Chatterbox: Inkwell


DEBATING CLUB! Hi everyone. Here is the topic: Which is the better color Red or Blue? Please enter in comments.

I will keep score daily; may the best color win. 


Dragon girl: Blue

Please feel free to comment about the next debate! 

submitted by Dragon girl, age Teenager, Island of Berk
(September 26, 2014 - 12:11 pm)

Blue! Oh, and Indigo, might I interest you in some chivalric heraldry and color meaning:

Red in medieval times meant: Warrior, anger.

Blue in medieval times meant: Loyalty, chastity, wisdom, strength, and faith.

And water is a more powerful element then fire, because we also get ice. Plus, 80% of the human body is made of water, and 75% of the world is made of it.



Michelle Kwan, the most decorated US figure skater of all time, once said, "When in doubt, wear red."

I especially like to wear red on gray, gloomy days, because it cheers things up.


submitted by Brooke E.
(October 2, 2014 - 7:43 pm)

Debate update!


Dragon girl - Blue

Kitty - Blue

Little sister - Blue

Amy L. - Red

Winter Firefly - Blue 

Brooke E. - Blue

Indigo - Undecided


Score is Blue:5 and Red:1

Hurry Red people! 

submitted by Dragon girl, Is
(October 2, 2014 - 10:02 pm)



( Patchi says RZ RP. What RP ? ) 

submitted by Crimson/Indigo
(October 5, 2014 - 6:06 pm)

Umm I'm new on the CB. Can I join? I choose red I guess............

submitted by Jiffy Jim Joe
(October 3, 2014 - 7:49 am)

Sure you can join welcome to the CB!


Ok people last chance to choose your color


Dragon girl - Blue

Kitty - Blue

Little sister - Blue

Winter firefly - Blue

Amy L. - Red

Indigo - undecided

Brooke E. - Blue

Jiffy Jim Joe - Red


Last chance to enter score Blue: 5 Red: 2 I don't know: 1 

submitted by Dragon girl, Dragon Island
(October 3, 2014 - 11:51 am)

Ok! Blue wins !  The final score is Red: 2 Blue:5. The next debate is Homeschool vs Public school. May the best team win!


(Winter firefly, Dragon girl,  Kitty, Little sister, and Brooke E. picked blue. Jiffy Jim Joe and Amy L. picked red. Indigo still did not decide.)


Dragon girl - Homeschool 

submitted by Dragon girl, Dragon island
(October 3, 2014 - 7:48 pm)

HOMESCHOOLED!!!! Because I am. Homeschooled.

submitted by Winter Firefly
(October 3, 2014 - 9:44 pm)



submitted by Brooke E.
(October 4, 2014 - 10:55 am)

Public school, definitely.

submitted by Jiffy Jim Joe
(October 4, 2014 - 10:56 am)

Ok homescool you get tons of extra time plus education! Here is the update


Winter firefly - Homeschool

Brooke E. - Homeschool

Dragon girl - Homeschool

Jiffy Jim Joe - Public school

Homeschool 3 Public scool 1

@ JJJ why public school? 

submitted by Dragon girl, Is riding dragons
(October 4, 2014 - 10:27 pm)

I pick homeschool! It is fun!

submitted by Cheeri -o, age unknown, Nowhere
(October 5, 2014 - 4:27 pm)


Dragon girl - Homeschool

Brooke E. - Homeschool

Winter firefly - Homeschool

Jiffy Jim Joe - Public school

Cheeri -o - Homeschool

Homeshcool is winning! Step up public school! 

submitted by Dragon girl, Island of Berk
(October 5, 2014 - 4:31 pm)

Wait, what happpened ? I thought we were supposed too, um, debate ? ( This is a problem . Who else can I go rant at ???? )

Also, public. 

submitted by Indigo
(October 5, 2014 - 6:09 pm)

No one is debating for some reason.

submitted by Dragon girl, is training dragons
(October 6, 2014 - 7:57 pm)


And don't be mean to Dragon girl because she wants to do a debate club too! If there was just one of everything on the CB, it would go out of business! I found this debate club because in Pudding's Place Dragon girl said she was under attack, actually; I hadn't found it otherwise.

And I would have voted for Red, had I been here earlier.

submitted by Everinne, age 15, Chivalric
(October 6, 2014 - 8:01 pm)