Attention all who

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Attention all who

Attention all who occupy the CB.

You have been accepted to a special school; this school will train you in the prevention of a zombie apocolypse or your defense of a giant ape. There will only be one survivor and he/she will go on to be the greatest secet agent of all time. The testing will take place in a large room that generates holograms and depending on the mood of the Author sometimes we just won't use the laws of Physics.

I will draw the names of who dies out of the all-magical fez.

Sign ups start now to September 22.

You can write your version of the day as if  it here a journal if you so wish.

Grace has already reserved a spot.

submitted by Forrest
(September 6, 2014 - 7:03 am)

Wait... you never said she was eaten!

submitted by Winter Firefly
(September 30, 2014 - 3:34 pm)

Forrest: Attention every one, S.E. was eaten by the nothing monster! And that's that!

Winter: Freeze-Flame /bazooka! 

Forrest: Winter please, I'm trying to talk here, So today youre going to be in a underwater submarine.

Book Wizard: Oooh!

TRansports into submarine.

Squeak: Oooh Fishies.

Grace: Sushi anyone?

Danielle: I'll take some!

Masked Piester: Let's go on a fish huntiing party! They get their underwater suits on.

Nora: How do we attraact them?

Violet: Use your Blue mountain Dew MP!

A couple hours later they arrived at the submarine with a net full of fish. After dinner Which everyone made Grace make, they sat around spinning whales of tales.

Elsie in a southern accent: And once I caught a fish sooo big the boat blew up!

Winter: Cool! They hear a voice from outside the submarine.

Voice: And now the ghost of that fish will get revenge on Elsie!

Elsie: Lovley.

Grace: SUSHI!!!!

Voice: Too late for that Grace I already got your sister!

Ghost Elsie: Look at that straight into ghost form.

Grace got some great Ghost sushi that night.


submitted by Forrest
(September 30, 2014 - 4:19 pm)

Winter: Hey Piester!

MP: Hi! Still not dead!

Winter: I noticed.

MP: Observant of you.


(pineapples suddenly coat everything)

MP: Tee Hee.

Squeak: Well, I tried to be normal. Bye, pineapples.

(grabs Winter's spare bazooka and lays waste to the pineapples) 

submitted by Masked Piester
(September 30, 2014 - 9:35 pm)

Squeak: Well, I nearly choked on Sushi, Grace's sister died, and Danie is going bananas.


Squeak: What did I tell you? And I got like twenty bite marks from Fluffy and Snuggles. Truly fantastic.

MP: *throws pie at Squeak*

Squeak: *wipes pie off face* Why. Did. I. Come. Here?

Danie: Because I wanted you here.

Squeak: *grows dizzy for the hundreth time* You wanted me here on a spinning wheel that you and MP throw pies at.

Danie: Yeah. You said bye to pineapples.

Squeak: Danie is truly going Kooku. 


submitted by Squeak, and Danie
(October 1, 2014 - 10:36 am)

Squeak: *holds gun* OOooouuuccchhhh!!

Winter: I made it so only I could hold it! It will burn your hand off if you hold it to long! 

Firefly: Ohhhhh, pineapple!

Winter: Shut up I'm not talking to you right now!

Piester: Ummmm... Winter who were you talking too?

Firefly: Meeeeeeeeeee!

Winter: A voice in my  head, I am the only one who can here it, I'm spectule!

Piester: Hmmm, pineapple + pie = pineapple-pie!

Winter: Mmmmmmm!

Fluffy: *Attacks Squeak*

Squeak: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! *Throws pineapple grands*  Ahhhhhhhhhh!

Winter: Don't be a Drama King, she's just 'playing'!

Snuggles: *Joins Fluffy*

Dannie: Play time!

Piester: Wanna see my pet?

Winter/Dannie: YES!


Piester: *Holds up a tiny pie creature* Her name is Pie!

Squeak: Awwwww!

Pie: *Eats an entire pie, and turns giant and crazy*

Winter/Dannie: Awwwwww!

Squeak: I take back my "Awwwww!"

PS: Piester if you wanna change your pet, name, etc. feel free!


CAPTCHA says: bxrr! Burr? Are you cold? Makes seance, I just freezed you!

submitted by Winter Firefly
(October 1, 2014 - 9:57 am)

MP: Down, Pie. Be a good extra dimensional alien.

(Pie growls and eats some pineapple, growing taller)

MP: Good Pie!

submitted by Masked Piester
(October 1, 2014 - 1:43 pm)

(I am just gonna repeat my post again... in a different way.)

Squeak: Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.

Danie: Stop being so annoying! *shoots pie at Squeak*

Squeak: then why did you put me on a spinning wheel?

Danie: Because you hated all of our pets.

Squeak: What is there not to hate about the-

Danie, Mp, and Firefly: *throws pies and darts at Squeak*

Dart: *nearly misses Squeak's head*


submitted by Squeak, and Danie
(October 1, 2014 - 9:11 pm)

Forrest, I want to clear this up. I AM THE ONE AND ONLY MAGIC DRAGON. Curious Dragon and I are completely different. COMPLETELY. I am not offended or anything, but still. Also, I am a girl.  JUST SAYING. 

submitted by MAGIC DRAGON, age error, can you hear me?
(October 1, 2014 - 10:36 pm)

I apologize most sincerly Magic Dragon I really thought you had said somewhere you where the same! You don't mind Bookbug joined, do you?

submitted by Forrest
(October 2, 2014 - 7:55 am)

Of course it is okay! I am not offended by that. (or anything else for that matter.. I was really frustrated yesterday..) 

submitted by Magic Dragon
(October 2, 2014 - 8:39 pm)

Forrrest: Ahem, evryone listen to ME KNOW! The cbers look over from their partying.

THank you! Now I just wanted to say your all going into space.


Grace: Wow.

J.B.E.: What are we travling in?

Forrest: This. They transport into a space ship full of aliens.

Winter: Should I shoot?

Violet: I have a betterr idea, let's explore! They ran about a bit found the Doctor

MP: OH MY GOSH DOCTOR!  And finally found...

Pete: A cafetiria?

Bookbug: FOOD FIGHT!!!!!!!

MP: OH YEAH!! She starts throwing pies at aliens, The Doctor, cber's snuggles and fluffy, who magically apeared evryone was having such a great time they didn't realive that MP had been having to much fun, in fact she had so much fun she suddenly died for no reason.

Maple: Goodbye laws of physics.

Ghost MP: Great way to die though! I think I'll go be the Doctors companion I can't die cause I'm already dead! I'll drop by A lot though since I'm a time travler.

submitted by Forrest
(October 2, 2014 - 8:36 am)


PIESTER! YOU NEED TO COME BACK, FOR THE PIE PARTIES! WE ARE ON OUR 1,100,100, PARTY! Did Pie die with you? Is Pie a ghost now, along with you?

submitted by Winter Firefly
(October 2, 2014 - 5:45 pm)


submitted by Tippytoppton T. 3rd!
(October 2, 2014 - 7:30 pm)

MP: Hi guys! (returns to physical form)

Winter: Yay!

Forrest: You can't-

MP: No, no, no, I'm not rejoining the competition. I just came back from the grave and will forever be a background character.

Forrest: Oookay then, I guess that's fine.....

MP: Oh, can I still come along on the stuff? I won't join in unless pies are involved.

Forrest: No.

MP: Ok. (returns to ghost form where no one can see or hear her)

Forrest: Piester? (sigh) Oh well.....

(Forrest walks off)

MP: WAIT WATCH OUT FOR THE VOLCANO- sigh. Right, no one can hear me or see me.

(Forrest screams) 

Winter: I can see you and hear you!


(Forrest climbs out of the random volcano.) 

Forrest: BRB... I have to go to the ER..... no biggie......

submitted by Ex- Ghost of MP
(October 2, 2014 - 8:15 pm)

MP You will randomly appear and dissapear from our adventures.

submitted by Forrest
(October 3, 2014 - 6:07 am)