Could someone PLEASE
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Could someone PLEASE
Could someone PLEASE explain to me what RP stands for/means?!
submitted by Livv S., age 12, Lancaster, PA
(May 8, 2014 - 9:47 am)
(May 8, 2014 - 9:47 am)
Could someone PLEASE explain to me what RP stands for/means?!
"RP" stands for Role Play or Role Playing. It generally means you have a group of people, and each one of the people makes up a character. Then the plot develops when people post "entries" where the characters speak to each other and do certain things. At least, that's how it's done (mostly) in the Chatterbox. It can also be something like a fanfic.
If this doesn't make sense, just look up "what does RP stand for" or "what does RP mean" on Google or something.
(May 8, 2014 - 2:48 pm)
It stands for Role Play. A bunch odd people make up characters take turns writing a story. Each person writes from the point of view of their character.
Another term you may see occasionally is RR, which means Round Robin. That's where you take turns writing a story, but it''s all from one point of view.
(May 8, 2014 - 2:50 pm)
Ohhhh that's what RR means. I was wondering about that...
(May 9, 2014 - 5:54 am)
Oops, of not odd!
(May 9, 2014 - 11:37 am)
(May 8, 2014 - 10:27 pm)