Chatterbox: Inkwell



I shall bring these back. BTW, I was around for those. But was too shy to post.


1) What would you do if Harry Potter had turned into Lord Voldemort and was standing over your bed (THAT YOU WERE IN!)?

*scream silently* Then, since I would probably die, throw in a punch for kicks.   

2) What would you do if the CB website wasn't working?

Lose myself in a book while anxiously checking the CB every half hour.  

3) What would you do if you met Nora the Singer in real life?

Ignore all normal rules of politeness and hug her. Also I would tell her my CB name!  

4) What would you do if *insert favorite book character ever* asked you to write his/her story? 

Do something I've never had any ambition to do. Faint.  

submitted by Young Writer
(February 15, 2015 - 12:11 pm)

1) What would you do if Harry Potter had turned into Lord Voldemort and was standing over your bed (THAT YOU WERE IN!)?

I haven't read Harry Potter, but I would probably scream without any sound coming out of my mouth, then faint dramatically.

2) What would you do if the CB website wasn't working? 

Yell, run around frantically and check it every 5 minutes to se if it's going to work.

3) What would you do if you met Nora the Singer in real life?

Say, " Why, Nora, what a pleasant surprise!!" and shake hands. That's the polite thing. Most likely I would stare at her and try to find genuine evidence to make sure it is actually her until she's like, "what?"

 4) What would you do if *insert favorite book character ever* asked you to write his/her story? 

Rub my eyes, pinch myself and then decide I'm going crazy and run to nearest lunatic asylum.

submitted by CaykeTheCook
(February 15, 2015 - 5:26 pm)


submitted by toooop
(February 15, 2015 - 7:41 pm)

1) What would you do if Harry Potter had turned into Lord Voldemort and was standing over your bed (THAT YOU WERE IN!)?

I would scream. And try to put a spell on him, forgetting I can't. Then kick him in a vunerable place. RUN.

2) What would you do if the CB website wasn't working?

TRY to not panic, and TRY to read, and TRY to stop reloading the page every 5 seconds.

3) What would you do if you met Nora the Singer in real life?

Probably squeal, jumping up and down, and hug her in my excitement! (I would completely love to meet a chatterbox friend!!!)

4) What would you do if *insert favorite book character ever* asked you to write his/her story? 

In order: Scream. Faint. Die within faint. Come back to life. Scream again. Hug them tightly. Attempt to write! Finish writing nd BEG them to take me somewhere!

submitted by Violet, age 13, here
(February 15, 2015 - 8:04 pm)

Admin- This is the only front page HypQuest thread! This post is for my idea of having HypQuests in a magazine issue. 


Thanks, YW. Got it!


submitted by Young Writer
(February 16, 2015 - 9:24 am)




Punch my computer multiple times, then go play minecraft.


Scream "YAYSISES!!! SAVVY44x!!! IT'S MEEEE!!!! AND YOU'RE REEEEEAL!!!!!!!" Then knock her over in a hug.


Scream, yell, faint, then add myself to the story.....Wink 


Bubbles says wytv. Why t.v.??? Bubbles, I'm not watching tv!! Do you want me to turn it on?? 

submitted by SAVVY44x
(February 16, 2015 - 9:58 am)

1) scream, yell, and attack at the same time. Or maybe just stay there, paralyzed.

2) sit in the computer chair and read, checking every ten minutes.

3) Well, since I'm fairly new and don't know her that well, just go you know, hi, nice to see ya, do you remember me? I'm St.Owl!

4) scream, faint, pop back up, and say yes like a million times. Then stay on the computer on every free second so I can write it down. 

Are you going to post a new hypquest?

Clode says bixp. Big sip? Got no idea what he's talking about.

submitted by St.Owl, age 10
(February 16, 2015 - 10:02 am)

New HypQuest!

1) What would you do if you woke up on Friday the 13th and a random alien was running around successfully convincing everyone in your state that you were a mass murderer?

Try to find some lawyer outside of VT to take up my case. If I lost, run away to place called Canada. 

2) What would you do if *insert best friend name* decided to hang out with a vicious dog?

Call an insane asylum, and meanwhile try to get her away from the dog.  

3) Your parents decided to move your entire family to *insert your most hated place ever*. What do you do?

Write them a convincing letter to tell them I'll not  move there. If that fails, find a friend to chain me to my bed (by feet so I can still go on the CB).

Cappi says cpyv. Spy on V. I will not spy on Vida, Cappi!

submitted by YoungWriter
(February 16, 2015 - 12:45 pm)

1) What would you do if you woke up on Friday the 13th and a random
alien was running around successfully convincing everyone in your state
that you were a mass murderer?

Feel helpless, yell at the top of my lungs "I AM NOT A MURDERER YOU IDIOTS!!" without unconvincing anyone,then sadly pack my bags and catch the next flight to Canada with YW.

2) What would you do if *insert best friend name* decided to hang out with a vicious dog?

Tell her, "ARE YOU CRAZY? YOU'LL BE KILLED!!" Then call 911 and a whatever-you-call-it kind of doctor that helps mental people.

3) Your parents decided to move your entire family to *insert your most hated place ever*. What do you do?

Yell in a dramatic slow-motion way," NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Then cry my head off in my room so that I won't be able to go. (Whoever heard of moving without your head?)

Do more!! I love these!!


submitted by CaykeTheCook
(February 16, 2015 - 2:47 pm)

1: Tell the people I most trust that I'm not, call the police, or catch this alien and... do something to it. Something to make it stop.

2: Have her come over to my house all the time, and tell her I'm allergic to dogs (which I am not).

3: Scream, yell, make the largest fuss ever, and if that doesn't work, move in with a friend.


submitted by St.Owl, age 10
(February 16, 2015 - 4:28 pm)


I'm going to wait until 3 more people respond to the new questions before I post more. 

submitted by Young Writer
(February 16, 2015 - 3:31 pm)

1) I would pack a small bag and move to a tree house in Montana. 

2) I would call 911. 

3) use my special persuasions powers to change their minds


submitted by Lyra
(February 16, 2015 - 3:51 pm)


Be like, "YOU WANNA GO THERE??? IT'S ON!!!!!"  then figtht dat alien until he admits he was lying.


I would train the dog to be nice, cute, and..... less viscious.


Tie myself to a doorknob in my house and refuse to untie the knot (because there are knots I know that only I can tie and untie) until they say we won't move. Or pretend to be really sick. So sick I can't leave the house. Or, if all else fails, move to the horrible place, then run away.

submitted by SAVVY44x
(February 16, 2015 - 4:34 pm)

I'm posting too many comments today. Too bad.

1) What would you do if you woke up on Friday the 13th and a random
alien was running around successfully convincing everyone in your state
that you were a mass murderer?

Ignore police and lawyers, and call Torchwood, The Doctor, The Librarians and... more people to believe me.

2) What would you do if *insert best friend name* decided to hang out with a vicious dog?

uh......... No comment.

3) Your parents decided to move your entire family to *insert your most hated place ever*. What do you do?

Hope a kid MY AGE actually lived near the house we'd move into.

If I may post one... What would you do if your pet turned into a plant?


P.S. Spambox says "oyoy". I think you spelled it wrong, spambox. *gives a yoyo*

submitted by Violet, age 13, here
(February 16, 2015 - 7:46 pm)


I'd probably be like, "Hey, cool! I acan have a pet plant!" 

submitted by S.E.
(February 17, 2015 - 7:49 am)

More HypQuests!!

1)*Violets question*

2) What would you do if a rocking chair came to life, grew teeth, and started attacking you?

Somehow disentangle myself from this rocking chair. Then I'd call the police... Next would be to report the incident on the CB. *pause* Call mental asylum 

submitted by Young Writer
(February 16, 2015 - 9:01 pm)