Desert School RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Desert School RP

Desert School RP

This is an RP about a boarding school in another land, set in a sandy, dry desert. The only school for the dangerous Powerful, it is secluded with only rolling bronze-red sand dunes for many miles around it. 

The school :

The Desert School is a squat, long building with short, sturdy towers on each point of the hexagon. The main building, the hexagon, is made of sandstone and houses the teachers, the students, the cafeteria, bathrooms, sitting rooms, study rooms, and library. The towers are connected to their section of students and teachers by stairs. Each tower is for a certain level of pupils. The blue tower is for First Year Powerful, the yellow tower for Second Year Powerful, the red tower for Third Year Powerful, the Green Tower for Fourth Year Powerful, The Orange Tower for Fifth Year Powerful, and the Purple Tower for Sixth Year Powerful. There are Seventh and Eighth Year Powerfuls, but such have to aide the teachers and learn from special, specific, tutors.


The required classes :

History, Geography, Power Channeling/Controling, Mathematics, Physics, Law

Optional Classes (Chose THREE ONLY) :

Cooking, Fencing, Archery, Painting, Gardening, Healing, Metals, Woods, Claywork, Drawing, Weaving, Archeology, 

Powers (Chose ONLY ONE) :

Pyrokenis, Windbender, Telepathy, Telekenis, Teleportation 


Rules :

1. No OverPowered Charries. No one can have two powers, there is no skipping of levels, and no charries with 10s on everything.

2. Please make your charrie well-thought out and descreptive.

3. Only six people, not counting me, can join.


The form :

Name :

Age (11-17, 11 being First Year, 12 being Second Year, and so on):

Appearance :


Optional Classes:


Rating For Required Classes (1-10): 


My Character:


Name : Cherella Jorgenstiin

Age : 13, Third Year.

Appearance : Thin with carmel skin, soft black hair, dark almond-shaped eyes, pretty but not beautiful. Hair is ussually in a tight ponytail.

Power: Teleportation

Optional Classes: Claywork, Archery, Cooking.

Personality: Rarely upset, placid and mature, always getting her work done on time. Has good friends, but isn't popular.

Rating For Required Classes (1-10):  History 8, Geography 5, Power Channeling/Controling 7, Mathematics 6, Physics 5, Law 9

submitted by Indigo
(January 30, 2015 - 10:22 am)

I'd better join while I have the chance!

Name: Ahuva Ariella (It's hebrew)

Age: 12

Appearance: Ahuva has long, sleek peach colored hair that, if put in water, will get wavy. She has piercing green eyes that seem to hold much learning, but also a thirst for more learning. Her movements have grace to them. She is a normal sized girl. She usually wears long, flowing green dresses that bring out her eyes.

Power: Telepathy

Optional classes: Cooking, drawing, and fencing.

Personality: Can be a little shy at first, but once she gets warmed up, very friendly. She loves learning new things, and she is very curious. She is normally cautious, but if she is making a discovery, she can be a bit... well... she doesn't think before she does things.

Rating for required classes: History 9; Geography 7; Power Channeling/Controlling 7; Mathematics 4; Physics 5; Law 5.

submitted by Joss
(January 30, 2015 - 1:27 pm)
submitted by top!
(January 30, 2015 - 7:02 pm)

Cool idea!

Name~ Lily Thomson 

Age~  11

Power~ Pyrokenises

Optional  Classes~ Achery, Drawing, and Cooking

Personality~ Cute. Get's frustrated easily. Cute. A goody-goody. Cute. Smart and knows it. Cute. Teacher's pet. Cute. Daddy's little girl. Cute. That kinda person. Cute

Appearance~ Very Cute. Missing a few teeth (I'm 10 and there are still like 10 teeth left for me to lose, so dont say it's not possible). Blue eyes. Blond hair. Cute.

Rating for Required Classes~ History 8, Geography 6, Power Channeling/Controling 10, Mathmatics 5, Physics 7, Law 9 


submitted by SAVVY44x
(January 30, 2015 - 8:39 pm)

Name : Avalka Reive

Age (11-17, 11 being First Year, 12 being Second Year, and so on): 12

Appearance : Blonde hair, turquoise eyes, pale skin.

Power: Telekinesis

Optional Classes: Archery, Cooking.

Personality: The smartest person you will ever meet. Very bold, but not rash. And some people write my characters as cocky (ahemDanie and Squeakahem) but she is NOT COCKY!

Rating For Required Classes (1-10): History 10, Geography 8, Power Channelling/Controlling 10, Mathematics 10, Physics 10, Law (is it possible to be 11?) 10 lol


Hey, can I make a request that a max of two charries can be telekinetic? I just want my charrie's power to stay special. 

submitted by Brookeira
(January 31, 2015 - 9:10 am)

Heheh. heheh. Very funny. -_-

submitted by Danie
(January 31, 2015 - 1:26 pm)

Oh and Avalka is also in fencing.

submitted by Brookeira
(January 31, 2015 - 9:11 am)

Name: Elliua Charmeio


apperance: curly black hair, thin, tall, green eyes

power:  telekenis

Optional classes: archery, fencing, healing 

personality: shy, agile, intelligent

rating for required classes: history 7 geography 9 Powerchanneling controlling 9 math 8 phisics 10 law 9

submitted by MapleSyurp
(January 31, 2015 - 1:09 pm)

Name: Pacific West

Power: Supersmart

Age:9 (supersmart so skipped some years of school, Fifth Year)

Appearance: Small, pale, red corkscrew curls, green eyes, freckles.

Optional classes: cooking, weaving, drawing.

Personality:verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyy energetic, smart, likes to be treated like an adult, likes to take charge. 

submitted by yay101
(January 31, 2015 - 1:12 pm)

I'm sorry, yay101, your character is not accepted as I specificly said 1. that there will be no skipping of classes and 2. Supersmart is NOT a listed power. If you still wish to join, please reivse your character.

submitted by Indigo
(January 31, 2015 - 4:17 pm)

...Let's see how this goes. 

Name: Alex Menrow. 

Age: 16, sixth year.

Apperance: Brown short fizzy hair with blue tips (dyed), short, bronw hair, sly smile.

Power: Telekenis.

Optional Classes: Drawing, Archery, and Fencing.

Personality: Creative, not very mature, hates school, popular.

Rating: History 8, Geography 6, PowerChanneling/Controling 10, Mathematics 10, Physics 10, law 8.



submitted by Danie
(January 31, 2015 - 3:03 pm)

If I counted correctly, there are six of us now.

submitted by Joss
(January 31, 2015 - 4:40 pm)

If i can still Join theis is my person. 

Name Sereana Solad 

Age 13 

Appearance brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin 

Power  telepathy

Optional Classses healing, fencing, archery 

Personality quiet, good natured, slightly agile, kind of smart

Rating for Required Classes history 7, geoography 6, power channeling /controling 7, mathematics 9, physics 6, law 4. 

submitted by Lyra
(January 31, 2015 - 9:33 pm)

Yup you can still join as yay101's character has not been accepted. Let's start!


*We will be starting on the first day of a new school year.  

submitted by Indigo
(January 31, 2015 - 11:03 pm)

Um, I kind of asked if only one more person could have telekinesis besides me because I want my charrie's power to stay special.



Pie said kzco! He's been watching the Emperor's New Groove! 

submitted by Brookeira
(February 1, 2015 - 2:27 pm)

I know I sound bossy, but if you did that then everyone would want their power to be special and it would be a big old mess. If you want, you could ask them, but I don't think it should be a rule specificly designed on your desire.

submitted by Indigo
(February 2, 2015 - 6:31 pm)