NanoThe webs

Chatterbox: Inkwell

NanoThe webs


The website has been down for like three hours and I want to update my word count. Is anyone else having this same problem? 

submitted by S.E.
(November 1, 2014 - 1:13 pm)

It's been on and off for me, and it's really annoying! I can go to the main page (which I've bookmarked) , but as soon as I try to go anywhere else on the site it either takes forever to load or it comes up with a 503 server error thingy. AAGH!

submitted by CaptainRead
(November 1, 2014 - 4:37 pm)

I can update my wordcount but have trouble sending PMs and doing just about anythin else.

submitted by S.E.
(November 2, 2014 - 6:18 am)


submitted by TOP
(November 1, 2014 - 4:43 pm)


submitted by top
(November 1, 2014 - 8:34 pm)

That happened for me, too, but it works now.

submitted by Indigo
(November 2, 2014 - 9:22 am)

I just tried to get on, and it says that they're "repairing". ARRRGH

submitted by Katie M
(November 2, 2014 - 5:44 pm)

It's working fine for me...

submitted by J.B.E
(November 2, 2014 - 6:29 pm)

I'm still trying to sign up!

Gordon says xova. Ooh! A love connection! Spill, Gordon, spill. 

submitted by Ellie, age 12, Place of NaNo
(November 3, 2014 - 7:36 pm)

Okay, guys. I'm on NaNo! My username is random_singer.ellie . Buddy me!

submitted by Ellie, age 12, Place of NaNo
(November 4, 2014 - 10:36 am)