Chatterbox: Inkwell



So, this is the cat rp! Please join, as this is my first role-play, and I want it to last for a fairly long time.


So, there was a land full of cats once. A king cat once ruled the land, and he had 3 daughters. He gave the oldest daughter the biggest portion of the land. It was called Silveian. The middle sister was given a large portion of the land, but not as big as the oldest daughter's. It was called Averaina. The youngest daughter got the smallest land, called Shadaian. But soon, the daughters fought and fought and their people and land grew smaller and smaller. Humans came and made the land even smaller. Now Silveian is only a pack and lives in the forest. The Averaina live in the city alleys. And the Shadaian live in the sewers. 


So, pick your pack and start! I'll put up my characters for examples.

Name: Shade

gender: Male

Stat (you pick either captain (one of these for each pack), healer (two of these for each pack),f ighter(lots of these), elders (lots of these), and children (lots of these): Captain

Pack: Shadow

Appearance: orange with spots over the back and a white belly (your patterns can be anything!), has a scar over his left eye, and a brown cut of tail.

Personality: Is clever and smart, makes sure everyone knows who's boss, is evil (all shadows are, cause they are angry about getting the least land), and is hot. 

We will start when we have 5 cats! (More people can join after, though.) 


submitted by Squeak's, age is unknown, and lives nowhere
(August 27, 2014 - 10:59 pm)

>Crystal Clarity< 

I walk through our home. I climb up the ladder to the surface and walk onto a border all the cats share. I get some herbs for healing and head down the alley looking for a mushroom. No luck. I hear pawsteps so I head back to the sewer. With the lid clanging be hind me I head down to my packs home. I live in a cave-like thing in the sewers. It's big enough for my herbs, me, and my sick patients. Everyone is gone doing something so I lie down for the night.


I wake up with a stretch. The first thing I hear is yowls of anger. It must be a fight between the forest cats again. I grab a purple peace vial and carry everything to the surface. I heal several cats and give them a bit of the purple stubstance. I give a glance to the healer of the forest cats. The cat hisses at me feicefuly. I hear Shade yowl "Push them back! Keep them out of the sewers!" That means they where trying to raid us! In fact Shade was my father so I am his "pretty pretty princess." We did not want me becoming a healer, but my mother told me the name clarity helped. Then I heard an unfamilar sound....

submitted by MapleSyurp, age 10, Hiya
(August 29, 2014 - 7:37 pm)

To Everrine, and Squeak. Squeak made a post about coming after Kata, and getting kicked in a car. Everrine, I hope I spelled that right btw, made a post about going after Kata to teach her a lesson. I'm going to continue my part according to Squeak's last post.

Kata hissed angrily at the large cat.

" This is your fault! If you hadn't attacked me, we wouldn't be here!" Kata growled. The tom snarled back.

" Don't make me teach you a lesson for hurting one of my fighters!" he hissed, his claws sliding out.

" He was on my pack's territory! He deserved it!" Kata slammed herself against him, when suddenly the door opened.

" C'mon mangy beasts." 

submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(August 30, 2014 - 8:18 am)


My eyes widened as I took in the world beyond our alleyways. "Wow!"  

Mother smiled. "Wow certainly does the trick, doesn't it. It's called a forest."

"There are so many trees, Mother... You say even when you go out of our alleys to hunt you only see a few of them."

"That's right. The Silveian pack live there."

"They're lucky."

"But not as lucky as us. I mean, we live right between the two worlds, the two packs. Shadaian and Silvian are forever fighting, and we fight too, but our Captain has a choice to whom we side with. But not always. Sometimes we attack first. But Averiain is the best, Dreama."

"Who do you think I'll be apprenticed to? A Fighter, an Elder, or the Healer?"  

Mother smiled down at me. I loved her so much. Technically, mothers wern't allowed to show thier kits the other worlds, but she still did it.

"Now, let me show you where the Shadaian reside."

"I know, Mother. The sewers." I wrinkled my nose. Who would  want to live there?


She turned around and led me back through the familiar alleys, until she turned down the one that was forbidden to anybody but Fighters. Mother was a Fighter, but she was currently  raising me, so she technically wasn't allowed. 

I smelled it before I saw it. I had once caught a w hiff of what humans called a, "trash can" and I had gagged. This was ten times worse.  The odor of sewage, discarded human food, and the unmistakable smell of Shadaian mixed together to form such a smell that I felt like falling over.

My mother nodded sympathetically.  I tried to hold my breath, but unfortuantly, that involved inhaling. I gagged out the word, "Awful." 

"They smell horrible, don't they?" The question  was, like many of hers, rhetorical. "We've sided with them once or twice, but no more. They are as bad as they smell. Let's go on back."

But before she turned around, an orange cat with a long scar from his ear to his chin padded out of the sewer. He was missing half his tail, I noted, and shuddered. 

"Taking your pretty kitten for a walk?" he snarled.

My mother stepped forward, hackles raised. She hissed and batted a paw.

The cat simply looked at her with amusment. "You're in no place to fight, kitty. You're trespassing."

My mother hissed at him, "I'm on the surface, aren't I? Alleyway surface belongs to the Averaina!"  

"But you are so near the sewers..." The cat let the thought hang. "So close I could just attack..." He swiped a paw not at my mother, but at me. Luckily, I had backed up enough so that he missed.

"Dreama, go" said Mother. "I'll be back once I deal with this Shade."

The Shade hissed, but shrank back into the sewers.

"How odd," said my mother. "Usually they like to pick a fight." She nudged me. "Come on, Dreama. Let's go back."

And so that was how I saw my first Shadaian. 

submitted by Katie M
(August 30, 2014 - 2:40 pm)

>Crystal Clarity< 

I wake up from the dream with the fight with the Forrest cats. I climb up to the surface and see a thing carrying my father and another cat. I run and break the weak lock with a claw. The door flies Open and I find my father and a avrage inside. "Come on!" I mew. 

submitted by MapleSyurp, age 10, Blah blah blah
(August 30, 2014 - 3:20 pm)

@ Katie:

Sorry for the confusion; Sqeak's post wasn't put up yet when I sent in my own. Can Kata and Tornear still have fought, just the part with Shade become disregarded?

submitted by Everinne, age 15, Shadian
(August 30, 2014 - 5:40 pm)

Oh, yeah, absolutely! If it's ok with everybody, I'll just pretend it was a different, random, cat.  

submitted by Katie M
(August 31, 2014 - 7:30 am)

Someone please post!

submitted by MapleSyurp
(August 31, 2014 - 12:51 pm)

Ok, since stuff got changed up, I'm going to forget that I was thrown into a car with Shade, and continue on as Tornear thinks up a way to teach me a lesson. Everybody good with that?


Kata flicked her tail as she leaped onto a trash can, then proceeded to leap as high as she could, her claws clinging to the roof edge. She hauled herself up, and sat down. Her eyes dilated, and her ears flattened, as she prepared to hiss a warning.

" If it isn't Kata." 

submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(August 31, 2014 - 6:11 pm)

>Crystal Clarirty< 

i walk down the sewers. I am as bored as heck. I hear the lid clatter and a slivian cat comes down. "Tornear!" I whisper; he does not come. The cat smells me and starts charging at me. "Father!" I scream.

submitted by MapleSyurp, age 10, Sneaking my ipod
(September 1, 2014 - 6:10 am)

Tornear didn't think Kata looked nervous--not yet. She was merely watchful, her tail flicking side to side. "If it isn't Kata," he said again, and sprang.

Kata tried to leap out of the way, but he caught her as she tried and bore her down with him to the rooftop. The fight was a long one, and Tornear was able to appreciate the full measure of Kata's fighting prowess without the indignity of surprise. They were both bleeding heavily when Kata called a time out.

Tornear was thankful, just about to do the same. He was thinking that here was a cat who could rightfully call herself a fighter, Averaina or not. For a long moment the two cats looked at each other, calculating. "Truce?" Tornear asked, putting out a tentative paw that was poised to swipe if Kata attacked again. But she bared her teeth in a ferocious smile.

"Truce," she said.

submitted by Everinne, age 15
(September 1, 2014 - 2:30 pm)

Wow. I'm gone for vacation and all this happens. Meh. Can someone please explain all this mess?

submitted by Squeak
(September 1, 2014 - 4:19 pm)

Tornear can fight, I'll give him that. Kata thought, as she leaped from roof to roof, heading towards the direction of the Leader Tells Circle.

" Kata. Where have you been?" one of the cats hissed, the cat's green eyes shimmering with anger.

" Out," Kata replied, as she stalked on, biting back the urge to wince as her shoulder wound started to open up again.

" Kata." A voice sounded from behind her. The she-cat turned around, and came face-to-face with Mordus.

" Your brother is back." 

submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(September 1, 2014 - 6:07 pm)

Well you know all the rivalry, Tornear goes after Kata and a slivian cat goes after my cat in the sewers... Can Shade be my characters father? 

submitted by MapleSyurp
(September 1, 2014 - 5:16 pm)

I guess.

(And guys, try not to make desicions with out me. This is my rpg, and I don't want it to going a path I don't want it to go. You guys are doing fine right now, but keep that in mind.) 


I run to my daughter and gasp as a silver charges toward her. I jump onto the silver and go into a fight. The cat soon backs down and goes back to where it came from. Good.

no one.



I climb out of the sewers when Torn came. I growled at him. "You went out again?! What did I tell you, you scrum?" Torn arched his back. "Sir, you told me that I must save my energy, bu-" I screech. "BUT WHAT?! THERE IS NO REASON TO HAVE YOU FOOLS IN MY PACK IF YOU GO PICK A FIGHT WITH EVERY CAT YOU SEE!" I pounce on him, growling. I grab Torn's neck and look him in the eye. "Now listen you. If this happens one more time, you're out of this pack. And not one single silver or average will take you." He wimpers and scurries away. I sigh. "Why do I have to be a SHADE?!" I crawl outside. I need some fresh air. Suddenly I feel claws scrape my back. I turn around to see a average. Wonderful. Wonderful.


I think that if you invite others to join in a roleplay, then each should have the freedom to write at will without permission from someone else. That's what joint writing is all about.



submitted by Squeak
(September 1, 2014 - 7:19 pm)

Alas, I think I'm being too harsh. I used to scratch, if any of you rp-ers heard of it.

submitted by Squeak
(September 1, 2014 - 8:11 pm)