Warriors Series
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Warriors Series
Warriors Series
Nope, this isn't another post fanboying (that's not a word but whatever) about Warriors. I stopped reading them after I was halfway through the first book in the second series. It felt like Erin Hunter was just trying to drag it out to make more money. And I hadn't even gotten into the third or the fourth or the fifth or the six-millionth series yet, either.
The first series was really exciting, but I felt like it should have ended there. And I wanted it to end there, so it did, at least for me.
I actually did read three of the standalone volumes. Bluestar's Prophecy, Crookedstar's Promise, and Yellowfang's Secret actually turned out to be really good. Bluestar's Prophecy was really touching, and it was my favorite of the three.
But anyway, I want to know if there's anyone who recommends picking up those books again. I don't just want someone saying "oh yeah, start reading them again they're awesome" or something. I need a reason why I should start reading Warriors again, because so far I haven't found one.
(May 30, 2014 - 7:32 am)
I'm probably one of the only people on here who likes this series... the reason I read them to the end though was because at the time I didn't have any good series to read in the 4th and 5th grade. Just stand alone novels that were 100 to 200 pages long. So I liked it's still going on, since I hate endings. *cries in corner when she realizes she's referenced Doctor Who*
I recommend them to people with open minds to animals lives. And long series. Otherwise, people make fun of the names like ThunderClan or StarClan. I like to think of them (the cats) almost as tribes or clans not so different from Native Americans. I like how I can take a step away from the exhausting human world and go into the cat world and see what it's like. I hope you read the rest or at least some of it :) It truly is an amazing series and how five authors put it together.
(May 30, 2014 - 6:05 pm)
Toppity top thready
(June 1, 2014 - 10:09 am)
I LOVE WARRIORS!!!!!! I agree that the first 6 are the best but it gets better about half way through the 2nd series!!!!!! PLEASE GO BACK!!
(September 6, 2014 - 2:42 pm)
You have to keep reading them! I will tell you why, so far I have read up to the fith series. IT IS AMAZING!!! I know it's hard when you have to leave your favorite characters behind, but then you become accustomed to the new ones. You can still hold them dear to your heart, but you need to keep reading. I originally like the first series probably second best, because the new prophecy was just like "WHAAA??!!!" It was sooo good! But if you really want a thrill you have to finish reading the second series and hurry to the third! Please read them in order or else you will totally be lost! Give a chance until the third series! Come on, it couldn't hurt could it? Plus all of the secrets and plot lines make it totally worth it!
(May 16, 2015 - 8:26 am)