I opened my wings and flew up into the air, my mind focused on the target I was flying to.

The village will no longer thrive.

It will burn.. In ruins. 

submitted by Noelle C.
(February 25, 2015 - 9:57 am)

Name: Liani

gender: female 

Breed: Mystic

appearance: deep purple scales with gold edges (normally)

personality: Smart, mysterious

strength: agility, can change scales at will


submitted by Bookworm, age 11, Hogwarts
(April 2, 2015 - 10:54 am)