Wheeler RPI

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Wheeler RPI

Wheeler RP

I kinda wanted to make a book out of this, put I couldn't think of the content.

So this is where this world, is where most people (called Normals) will fall (into the ground) if outside, not on wheels, for more than five seconds. If they fall, nobody in the hole world will remember them, except for the Wheelers. The Wheelers will never fall, also.The thing is, the goverment , called WWDAHD, wants them all hunted down and thrown in jail. So a group of wheeler kids break out of jail and start to head toward the goverment agency to shut it down. Also, when the kid is captured, it is when they first find out that they will not fall. Also, wheelers are the kids of a government agent and a normal. So it's most likly one of their parents who catches them. Also... no one will be doing my charrie's older brother, James Tyler. He will be leading them.





Backstory: (this is optional)

Other: (also optional) 

My charrie:

Name: Rose Tyler


Personalty: Shy,quiet, yet she's also very loyal to her friends and smart

Apperence: Long, golden hair that almost goes down to her knees, wears long boots and a dirty, plain brown shirt wtih a red vest.

Other: Has a dumb parrot that is kind of usseless



Alsooooooo: some rules:

1. No over powered or magical charries

2. Stick to your charrie! Noone elses!

3. Stick to your charrie's personalty and apperence.

4. Make some plot twists!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me like plot twists!!!!!

5. TOPPPPPP! My last RP died and we didn't even start writing!

6. Have fun

7. No critzing other charries!

9. Once there are at least 14 pages, there will be no more new charries!

10. Flower said zhco. Bless you Flower! That was quite a sneeze! 



submitted by Amy L., age 10, My Dorm
(January 19, 2015 - 2:08 pm)

Name Penelip Ahmer

Age 11

Personality smart, agile, boyish

Appearance shoulder-length brown hair, blue eyes, plain green dress, black boots

Back story  Both her parents died when eight. She became a thief and has lived in an abandoned werehouse tll she was found by the goverment.


submitted by Lyra
(January 21, 2015 - 8:09 pm)


submitted by
(January 21, 2015 - 8:14 pm)


submitted by
(January 22, 2015 - 11:01 am)