Jessica Day George

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Jessica Day George

Jessica Day George Fans unite! 

I just emailed her and asked for an interview for my website. She said yes, and I did an interview! I was in direct communication with her! Anyway, if you would like to see the interview, the link is in my Nano profile as my website.

My username is epicpenzzz. Look it up, and click on the link in my profile. The interview should be up in a couple of days!


submitted by S.E.
(January 7, 2015 - 9:19 pm)

Wow! That's a record! Seven minutes to post!

submitted by S.E.
(January 7, 2015 - 9:26 pm)

toppity top top

submitted by topper
(January 7, 2015 - 9:37 pm)

top top top top top tip the scale!

submitted by topper
(January 7, 2015 - 9:47 pm)

toppity top top

submitted by topper
(January 8, 2015 - 6:36 am)

Oh my gosh! Yaaaaaaaay!

submitted by Winter Firefly
(January 8, 2015 - 1:30 pm)

Omg, girl, that's awesome! I don't know too much about Jessica Day George, but being able to interview a famous author is an amazing, once in a lifetime experience. Congrats!

submitted by Ellie, age 12, Place of OMG
(January 8, 2015 - 1:30 pm)

Ohmygosh really?!

Sorry, my words get scrambled when I'm excited.

But that's so great!! I can't believe it!!! Like Ellie said, that's a once-in-a-lifetime experience. She's a great author, and that's so wonderful!!

submitted by Katie M
(January 8, 2015 - 4:08 pm)

That is so cool! I've only read one book by her, but she's such a talented writer. And you got to actually speak with her!

I Googled nanowrimo and your username, but nothing came up...what's the best way to find your account/the interview? I don't actually have a nano account, is that why?

submitted by Everinne, age 15
(January 8, 2015 - 7:46 pm)

I think so. I can't post the link here. Sorry.


submitted by S.E.
(January 9, 2015 - 4:35 pm)