Dragon RP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Dragon RP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dragon RP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, in this, you were a human, but you got changed into a dragon for an experiment to see if humans could be changed into a mythical creature and back, and they got you to be a dragon, but they found it impossibe to change you back. So they said sorry and shiped to zoos and circuses around the world because they had nothing else to do with you. Now, fifteen years later,you need revenge. You plan to get back together and, erm..., do, erm..., SOMETHING to those scientists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (That something we'll decide later on in the RP.) Well, where's what you have to do:


Age (in human years.):

Apperence as a dragon:


Type of dragon (water or fire):



Here's mine:

Name: Venisa

Age (in human years):39

Apperence as a dragon: Golden-brown scales; light blue eyes

Personalty: Very kind and willing to do any thing

Type of drgon (water or fire):water

Backstory: Was married and had one child named Thomas when she volentered to do the experiment (none of them knew what they signed up for. If they did, they never wouldhave done it.)


Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Amy L., age 10, my dorm
(October 30, 2014 - 8:51 pm)

Name: Mikey

Age: 16

Appearance as dragon: reddish orange, with smooth, gray spikes. Not very long, just medium. Very long, grayish claws. Dark green eyes.

Type: Fire

Backstory: Parents one of the main scientists of the experiment, and they volunteered their son, Mikey, when he was one. 

submitted by Danie
(October 31, 2014 - 3:56 pm)

Oh, and his wings are yellow with orange streaks.

submitted by Danie
(November 5, 2014 - 7:30 pm)

Yay!!! Someone posted to my first post!!!

P.S.- We'll  start when we have at least 5 people. 

submitted by Amy L., age 10, My Dorm
(November 2, 2014 - 9:11 pm)

P.P.S.- Daine, you forgot personalty.

submitted by Amy L., age 10, My Dorm
(November 2, 2014 - 9:14 pm)

MUST RESERVE SPOT!!!!! I can't post a charrie right now, but I'll be back!

submitted by A Curious Dragon, age 13, New Hampshire
(November 3, 2014 - 6:36 pm)


Personality: Creative, funny, protected. Likes to talk back, but keeps in the shadows when things get rough. Doesn't trust anyone. 

submitted by Danie
(November 3, 2014 - 6:54 pm)

We won't forget you, A Cerious Dragon. I have saved you a spot.

submitted by Amy L., age 10, My dorm
(November 3, 2014 - 10:12 pm)


submitted by A Curious Dragon, age 13, New Hampshire
(November 4, 2014 - 8:52 am)

Name: Nellethiel Frost

Age (in human years.): 15

Appearance as a dragon: Blue, green with icy green eyes. as a human, dirty blond hair, same eyes.

Personality: Smart, bold.

Type of dragon (water or fire): Water/Frost

Backstory:She was part of the experiment but ended up being able to turn into a dragon and back at will. Still can control the water element as a human.

Pie said brto! She's hungry for a burrito! 

submitted by Brookeira
(November 5, 2014 - 4:15 pm)

My charrie! At last!!!

Name: Istalri (formerly Eliza Wright)

Age (in human years): 24

Appearance as a dragon: Jet black scales over most of her body, with fiery red-orange wings and underbelly. Brilliant orange eyes.

Personality: Quite brave, witty, and pervasively optimistic, but can be belligerent at times. Slow to trust anyone, but even slower to lose that trust. Has the general demeanor of a small child forced to grow up too fast. 

Type of dragon (water or fire): Fire

Backstory: Ran away from home to join the experiment at age nine. She enjoyed being a dragon at first, but having to fend for herself ended her true childhood. Istalri wants revenge on the scientists for the injustice they did her (in not telling her what she was getting into), but wouldn't stop being a dragon for anything.

Also, some clearer definitions of "fire" and "water" dragons:

Fire dragons tend to be slightly smaller than water dragons, with more spikes, unwebbed claws, and larger wings. They often (though not always) have warm-colored scales. They are better fliers than water dragons, though they're not so good at swimming and can't breathe underwater. They feel more at home at higher altitudes than water dragons do, though they prefer warm conditions over cold ones.

Water dragons tend to be slightly larger than fire dragons, with fewer spikes, webbed claws, and smaller wings. They often (though not always) have cool-colored scales. They are better swimmers than fire dragons and can breathe underwater, though they're not so good at flying. They feel more at home at particularly low altitudes than fire dragons do, though they prefer cool conditions over hot ones. 

Please tell me if you object to any of these definitions. And Koda says mmcb. Don't tell me you want to eat the CB, Koda!!!

submitted by A Curious Dragon, age 13, New Hampshire
(November 5, 2014 - 5:51 pm)

I'm gonna change mine to a fire dragon (it was etither that or change her apperance, and besides, I like fire dragons better), and we can start now! Now we just need to  top this till it gets to the first page, and hope that everyone that made a charrie remembers this!



submitted by Amy Leather, age 11, My Dorm
(August 6, 2015 - 1:21 pm)

I'm gonna change mine to a fire dragon (it was etither that or change her apperance, and besides, I like fire dragons better), and we can start now! Now we just need to  top this till it gets to the first page, and hope that everyone that made a charrie remembers this!



submitted by Amy Leather, age 11, My Dorm
(August 6, 2015 - 1:22 pm)