Chatterbox: Inkwell



This is an RP where we just can do anything. Well, I kind of think we should start with characters from all over and make them meet up and have an adventure. You can make your own character, use someone else's, do one from a book, tie in different settings from other things, whatever is fine! Here is my character:

Name: Ashley Drine

Age: 12 

Personality: Cheerful most of the time, can have a slight attitude, don't want to get her mad.

Appearance: Long brown hair she ties up in a ponytail, usually wears long, swishy, loose workout pants and a comfortable tanktop. Her eyes are pure gray and she has a slightly tan complexion.

Other important stuff: goes to school at Hogwarts, is about to come home for the summer and her home is in London. 


submitted by EarthGirl
(December 7, 2014 - 2:21 pm)

Name: Kati (pronuced Katie) Kym

Age: 11

Personality: A bit sassy, a bit of a teacher's pet but can have fun, and has a temper. Also, popular. 

Appearance: Long honey-colored hair, turquoise eyes. Likes to wear sporty-ish things, like slim tennis shoes and knitted jeserys as jackets, but also an assortment of regular things, like tank tops and jeans and flats.

Other important stuff: Is a gymnastic, a really, really, really, good one, who is double-jointed in five or so places and is super agile. Goes to competions nearly around the world, and is kind of famous. Not really famous, but about one out of fifteen people know about her.

submitted by Indigo
(December 7, 2014 - 5:08 pm)
submitted by Top
(December 9, 2014 - 10:50 pm)


submitted by Topper tiptop
(December 23, 2014 - 12:42 pm)




submitted by EarthGirl
(December 31, 2014 - 4:22 pm)