LotR RP!!!! With

Chatterbox: Inkwell

LotR RP!!!! With

LotR RP!!!! With the original characters if u want... I call Eowyn!!! 

submitted by Fire Eyes Phoenix
(July 23, 2014 - 12:15 am)

That was really good! I love your writing style Everinne:)

submitted by Fire Eyes Phoenix
(July 25, 2014 - 3:11 pm)

Earane gasped as she took a bite of Lembas. She was far enough away from the orcs to be fairly safe. For now.

submitted by Brooke E., age 11, Cookie plane
(July 27, 2014 - 3:42 pm)

Um, I don't know if it is too late to join in but....



submitted by J.B.E, age 12, middle earth
(July 25, 2014 - 7:30 pm)

My brother lies, sick and pale across the bed, his wound dark against his side. The white hand looms over us, like the stench of a rotting carcass does over the sweet scent of a forest. The miserable Wormtoungue seems to slide through the shadows, watching, as I steel myself for the worst. There is no rest for me here, no safety in all of the Rittermark. Even if I were to run, to flee now, Sauroman's white hand would chase me, its fingers grasping to chain me back and I know I could not slip between them. My cousin waits with me, waits with me and my brother for the end to come. He tries to comfort me, but their are no words that will sate my sorrow. I am utterly lost. On the day my brother dies, I feel my heart shatter within my, a million pieces incapable of being put back together. But I cannot cry, for tears will not come. Numb on the inside and numb on the out, I should be hurting. I want tears to accompany me, but somehow crying would make this all seem too simple. A problem small enough to be fixed with a little hope and a few tears. I want to feel the pain that I know should be there, but instead I don’t feel anything. The stabbing anguish that left me breathless earlier has vanished, but the emptiness is almost worse. I’m not frightened, or lonely, or concerned. I’m just lost . Wormtongue feigns sadness, and my cousin is crippled with anger, but my uncle does not seem to notice. His mind is poisoned by the vicious little man, Wormtongue, and he cannot recall my brother, who was once his son. I stare across the battlements as I stand at the highest point, the banner of Rohan worn ragged and old . I wish I could jump and forget this place that was home. But as I try to hold on to this earth, try to forgive fate for the place she has put me, I notice something on the horizon. A white horse, a strong white horse that can only be one of Rohan. Perhaps there is hope yet.

submitted by Eowyn
(July 26, 2014 - 11:14 am)

Just a question - what is a RP?


A Role Play is a cooperative story where each author writes from the point of view of a different character in the story.


submitted by Anne
(July 26, 2014 - 1:56 pm)

Actually, I drop out. Lord of the Rings is too confusing.

submitted by EarthGirl13
(July 26, 2014 - 2:38 pm)

If earth girl dropped out can I be Galadriel?  

submitted by Alice, in Wonderland
(July 26, 2014 - 4:54 pm)

Thank you Fire Eyes Phoenix! I really like how you write Eowyn too; it really gives a feel of what's going on her head, which doesn't come across that clearly in the writing.

I just realized, though, that our characters are destined to fall in love with each other. :/ Hope you don't mind that!

submitted by Everinne, age 15, Ithilien
(July 26, 2014 - 8:31 pm)

Haha I hadn't considered that! I was thinking more about the battles and such. 

submitted by Alice/ Eowyn, Rittermark, Rohan
(July 26, 2014 - 10:32 pm)

Okay, I am confused.

Why is Alice posting as Eowyn? I thought Eowyn was Fire Eyes Phoenix. Unless FEP and Alice are the same person...? But Alice said she was going to be Galadriel!

That was strange.

submitted by Everinne/Faramir, age 15, Ithilien
(July 27, 2014 - 6:16 pm)

My thoughts are revolving somewhere around "what on earth just happened?" Did admin change my name to Alice? It's a very nice name but certainly not mine... Or perhaps, seeing Alice's comment above and subconsciously intending to reply, I typed her name into the name bar? Not really sure what just happened... This is getting ridiculous. 

@ Alice: yes, if earth girl dropped out of the RP, you may be Galadriel. I wish earth girl would stay though... She's a very good writer.

@ Everinne: please excuse my brain lapse or whatever that was! I've apparently lost my name. Definitely Fire Eyes Phoenix. Definitely Eowyn. Not Alice. I think I should probably take a bit of a nap, I'm beginning to go crazy. 


I didn't change any name.


submitted by Fire Eyes Phoenix , Confused?
(July 27, 2014 - 7:57 pm)

That's okay! I expected there was just some mix-up; I think I accidentally posted as someone else once, too! :)

submitted by Everinne, age 15, Ithilien
(July 28, 2014 - 3:51 pm)

What just happened? Why is someone posting as me? You are not me Fep... As far as I know, I'm the only Alice on chatterbox!

submitted by Alice/ Galadriel, in Wonderland
(July 27, 2014 - 8:00 pm)

Earane kept trotting along. She finally reached the Hall of Thranduil. "My liege!" she gasped, the sky swirling around her tired eyes. Thranduil must have been in his lowest halls. Ugh.

submitted by Brooke E., age 11, Earane plane
(July 27, 2014 - 8:30 pm)


submitted by top!
(August 19, 2014 - 8:13 pm)