I know that
Chatterbox: Inkwell
I know that
I know that many of you guys are involved with NaNoWriMo, and I've been wanting some more information on how it works. It is something realistic to take on amidst a heavy workload/other projects? What resources does it offer? I know there's supposed to be a writers' forum.
I'll be remodeling my room soon, so I also wanted to know whether any of you have set up a little "writing nook" of some sort in your room. Some people say that they've ararnged a spot at a desk, window seat, et cetera, with inspiring quotes, pictures, or views, for their writing. I'll have the opportunity to do that, and because I haven't really been able to find a great spot to write (anywhere in the house other than my room is too hectic), I'd appreciate any thoughts or ideas. Thanks!
(July 15, 2014 - 6:39 pm)
NaNoWriMo is awesome. I did it for the first time last year, and this is my second year doing Camp currently.
NaNoWriMo can be hard to take on if your really busy, and can't dedicate a certain amount of time to writing each day. It is actually physically and mentally draining. The school year in general is busy for me, November especially with the holiday season and all. But it's a really great motivator to get you to write that novel you've been thinking about forever but haven't gotten around to.
It does have forums where you can come and talk to other authors, people with similar interests, or talk about writing strategies. At the end of the month, if you've reached the word goal of 50,000 then you win a code to self publish your book for free. I won last year, though my novel wasn't ready in time to use the code. You can also message other participants, or you can find a local group of NaNoists in your area, and they have get togethers a lot.
A writing nook is not necessary, though nice if you can have one. I don't, so I just write when and where I can. It sounds really nice, though. I like the idea of putting up quotes and all though! I'm going to try and look into doing something like that.
Over all, NaNo is really awesome! I love it. If your serious about wanting to write and want a motivator, I totally suggest it. Even if you don't win, it's still a fantastic experience, and fun to do win or lose.
(July 15, 2014 - 7:44 pm)