Okey-dokey. I'm going

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Okey-dokey. I'm going

Okey-dokey. I'm going to start a poetry contest. You can submit your poems, and I'll judge the winner. Here are the rules:

-The deadline is August 15th

-You can only submit one poem

Well, I guess those are the only rules. Heh, heh. Anyway, have fun!


You should add: It must be your own, original work.


submitted by Bookbug
(July 25, 2014 - 1:50 pm)

Oh!!! I love poetry! Here is mine- 


“ Won through happiness 

But breathed in blood


the courage to be alive

to create yourself


but sown in sorrow

all consuming

ever burning

a breadless hunger

a parched desert

with a dream of rain.”


Sorry! I know it's not very good... 

submitted by Arya
(July 25, 2014 - 3:29 pm)

Oh, yes, I forgot to mention that it has to be your owwn work. Great poem, by the way!

submitted by Bookbug
(July 28, 2014 - 11:38 am)

Cool! Here's mine:

People say

When you live under a rock

You really do 

Miss a lot


But think what it's like

Under the ground

Venture, Explore

Look around

There are many things

You can see

Under the roots 

Of the big oak tree


Snails and slugs

Earthworms and pillbugs

Burrows and tunnels

And so much more

Right under the floor


So next time 

You pick up a rock 

And think of loneliness




You like it? I've been wanting to write something like it for a while now.

submitted by Ellie, age 11, Place of poetry
(July 28, 2014 - 4:50 pm)

Oooh, I like it! Make sure everyone submits their poem! Remember, the deadline is August 15.

submitted by Bookbug
(July 28, 2014 - 6:02 pm)

Titanic's Fault

Standing on the starboard side, grabbing a side bar, I'm here.

Here. Here on Titanic. A young English woman

who had so much

ahead of


But I'm here. The "unsinkable" ship is sinking.

Oh, how I wonder how much the White Star Line is going to be hated.

I thought I would reach America with my love.

I was to become a performer.

I have the money.

I left it all in my room. It's probably filled with water now.

Unless my "love" has that money.

He only loves my money

not me.

He left me an hour ago

to die.

Mum told me to stay in London

where the family and fortune was.

I guess you could say I ran away for love

and the love killed me.

But it wasn't really the love's fault;

it's Titanic's fault.

A "Titanic" mistake you could call it.

Oh, look at me!

Thinking of the past when others around me

are thinking of the


Do they have a future on Earth,

in Heaven,

or Hell?

That's what they ought be thinking,

I should be too.

But I'm too caught up in the past,

like that bug I saw stuck in the spider's web in my attic,

with no



That bug was completely caught in that web

and I'm caught in my past

not a future that won't happen.

I hear a creaking noise

and the lights shut off.

People start screaming.

I'm one of them.

Oh God oh God oh God.

I wish that filthy rat was with me right now

just so I wouldn't be alone.

I could call him worse names

but I can't.

I've never said a horrible word in my life

or Mum would slap me.

She would, I know it.

But I'm dying.

I can't say it.

If I ever want to see her in Heaven when her time comes,

I better be innocent,

or she'll slap me into Hell.

I can feel the floor below me crack

and I start slipping.

God, Mum was right.

Father hadn't said a word,

he was too busy drinking.

That bad habit.

I'm surprised Mum hasn't slapped him yet.

She's going to slap the person who owns

The White Star Line for killing me.

Or she could go on a boat to the

iceberg and slap that.

She's bound to slap someone.

My father's a drinker and my mum's a slapper.

I haven't had more than a glass at a time

and I've only slapped my little sister

so that doesn't count.

My sister.

The only one

who understood my dreams.

I'm going to miss her.

The board snaps underneath my feet

and my shoe falls into the lower floors

through the hole the broken board made.

I hold the white bar tighter

and stare into the sky.

Oh, I wish Peter Pan from that book

written by my neighbor

would come and take me away,

even though I'm bound to end up somewhere

where I'll never grow up.

The ship sinks deeper.

The water starts to reach my feet.

God, it's freezing!

I grasp the bar tighter

but it's no use.

Someone rips my hands

from the bar

and takes the spot for himself.

I know where he's going

and it's not pretty.

I plunge into the cold water.

I feel like I'm immediately frozen.

My hair gets soaked

and my dress gets heavy

from the weight of the water.

Goodbye world.

Goodbye slappy Mum.

Goodbye drunken Father.

Goodbye sister.







I'm all of that

and it's gone.

My eyes close

and I accept my fate.

A few minutes later

and the water becomes warm.

I'm not wet

and I can breathe.

I open my eyes

and everything around me can't move.

A beautiful child comes toward me.

"Take my hand," she says.

I grasp it

and start flying.

Flying over the sunken ship.

Flying over the ocean.

Flying towards London.

Flying into my home.


I fly into my parents' window.

They are sleeping.

I kiss them both on the forehead.

And stroke Mother's hair.

I glide into Sister's room.

She's crying.

"Is something the matter?" I ask.

Then I remember she can't hear me.

She looks up.

"Who's there?" she whispers,

lifting her head ever so slightly.

I glide over and sit next to her on the bed.


She looks me in the eyes and smiles.

"How can I see you?" she asks.

"Are you?"

I nod, and she starts silently sobbing into her hands.

I hug her.

"I sensed something was wrong, and I couldn't fall asleep.

I didn't know it was this bad," she whispers.

I kiss her on the head and hug her tightly.

"I love you," I say.

"I love you too," she says.

We hug, and everything turns bright.

I lose my sight

of her

and go into the light.

The beautiful little girl is there.

"How could she see me?" I ask.

"She loves you beyond everything

and could sense something was wrong.

It was her love

that got her

to see."

I follow the child

into the gates

of Heaven.

I still blame the Titanic though.

So I did make a post for this poem awhile back, but I'd like to submit it!:)

submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 13, Neverland
(July 28, 2014 - 8:54 pm)

No offense, but I don't like free verse poetry...

submitted by
(August 11, 2014 - 7:25 pm)

It's fine! There's something for everyone to like and dislike! :)

submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 13, Neverland
(August 14, 2014 - 8:27 pm)


Come and share

What you have

To offer the world.


Has something.


If you think

It’s not so great

Who knows



It really may be?

So leap



Show us

What you’ve got

We will

Make the world

A better place


Join our cause.

submitted by Air
(July 28, 2014 - 10:22 pm)

Here is mine:

Red leaves fall down, to the ground

And make some pretty places, 

The parents rake, then eat some cake 

With happy children faces.

And soon they go with little Joe

To jump in leaves with glee, 

The parents see, then have some tea

And play cards merrily.


I hope you like it!

submitted by Butterfly
(July 29, 2014 - 10:41 am)

I shared this a while back, but I'll submit it for the contest. Cool idea. (:



Down. That's his life.

Down. That's her story.

Down. That's the one word that describes it.


Not up. Hopes are low.


Not to the very bottom.

Oh, no. Not there.

Just a little bit

Like a centimeter

From the hole.

Not just any hole.

A black hole.

A dark, black hole that goes...


It all goes back to


The only direction is


He can't escape from this terror of going


She can't sleep at night from the fear of falling


But the thing is

They don't know it yet

They're already doing it.

Is there a cure?

there anything that can put an end to this constant suffering?


A tiny glint of hope

An opening in this pit of sorrow

How do we go


One thing can do it.

And that's called


Yes, thinking.

Thinking before we speak.

Before we do.

Before we put someone else in an undeniably horrid position.

Open your mind and


Because whatever you say

Could be the domino

The first one to go down

It knocks down the next one.

And the next one.

And the next one.

There is no way to stop it.

Until at some point

Everything will be spilled over.

That one word

One phrase

One idea

Ruined someone's world.

Just think.

You could save a day.

A dream.

A life.

And then

One beautiful day

No one will be going, falling, tripping



Stop bullying.

submitted by Nora the Singer
(July 29, 2014 - 10:42 am)

I will do a haiku :)

piercing the darkness

showing travelers the way

in the depths of night

submitted by necromancer, age 12, ic110 galaxy
(July 29, 2014 - 11:14 am)

Winter's Arrival

Stray leaves

Brush against my legs

Like phantom cats from a land of autumn

Cold breezes

Ruffle my hair and redden my ears

The trees stand bare and exposed, their leaves scattered across the ground

Each one is a fallen warrior

Defeated on a battle field that lies between two seasons

The animals have retreated to their shelters

The world is quiet and still

Except for the sound of my boots crunching the dry leaves and grass

And a faint whisper that is carried by the chilly wind

Winter is coming.



submitted by J.B.E, age 12, poetry place
(July 31, 2014 - 10:44 am)

Wow J.B.E. That. Was. Amazing.

submitted by Butterfly, age 10
(July 31, 2014 - 3:36 pm)

Thank you, Butterfly!!Laughing

submitted by J.B.E, age 12, poetry place
(July 31, 2014 - 4:21 pm)

Totally agreed! I love all of these. Yeah, I doubt I'll win with all this fantastic poetry. Great job, guys!

submitted by Ellie, age 11, Place of poetry
(July 31, 2014 - 4:25 pm)