Prompt Swap Thread
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Prompt Swap Thread
Prompt Swap Thread
Basically, we drop story ideas/scenes here for hire. Here's the thing : if you take one, you have to add one, so we won't run out. I'll drop two or three to start.
One :
Soft black hair framed tan skin set with amber eyes. Amber eyes met small black ones that shone like rain-washed puddles, but with an eerie, greenish light.
" What d' you want ?" the owner of the black eyes demanded.
" My mother, " the reply came. Amber Eyes lobbed it like a verbal stone, almost like an insult.
A cackling laugh answered. " You're so naive . . . thinking I'll just give her to you. " Black eyes rolled them, snapping his fingers.
No one heard the gentle, padding footsteps or the clicking of the claws againest stone. No one heard the small, muffled scream. No one heard her tiny body fall with a soft THUD. And no one, absolutly no one, heard Black Eye's victiourous hoot.
Two :
A creamy, potatoy softness . . . perfection with the tender, juicy roast. A gulp of milk washed it down in a swirl of cold wetness. The mildly sweet taste of milk and touch of juice lingered pleasently in the mouth- until a sour aftertaste, like bile, creept up his/her/it's throat with a burning sensation like chile peppers. POISON !
(December 28, 2014 - 1:57 pm)
I'll take One!
(December 28, 2014 - 5:36 pm)
Hey Indigo, for prompt one, you reeeeally copied one of my Crowd Sorcery villain's sentences. You copied the style of the ending almost to a T.
(December 28, 2014 - 6:41 pm)
Really ? Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't notice.
(December 28, 2014 - 11:00 pm)
Style or Ideas can't be copied. They are in the mind, even when they get out of it.
(December 29, 2014 - 6:10 pm)
The alley was bright. Brighter than I had ever seen it before. Light in all colors splashed, streaked, poured across it. And yet...why did no one notice? The alley was busy today; I saw a few of the regulars, and at least four new people huddled in shadows that weren't there anymore. Why did Mouse not notice the threads of turquoise and purple and ivory hanging right above his head? Had Willamot had one too many last night, to be oblivious to the pool of jade green she was sitting in? Was this another of Pox's jokes, pretending to be unaware of the flame orange and shimmery caramel curtains swaying gently on either side of him?
As I leaped from my roof into the alley, I wondered at the sheer variety of it. It would have to be magic, I suppose, by an awful lot of mages. But then something strange happened: the moment my feet touched down on a great mess of sunny yellow, sparks started flying from it and whirling around me. Each spark made only one or two revolutions, though, before it whizzed off over the rooftops. I took a tentative step, only to have a maroon and silver waterfall seem to drench me. I was not wet, as it was only light, but I was momentarily blinded as more sparks did the same thing as before.
Suddenly the alley was filled with voices. A crowd of people, hands alight with magic, came racing straight at me! A bolt of iridescent cobalt hurtled straight at my head. I only just managed to duck it...then watched as it passed straight through Jon-the-Hillman's shoulder! He didn't even flinch! Then an absurd possibility hits me. What had Old Jaxie said in my infancy, when she was my kinda-sorta-mother? That sometimes not even mages can see magic, really see it the way I can...?
(December 28, 2014 - 8:02 pm)
Number One is really good, Indigo. :)
(December 29, 2014 - 12:14 pm)
Madeline, you should read my villain Lycan's Crowd Sorcery sentences. I guess Indigo's prompt just HAPPENED to sound almost exactly like mine!
JK! Did I get you? Lol It's fine, he wasn't used anyway.
(December 29, 2014 - 3:49 pm)
Coincidences happen, Brooke. Like the old saying, "Great minds think alike." :P Anyways, I'm sure that if someone would want some sentences from you, they would ask.
(December 29, 2014 - 6:08 pm)
I want to add two.
Since I was brought into this world, I was always falling. Tripping over things, being dropped, being knocked down, the sorts. Then last month, there was that thunderstorm. I was running inside, and then I tripped and started falling. I kept falling. In a black hole. At meal times, food would fly past me as I fell. I would grab it and eat. Now, a month later, I finally reached the bottom...
I was thinking a title for that could be. like, (insert character name here) in Thunderland. But you could do whatever you want.
I just had the most horrible nightmare! My dad was drafted to the army, my best friend was gone, and I was in pain. And it's been (insert character's age here) years and I still haven't woken up. This might break the world record because most dreams are only 40 minutes.
(December 30, 2014 - 10:55 am)
Okay . . . I just started at Chatterbox, but I'll add a thread.
I don't know how the character gets here or anything else, but you can build on it.
I hug the book to my chest for few more moments, then finally relax, opening my eyes to total darkness. 'Where am I?' I whisper to myself. I set the book down on the cold, smooth stone. It lands with a soft whumph. Rubbing my hands across the cover, I find the engraved title, tracing out the letters with my finger. The Book of Light. Though I cant't see in the oppressive darkness, I open the cover, curious about the object that ended my normal life. A bright, brilliant light streams from the pages, flooding my vision after being in the dark for so long.
Hope this is okay:/
(December 30, 2014 - 6:54 pm)
Hi, Sarah! Well I guess there's 2 Sarahs on here now. You and S.E. Althought S.E.'s name is spelled like Sara. But I hope to see you around.
(December 31, 2014 - 12:00 pm)
Yay! Thanks for the welcome!
Everyone seems to have cool usernames like Bookbug or Winter Firefly. I'm trying to think of something cool but I can't. Any ideas?
(January 2, 2015 - 12:05 am)
Topitty Top! Get ready to swap your prompts!
(January 10, 2015 - 10:37 am)