Chatterbox: Inkwell
Hey guys! Please join my summer camp RP, it's the first one I've ever made, I'm new on here, if you haven't noticed. So, nice to meet you and please join my RP! In it, everyone is going to an all-summer summer camp for the first time. Here's the form:
Classes (Choose the ones you want to do) Rock climbing, Art, Music, Creative Writing,
Drama, Photography, Tubing, Biking, Swimming, Bird Watching, Animal Care,Campinkg, Hiking, Nature Hikes, Soccer, Softball, Basketball, Robotics, Canoeing
& Paddlebaording and Horseback Riding.
If you are a girl ages 9-12, you are in cabin Acadia. If you are a boy 9-12, you are in cabin Cassock. If you are a girl ages 13-16, you are in cabin Saddleback. If you are a boy ages 13-16, you are in cabin Casco.
(December 23, 2014 - 10:08 am)
Sounds like fun! And welcome!
Name: Tatienne Jov
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Appearance: Really pretty. Long wavy white hair, dark blue eyes, pale complexion, always a rosy blush and kind smile. Pale pink lips. Raised scar on her left palm. Normal height. Thin.
Personality: Kind and welcoming, but rub her the wrong way and she is vicious. Will do anything to protect her friends. Loyal.
Backstory: Father died in a car accident when she was a young girl. Scarred her for life, literally. Always has an air of saddness. Was spoiled slightly after that, but admits it!
Classes: Creative Writing, Drama, Animal Care, Camping, Hiking, Horseback Riding
(December 23, 2014 - 3:23 pm)
Name: Azalea Zwidgy
Age: 10
Gender: girl
Appearance: especially pretty with very light short brown hair that does not come down to her shoulders, soft light blue eyes, and a bit less than 4' tall. Likes to wear pastel, pink clothes.
Personality: she does not talk much, but she almost always wears a small, shy smile.
Backround: Azalea is your average ( if there is such a thing) homeschooled kid, she has a little sister and three older brothers. She's a very talented artist, but no one knows about that.
She wants to do art, drama, creative writing, tubing, biking, swimming, and horseback riding.
Is it okay to do two characters?
(January 23, 2015 - 2:20 pm)
(January 24, 2015 - 1:31 pm)
Name: James Rensom
Age: 16
Apperance: Dark brown hair, green eyes, big feet, large smile. Tall.
Personality: Creative, Smart, Funny, Bossy, annoying. Protective.
Background: James was always the althletic, popular kid. He was friends to everyone. He is nice, but gets nervous when talking about family.
Both his parents are drunk, and they break the law a lot. He keeps quiet about it, and manages to hide it.
Classes: Rock Climbing, Creative Writing, Photography, Robotics, and Hiking.
(January 24, 2015 - 1:48 pm)
Is this still going? Or has it shut down?
(January 24, 2015 - 2:01 pm)
name Lyra
age 11
gender F
appearance black hair blue eyes blue jeans green shirt has brown backpak and nobody knows what is in it.
personality quiet, always in nature, hates cities and crowds, always has a book
background lived a normal llife, grew up in a normal family was sent to camp because her parents were going on a summer trip to France.
classes creative writing, swiming, rock climbing, camping, hiking canoeing
(January 24, 2015 - 3:49 pm)
Name~ Amber Lines
Age~ 13
Gender~ F
Apperance~ Wavy light brown hair, and dark brown eyes. Really pretty. REALLY pretty.
Personality~ Cool, Popular, Mad she's at camp, know's she's pretty, mature, probably to mature.
Backround~ Always been really popular, and has trouble at home.
Classes~ Drama, Swimming, Rock climbing, Horseback riding, and softball
(January 24, 2015 - 6:42 pm)
Name: Adela Fudde
Age: 11
Gender: F
Appearance: Short and very thin with chocolate colored skin, dark eyes and hair.
Personality: She is a pessimist about herself and everything around her and is usually depressed. She has nightmares and she is often moody but at her best she is funny and popular.
Backround: She's adopted from Mexico, and she's an orphan. She was there when her parents died, and although she won't talk about it, she remembers every detail.
Classes: Creative Writing, Nature Hikes, Horseback Riding, Bird Watching, Hiking.
(January 24, 2015 - 7:14 pm)
I'm walking to Creative Writing with this girl, Adela, who looks really sad. "Hey!" I say, tentatively.
(January 27, 2015 - 11:36 am)
Name: Nellie LeGape
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Appearance: Short brownish hair, huge brown eyes, VERY short for her age.
Personality: Shy once you first meet her, very nice, smart, and friendly in a quiet way.
Backround: She doesn't really have any friends, so her parents sent her to camp to make more friends.
Classes: Rock Climbing, Art, Creative writing, Drama, Tubing, Biking, Swimming, Paddleboarding, and photography.
BTW, I know this thread has died, but still... let's make it alive again! You can make two characters.
(January 28, 2015 - 1:13 pm)
Okay! Second character:
Name: Dalton Wedle
Age: 14
Gender: M
Appearance: Slightly messy dark blonde hair, and medium dark green eyes. Is tall for his age... I don't know, what is tall for 14? Wears whatever, doesn't care about clothes. Usually athletic tenishoes and neon socks!
Personality: Funny, and talkitive. Is good with youger kids. Fits in well with a group of boys, stands out and seems awkward in a group of girls.
Backround: Grew up exploring creeks and tromping through the woods, he has a younger brother, and is excited about going to Summer camp! He can't wait to get there.
(January 28, 2015 - 2:57 pm)
I'm heading to Creative Writing when a pretty girl, one of those perfect girls who always seem to be friends with everyone and never have any problems, comes up and starts walking near me. "Hey," she says tentativly, almost like a question. I realize my thoughts must show on my face and quickly plaster on a fake smile. "Hey," I reply, but kind of like I'm ending the conversation.
(January 28, 2015 - 7:43 pm)
Joss, have we started? What are we supposed to do?
(January 29, 2015 - 1:43 pm)
Yeah, we started.
As our car climbs up the huge hill, I am suprised to not see anyone. "Huh." My mom says. "Are we late?" I check my watch. As soon as I see the time, I'm running up the hill, handing my registration papers in, and running towards the Creative Writing building.
(January 29, 2015 - 3:34 pm)
Oops,I forgot to post Dalton's classes! Soccer, biking, swimming, camping, hiking, basketball, canoeing, Paddlebording.
I talk to the counselors and activity directors until I am sure I know where to go. A nice counselor directs me to the creative writing/art/music building, and I relax. As I step up onto the quaint porch, a girl comes flying out of the woods, her arms swinging.
(January 29, 2015 - 4:34 pm)