Chatterbox: Inkwell



I haven't seen these in a while! So here's one!

1. How old are you?

2. What is your strongest talent?

3. What's your favorite food?

4. How are you liking school this year?

5. What grade are you in?

6. What would you do with a million dollars?

7. What's your favorite hot beverage?

8. Who's your favorite superhero?

9. If you had a daughter and a son, what would you name them?

10. Did you like the survey?

My answers:


1. My birthday recently passed. I'm 14!

2. Uh...I think we all know.

3. Clams!


5. Freshman year; ninth grade.

6. I'd buy a karaoke machine, a new laptop, and some combat boots. The rest would go to charity.

7. Pumpkin cinnamon coffee with whipped cream!

8. Batman!

9. The daughter would be named December, and the son would be named Jasper.

10. I made the =) 



submitted by Nora the Singer
(October 15, 2014 - 3:27 pm)

Happy belated birthday Nora! 


1. How old are you?

14. I'll be 15 on Saturday! 

2. What is your strongest talent?

I guess dancing. I don't think I'm that good, but I'm my biggest critique.

3. What's your favorite food?

Chocolate :) but I have a lot of others. 

4. How are you liking school this year?

It's good but a lot of work! 

5. What grade are you in?


6. What would you do with a million dollars?

Put some of it in savings, donate some to people who need it, and keep some to use for anything I need.  

7. What's your favorite hot beverage?

Chai tea lattes! 

8. Who's your favorite superhero?

I honestly don't have have one. 

9. If you had a daughter and a son, what would you name them?

This changes a lot, but currently Rose and Finley. 

10. Did you like the survey?

Yeah, it was fun! 

submitted by Ivy, age 14
(October 15, 2014 - 4:18 pm)

And a very happy early birthday to YOU! =)

submitted by Nora the Singer
(October 15, 2014 - 6:01 pm)

Happy birthday to you, Ivy! I'll get to the survey tomorrow; this has been a LONG day.

submitted by Everinne, age 15, Tired
(October 15, 2014 - 7:55 pm)

Thanks Nora and Everinne!

submitted by Ivy
(October 17, 2014 - 9:23 pm)


submitted by Top
(October 15, 2014 - 5:57 pm)

I haven't seen these in a while! So here's one!


1. How old are you?

11 and a half-ish

2. What is your strongest talent?

probably art or acting

3. What's your favorite food?

penne pasta

4. How are you liking school this year?

stressful, (that's why I haven't been on cricket for a while,) but cool

5. What grade are you in?


6. What would you do with a million dollars?

umm...I'll have to think about that...

7. What's your favorite hot beverage?

Hot chocolate!

8. Who's your favorite superhero?

Wolverine is boss

9. If you had a daughter and a son, what would you name them?

For son, Russel, and daughter, Jasmine.

10. Did you like the survey?


submitted by Pete the Trollslayer, Survey moon
(October 15, 2014 - 6:09 pm)

Happy Birthday!

1: 11

2: drawing

3: halva

4: very nice

5: 3

6: 6th grade

7: hot chocolate

8: sailor moon

9: daughter: Lindi        son: ????

10: yup 

submitted by Sister of a Dragon, age 11, taking a survey
(October 15, 2014 - 6:45 pm)

OK, I have NO IDEA what I was thinking for 5 and 6. I am in 6th grade and what would I do with a million dollars? Go on a giant shopping spree with my BFF, start using a drawing software called SAI, and start rhythmic gymnastics. Like Nora, the rest would go to charity. (or to future for college)

submitted by Sister of a Dragon, age 1111111111, hheerree
(October 16, 2014 - 3:14 pm)

1. How old are you?

Hehehe, not tellin'! Y'all will just have to keep guessin'!

2. What is your strongest talent?

Um, being weird? Finding fandom references in everything? Dying frequently? Being sarcastic? Something of that nature.

3. What's your favorite food?

Cheesecake, fried chicken, chocolate.

4. How are you liking school this year?

It's okay. Super busy, math bites, science is still not my best subject.

5. What grade are you in?

Not tellin'!

6. What would you do with a million dollars?


7. What's your favorite hot beverage?

Either coffee or hot chocolate.

8. Who's your favorite superhero?

Um... I dunno. I don't get into them that much. Does Percy Jackson count? If not, I guess actual "superhero" would be Captain America.

9. If you had a daughter and a son, what would you name them?

Daughter: Anne, Felicity, or Beth.

Son: Gilbert, Gabriel, or Luke.

(My kids better be grateful that they're being named primarily after book characters.)

10. Did you like the survey?

Yes, I did. Very much so!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(October 15, 2014 - 8:15 pm)

1. How old are you? 


2. What is your strongest talent?

Um . . . writing ?? Ice skating ? Not sure. 

3. What's your favorite food?

Chocolate, vanilla ice cream, or red velvet cake. 

4. How are you liking school this year?

It is . . . bearable. I get O.K. grades and all, but I constantly get paired up with people who- * Finishes rant with head in pillow * 

5. What grade are you in?

5th. Am I the youngest here or something ? Every one else is in 6, 7, 8, 9, or high school.

6. What would you do with a million dollars?

Weeeeellll . . . World Poverty, national debt and bribery for world peace come to mind- as well as life time supplies of chocolate, books, and fun . . . I'll have to get back to you on that one. 

7. What's your favorite hot beverage?

Hot chocolate. 

8. Who's your favorite superhero?

No idea. 

9. If you had a daughter and a son, what would you name them?

Daughter : Catori

Son : Finn 

10. Did you like the survey?


Patchi says pwmp . pw MP ? What about Masked Piester ? 

submitted by Indigo
(October 15, 2014 - 9:37 pm)

1. How old are you?

I'm around 11 and 12 

2. What is your strongest talent?

Good question. If you ask me, I have no talents. Unless reading and being obsessed with fandom a counts as a talent.

3. What's your favorite food?


4. How are you liking school this year?

I'm homeschooled, and I love it this year!

5. What grade are you in?

Well... All I'm allowed to say is if I was in public school, I'd be in middle school.

6. What would you do with a million dollars?

First, I'd buy a house on a lake, with a boat and a jet ski. Then I'd buy another house in California  I'd buy a lot of bookshelves for the house in California. Then I'd fill the bookshelves with books. Then I'd give the rest to charity.

7. What's you favorite hot beverage?

How chocolate.

8. Who's your favorite superhero?

I must say, I'm not that into superheroes, so I have no clue.

9. If you had a daughter and son, what would you name them?

This changes quite frequently, but at the moment my daughter would be Jenna or Kitty and my son would be Benjamin.

10. Did you like this survey?


submitted by Katie M
(October 16, 2014 - 6:46 am)

1. My birthday( along with my twin brother, Squeak) was on the 13th, so now I'm eleven!

2. Erp... Drawing or writing.


4. Very stressful.

5. 6th, my first year in middle school.

6. I would remodel my bedroom.

7. Hot chocolate with marshmallows!


9. The son would be Bradey, and the girl would be Jesse.

10. I guess... 



submitted by Danie
(October 15, 2014 - 11:06 pm)

Survey time! (I'm awake now.)

1. How old are you?

15. Am I the oldest person on here?

2. What is your strongest talent?

This is going to sound silly, but it's looking like I know what I'm doing when very often I don't. Many people have actually told me this.

3. What's your favorite food?

Pasta, usually.

4. How are you liking school this year?

Every year of homeschooling feels the same.

5. What grade are you in?

I really have no idea what my level of learning translates into, grade-wise.

6. What would you do with a million dollars?

Give half away to charity, use $300,000 of it to buy me a cottage, give $100,000 to my parents, and spend the last $100,000 on as many books as I want.

7. What is your favorite hot beverage?

English breakfast tea with honey.

8. Who's your favorite superhero?

Loki deserves to be a superhero. No one else comes close (though Captain America isn't terrible.) 

9. If you had a daughter and a son, what would you name them?

I'd love my daughter to be Eowyn, though I have no idea if anyone else but me--or a fellow LOTR enthsiast--could ever stomach that. No idea about sons names, though it would probably be something like Rohan or Peregrin.

10. How did you like this survey?

This was an awesome survey! One of the better ones. (Somehow I've never liked those surveys that ask you what you're wearing.)

submitted by Everinne, age 15, Survey time
(October 16, 2014 - 12:51 pm)

1. How old are you?: Can't say:)

2.Strongest talent: Singing! and writing.

3.fav. food: Pizza and lasanga.

4. Liking school.: Meh, could be a lot bettter.

5. Grade: Hee heee heee.

6. Million dollars: Go to a private school, get into a great college and do all the extra curricular activities I want! I'd also help my family with the stuff they need and donate.

7. Hot beverage: Hot cider mmmmmm....

8. Fav. Superhero: Batman and wolverine, they rock.

9. Names daughter and son.

Daughter: Reyna, Raqven, Juniper, Zela

Son: Rowan, Felix, Brendan.

10. Awesome!!!!


submitted by Forrest
(October 16, 2014 - 1:33 pm)

1. How old are you?

15 or so.

2. What is your strongest talent?

I really don't know. Asking my friends or family would be a better way to get an answer. I'd hope that they would say something along the lines of being a good friend in times of need, helping other or writing.

3. What is your favorite food?

Oh, there are so many to choose from! Fruit of any kind, chicken pot pie, tomato basil soup, cheesecake, pasties, corn on the cob, smoothies...

4. How are you liking this school year?

It's okay. There are some classes that I am loving, others not so much. I am learning so much new stuff, but there is a ton of homework. It's not all that difficult, just numerous in amount.

5. What grade are you in?

High school.

6. What would you do with a million dollars?

So many things! First of all, I would donate it to a few different charities that help children, children and education and the homeless. Then, I would use some of it for college, a car and a house. Some would go to traveling; I'd love to go to foreign countries. Some of it would be used for a special project of mine. The rest would be saved for when I or someone else really needed it.

7. What's your favorite hot beverage?

It's a tie between hot chocolate and a steamer.

8. Who's your favorite superhero?

I don't have one.

9. If you have a daughter and son, what would you name them?

These change all the time for me, but right now, the girl would be called Destiny, Gabriella or Jessi and the boy would be called Finn, Gabriel or Matt.

10. Did you like this survey?

Yes, of course! 

submitted by Teresa
(October 16, 2014 - 7:47 pm)