Chatterbox: Inkwell
I know I kind of stole this idea from Mattel, but I decided to make... a Monster High school RP! Anyways, it's NOT Monster High (The dolls,) And it's not a girl thing. It's the same kind of idea. The rules are: No being mean, and nothing scary! This RP is kind of like the actual Monster High because the monster look like humans and aren't flesh and blood eating. They are... civilized, I guess. Anyways, here's the form:
Monster parent:
Best Friends:
Sense of style:
And here's mine:
Name: Bigelia Foot
Monster parent: Big Foot (Northern)
Gender: Female
Powers: Super strong and kind of a small giant.
Best Friends: Southern, Eastern, and Western bigfeet, the Yeti clan
Sense of Style: Is COVERED in fur, so no need to dress warmly in the cold season! Usually wears a summer dress in a solid color. Shoes her size are hard to come by, so she usually goes barefoot! She keeps her hair swept back in a headband.
Personality: She could be called a 'Gentle Giant', but she is clumsy. She is quiet, and friendly. She has a lot of great ideas, but has a hard time putting them into action. She has lots of friends that help her clean up after her clutter (Which, BTW, is EVERYWHERE- she just can't stay organized!) Everyone knows her because she is so friendly.
Backround: She is a northern bigfoot who lives in Maine. She has twenty-one brothers and sisters (Bigfoot families are big, because there are usually only two per state.) and she lives with her mom and dad.
It is a boarding school. You can make from 1 to 3 charries.
(February 7, 2015 - 8:05 pm)
I decided to make an angel charrie, hope this doesn't offend anyone.
Name: Angelina Malach
Monster Parent: Well, she's an angel, so she was created.
Gender: Female
Powers: Can fly, make everyone happy, can make everyone feel good about themselves, can read minds, a warrior.
Best friends: EVERYONE. Literally. She is everyone's friend. She LOVES making friends. And everyone loves to be around her because she makes them feel good.
Sense of style: Let me get one thing straight: Angels are not huge humans who wear white and have wings. That's just the cartoon version. Angelina looks like a human, but she is white. Literally. And her skin glows. She sort of looks like a spirit, but with a human body. It's hard to explain. She does wear white dresses, but that's just her style. She wears armor under her clothes, and she can fly. But she doesn't have wings. She can also float. She has a long sword that has her Hebrew name engraved in it. She has LONG, LONG, LONG hair that is super flowy.
Personality: She is nice and kind. Period. Really nice, loves everyone, never does anything wrong, but for some reason is NEVER seen as a goody-two-shoes. Everyone, even evil people, like her. Except for maybe devils. Some devils hate her. OK, mostly all devils hate her.
Backround: She was created in Heaven, and she has completed angel school. She came down to earth to gain monster friends and allies in the war against the devils, which will also be the end of the earth. It's not happening for a while, but still.
(February 9, 2015 - 11:08 am)
Let's just say my charrie and yours are not exactly friends, but we aren't going neck and neck every time we meet, either.
(February 9, 2015 - 4:16 pm)
Can we start soon?
(February 9, 2015 - 11:56 am)
Sure! We can start now, if you want, but we can take about 3 more charries?
(February 9, 2015 - 2:11 pm)
Okay! I'll make another one, but she will be.... kinda creepy maybe and REALLY evil. Like a deliquent or something. Could we like make it so she escapes, and that's the plot?
Name: Soulra Soukna
Age: unknown
Part monster: DEMENTOR (ooooh)
Appearance: Imagine a dementor. Then take off the hood and replace it with a head with flowing black hair and flashing red eyes.
Powers: Can make someone want to kill themselves out of sorrow because she takes all the goodness out of them. Can damage your soul but cannot suck it up.
Personality: Well, empty. Her whole "heart" is full of evil.
Backround: She was wrecking havock since she was a baby and was put to jail. If Joss says yes she will escape.
Dun Dun Duuuun!
(February 9, 2015 - 8:24 pm)
Sure, she can escape! Whatever you guys want...
(February 10, 2015 - 4:25 pm)
I surface above water, and see in the distance a huge cruise ship. I raise my dad's old telescope, and see the words: Sea Queen Etched on the side of it. It was that time. Another cruise ship was going through our peaceful reef, unaware of the fish it was killing.
I decide to go warn Marina and the rest of the fish, but something in my gut told me that this ship was different from the others...
(February 9, 2015 - 9:06 pm)
I hate ships. They're on the water, for one. Plus I just get really seasick.
That's what's happening now. I'm gagging and retching in the bathroom. We seem to have hit a reef. A small happiness comes into me as I think of how many fish are being killed, but I push it away. I hate devil genes.
I finally give up and fly out of the boat. Big mistake. Now I can see the ocean. Just looking at the endless water makes me sick. Like all devils, I'm allergic to water. I get on the boat.
Finally I ask a deckhand how to get rid of seasickness. He suggests drinking something. I drink some Lava Juice. it doesn't help.
The deckhand offers me some fizzy water. I hit him in the face.
I find myself peering over the end of the boat with nothing else to do when suddenly-
Was that a face?
"Man overboard!" I shout. "Man overboard, I saw him! man overboard!"
All the other part monsters crowd around the deck, but I can't see the person anymore.
"Maybe it was a sea monster!" jokes Frost Monstra. She seems nice and we've made friends.
"Sea monster?!" says a deck hand. "Get the nets!"
We try to stop him, but it's too late. Some sort of Kraken monster thingie is brought on board.
Sorry if this ruins any other plans!!!
(February 10, 2015 - 4:37 pm)
I'm sorry, I don't feel like staying on this RP. I really liked the idea and I decided to make time for it even though I'm quite busy at the moment, but right now, it doesn't seem worth it. Have a good RP.
(February 10, 2015 - 5:27 pm)
Meanwhile, in a cavern deep, deep under the sea.... (ironically, the sea next to the reef where everyone is right now)
There is no peace. I can feel it, the happiness, all around above me, but I can't get there. I've tried everything, I can't break these bars. I summon up my blasting power and try to break it. There's a crack in the metal! I do it again. It's working, it's breaking! Soon I will have a feast...
Dun dun duuuuuun!!! XD
(February 10, 2015 - 6:33 pm)
Wait, I'm confused. Aren't we in school? Or is there something I have missed?
(February 10, 2015 - 7:42 pm)
Oh, sorry. I thought we could just start from GOING to school.... ignore if you'd like.
(February 11, 2015 - 5:32 pm)
Wait, I'm confused. Is the person who left the REAL Indigo, or the charrie?
(February 11, 2015 - 8:58 am)
REAL one. Cuz it wasn't me.
(February 11, 2015 - 4:02 pm)
Can I be a new student? If so, here's my cherrie;
Name~ Celia Seethrough
Monster Parent~ A ghost
Gender~ F
Powers~ Can go through things and become invivsible
Sense of Style~ White. Everything. But sometimes she's invisisble. Almost white hair that's long, curly, and practically see through. Like her. Usually wears a shortish white dress (ends just below her knees)
Personality~ Dramatic, girly, romantic, good girl innocent thing going on, Very mysterious.
Backround~ She's thje mysterious new girl so, of course, she won't tell a thing.
(February 11, 2015 - 6:59 pm)