Hired Detective!!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Hired Detective!!

Hired Detective!!!

I'm new/old chatterbox member, got bored, and figured what the heck,
I'll make a post! So if I quit, it's just because I've had my fun.

I'm the Tracker. You can hire me (no fee needed!) and I will track
people, posts and more for you. I'm ranged to the Crickets Chatterboxes.

When you hire me I will give you a Case Number, then put all my info,
leads, and questions, under that case number so you can find your Case

I might, WinkWink hire more Trackers, if you interested, let me know. 

You post your case, I'll take care of the rest!

P.S. I have a post on Down to earth too, I wasn't sure witch one to post it on but if you give me a case on Inkwell it will stay in the Inkwell post. Sorry!

submitted by Tracker
(September 9, 2014 - 1:54 pm)

'ello, Tracker. Nice to meet you *shakes hands*. I am Dr. Sir, a leading dectective in cases such as a mysterious pie disappearance, a spammy saying words ( a real strange one, I must confess), and other cases. I would be glad to help you. 

submitted by Dr. Sir
(September 9, 2014 - 6:47 pm)

Hi! er, uh, I mean *suddenly grabs a pipe and lights it* 'Ello Dr. Sir, and 'elcome aboard our wee little round-about. Would you like some loop-de-loop?

Okay, I'm plain American, and proud of too, and although I love acting, I can't keep up this English act, so Hi! 

I nocticed you spoke as if you had some dealing with closed cases before, what exactly is the case of the Spammy Saying Words? I love a good story.


submitted by Tracker
(September 10, 2014 - 10:57 am)

Oop. The pies were my fault. Heh. Sorry!

submitted by Masked Piester
(September 10, 2014 - 8:42 pm)

Dr. Sir, I believe I have found the case for you.

Here's the post:

I don't need a detective, but have you seen Abigail A? I want to continue her Elizabethean RP in Inkwell.


It was submitter by Book wizard, Land of the lost, Sep. 10 2:42 pm, in the Down to Earth chatterbox.

Book wizard's Case number is 20 please post all you info for Case 20 in the Down to Earth Hired Detective post.

Good Luck!


submitted by Tracker
(September 11, 2014 - 9:46 am)

Humph. I will try my best in the case, but right now my spammy has started speaking again.

submitted by Dr. Sir
(September 16, 2014 - 6:27 pm)

Sir, you still haven't told me that story.

submitted by Tracker
(September 17, 2014 - 2:53 pm)

Dr. Sir, case 20 has been solved, but long forgotton.

submitted by Tracker
(September 23, 2014 - 10:05 am)

subject) Closed Post

My Cricket Chatterboxers,

I'm sorry to inform you that the Inkwell Hired Detective is closing. I will still be of service in the Down to Earth section of the Chatterbox. I'm sorry, but this post is slipping. Let it slip.

submitted by Tracker
(September 26, 2014 - 10:13 am)