Random Scenes!!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Random Scenes!!
Random Scenes!!
All right so I come up with a lot of movie scenes or book scenes and I wondered if you did too.
Scene one;
"What are you doing!?!?!"
"But...... you can't!"
"I can."
"But.... I need you."
"Well I don't need you."
"My decision is final."
"All right fine, just send me a postcard."
"That's all I'm asking."
Scene two;
"Whoa!!! How many bricks did you put in this backpack?"
I scowled. "Two words. Home-Work"
She stuck her tongue out at me. "Well homework is one word, and maybe if you knew that, you wouldn't have as much of it!" Oh she's good.
Scene three
"Why? I Wa-"
"Just run!"
I turned around and saw a huge wave coming our way. A tsunami. I sprinted off without looking back.
" SO THE SURFING LESSON'S OFF!" I rolled my eyes. She was so stupid. I had just told her to run!! Why wasnt she running??
Feel free to use one of these in one of your books
(November 29, 2014 - 9:48 am)
Thanks, Savvy!!! Here are some more:
1) Suddenly I keeled over in pain. It was like sombody had stabbed me in the stomach, but nobody noticed my anguished groans. I glanced around helplessly at the other students, walking by without notice. I never looked in front of me at the ghost, holding her dagger, before she whisked me away to the world of spirits.
2) "Please don't go!" He grabs my hand, but I pull away. What? Does he think we're in some mushy romance novel? Well, reality check. Life isn't make-belive. Suddenly, his eyes fill with terror.
"Don't. Move. An. Inch," he hisses, freezing like a statue. I laugh and put my hands on my hips.
"Nice try, trickster. What, is there some--" I cross my eyes and poke my tougue out "-big scary monster about to rip me to shreads?" I laugh at my own joke, which is apparently not funny. At all.
"YES!!!!!!!" he screams, tearing off down the hallway. I roll my eyes and turn around. What I see next is absolutley terrifying.
Sorry that's not a lot, but I'm not feeling very creative right now... *diagnoses self with writers' block*
(November 30, 2014 - 7:46 pm)
(December 9, 2014 - 10:53 pm)