Operation Bring Back

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Operation Bring Back

Operation Bring Back Character Lounges!

Seriously, those were great. And even while I'm not quite as "OMG, MY CHARACTERS ARE PEOPLE INSIDE MY OWN HEAD THAT CONTROL THEMSELVES ENTIRELY," it's still fun to take an established character, stick them into a weird situation, and then watch them interact with other characters in an established situation. 

Since I'm not making sense, exactly, the way it works is that everyone takes a few (no more than two, I'd say) characters that they used in anything, from RPs to their own original works of fiction. Then we all stick them in the same place, watch them interact, and don't even attempt to minimize the explosions.

It's a great place to either test out a new character or get reacquainted with a new character, and that's probably just about what I'm going to do; it'd actually be cool, now that I think about it, if everyone did one of each, but hey - life is fickle, and you guys don't have to. 

Oldie, because Quartz is timeless.

Name: Quartz Greythorne

Age: 14

Appearance: Long, blond hair, fair skin, fairly tall and lanky, large eyes that, over the  past two and a half years, have been unable to decide whether they're blue or brown. Wears a lot of white and usually dresses unless the weather doesn't allow it.

Personality: She likes meeting new people, but close relationships can stress her out because she always worries she's doing something wrong; she can be impractical and a little controlling, and doesn't like to talk about her problems, but she falls in love with everything individually and is actually sort of cutesy in a way that can come off as shallow but isn't really. She also likes science.

Other: Has a power over light; lives with a sort of superhero chosen!family that all manipulates elements and that she's very close to. 


And newbie!

Name: Larissa Montgomery

age: 11 (how does one write ages anyway?)

appearance: Relatively short, curly hair, dark skin, short, likes warm colors.

Personality: She's got a tendency to act 'cool' but she really does like meeting people and making friends; in fact, she's constantly searching for an opportunity to escape her current friend situation. She's kind of stressed out a large portion of time, about grades and her perceived intelligence, and about her friends, and generally she has a tendency to take what she can blame herself for and blame it on herself so that, this way, at least she's in control of the solution. This may well fluctuate.

Other: at this point, since this is before my good old Nano begins, she's pretty much an average middle schooler.

submitted by Katia, age 14
(October 9, 2014 - 9:20 am)

I've been entering this charrie in RPs that died even before they started for too long ! I must try Sytha out.

Name : Sytha Silvercloak

Age : Tween

Appearance :  magenta hair ( dyed ) in a pixie cut, gray eyes that turn light, dark, and stormy. She wears a tattered elven tunic , a silver cloak, black trousers, combat boots. She carries a small dagger, plain except with a web of silver. 

History/Story : Ask and you will receive no answer, only a confused look. 

Personality : She is not good with people, and is an orphan. She hardly speaks, never in complete sentences. She might appear to listen if you instruct her, but she might do the opposite of what you ask. She is untrusting and assumes that everyone is an enemy. She is quiet and doesn't speak, but she's clever, very good with her dagger, and somewhat more agile than others. That is, she can run pretty fast, climb trees easily -- but not overly so. Mostly her advantage is her swordsmanship.



submitted by Indigo
(October 9, 2014 - 6:57 pm)

Clarification: when I said Quartz wears "a lot of white and usually dresses unless the weather doesn't allow it" I meant that she usually wears dresses, not that she usually wears clothes period. I mean, she does wear clothes. Wow. I am so good at wording.

submitted by Katia
(October 9, 2014 - 8:12 pm)

Up you go... I'm not giving up that easily.

submitted by Katia
(October 12, 2014 - 8:26 pm)

Come on bro

submitted by Please top?
(October 12, 2014 - 11:13 pm)

Aw yeah these were the best.

Name: Eriksos 

Age: ~14

Appearance: House Aufusn apprentice's robes, probably. Mage tattoos, definitely.  Undercut on the left side of his head because he's not yet completed his Plynwu training and the tattoos there are not yet completed? Definitely.

Personality: dork. Curious

Name: Kiyata

Age: ~14

Appearance: House Aufusn apprentice's robes, probably. Mage tattoos, definitely.  Undercut on the left side of her head because she's not yet completed her Plynwu training and the tattoos there are not yet completed? Definitely.

Personality: dork.

Other: Kiyata and Eriksos are not related by blood, but call themselves brother and sister. Both are foundlings, raised by House Aufusn. 

Kiyata is actually a lost princess of somewhere- not that she knows that. That knowledge is contained to a small number of the upper echelons of House Aufusn. They plan to install her on the throne as the the first ever mage monarch and this makes her Aufusn's most valuable piece on the politics board- so has she been sent on a dangerous cross continent odyssey in search of missing cargo? Alas, I do not know. For that matter, why are these three being sent instead of those with more experience and power? Answer is definitely politics.


Name: Calladan

Age: ~22

Appearance: A full fledged Aufusn mage whose specialty is protection magic. Tall, probably.

Personality: Why does he have to mentor these two brats and escort them like this is some sort of punishment from the Four Gods?What on earth has he done to deserve this? Exasperated most of the time, but he's good at what he does and he's got a good heart.

submitted by SC
(October 13, 2014 - 4:23 pm)
Old cherrie from my book:

Name: Westerya

Age: Ughhhh... ages.. Hmmmm.... 16..... maybe....

Appearance: Tall, willowy, tattoos all over her body, tight leather outfit, Dragon wings, long, long, to the floor silver hair.

Personality: Shy, depressed, secretive, nice, kind.

Other: has a baby dragon that lives in her long, hair.

Newbie (However also from my book ^.^):

Name: Aamye

Age: I think in her 12-15 range... perhaps....

Appearance: Shortish, pure gold, curly, hair, long billowy gowns, silver eyes.

Personality: Well, with her family she is the, quit, shy, perfect, little girl filled to the brim with manors, yet on her quest, she is, lively, fun, energetic, her real self, far from, perfection.

When she cries, tears don't come out of her eyes, diamonds, do. and
when she talks, roses and pearls come out of her mouth, they are not as
helpful as they sound, she cries herself too sleep at night, AND, talks
in her sleep, so in the morning, she wakes up on a bed of thorns, and

submitted by Winter Firefly, age My book, starts in: Abiniliny
(October 15, 2014 - 9:22 am)