Chatterbox: Inkwell
Hey, everyone, it's Meep again. I've been undeniably busy for so long, but now I can squeeze in some free time to go on the CB! :D
Happy Easter, my fellow readers of Cricket! And congratulations, S.E., on getting baptized today!
I thought it would be kind of fun to type out our Easter routines/traditions to share.
Such as what you do when you wake up, what meals you eat, if you go to church, and etc.
7:00 - My little brother and I will wake up and tiptoe to our sisters' room (they're twins) and scare them to death by screaming, "HAPPY EASTER!" at the top of our lungs. Ah, good times. Then we'll run downstairs and search for the baskets of candy our parents - er, the Easter Bunny - hid for us.
7:30 - Next we'll all sit at the breakfast nook and eat hard-boiled eggs that we dyed, of course, and some candy secretly (shh).
8:00 - After my parents finally wake up and my sisters and I put on our best dresses, and my brother and dad put on their suits, we go to church.
10:30 - When we get home, my siblings and I immediately change into our Easter PJ's and watch an Easter-like movie together (today we're going to watch Puss in Boots since there's an egg in it).
12:30 - Lunchtime, which is super fun because we use the eggs we didn't eat at breakfast to make egg salad sandwiches with candy on the side. We're quite the healthy bunch, huh?
And then for the rest of the day we just relax, eat candy, and stuff like that.
So here's a little Easter fun fact for you all that will blow your minds:
The Humpty Dumpty poem never said Humpty Dumpty was an egg...
(April 20, 2014 - 8:48 am)
Happy Easter, everyone! Here's an outline of what I did today...
6:00am: All of us wake up and eat breakfast.
6:40am to 7:30am: Brush our teeth and get ready for 8:00am Mass.
7:30am: Head over to Mass (we go to a Catholic church).
8:00am to when church ends: Church!
10:30am: Brunch buffet with my aunts, uncle, and my family
After that we went to the store to get a few items, and now we're back home. At the buffet place the Easter bunny was there, and we got some candy from him! Plus we ate a LOT of dessert. My aunt also gave us a LOT of chocolate and candies.
Basically, today was a great day :)
(April 20, 2014 - 12:55 pm)
(April 20, 2014 - 5:09 pm)
Well, yes... there are six of us (four of us kids) and we take a while to get ready.
(April 20, 2014 - 5:33 pm)
Happy Easter y'all!
Got up at some point. (We like to take our Easters as a day of rest to, so that includes sleeping in.)
Had donuts for breakfast!
Dyed Easter Eggs (I think my fingers are still blue, green, and purple.)
My parents gave me my chocolate rabbit (I am horribly addicted to these things, so I'm pretty sure my parents will give me chocolate rabbits when I'm fifty), and sometimes they like to give special little gifts. So I got The Book Thief movie, and Grace Unplugged!
Lounged, basically. Took it easy.
Started dinner. We like to have special dinners on Easter for a family dinner. Today it was my mom's special homemade fried chicken! (Let me tell you, we go nuts when my mom makes fried chicken.)
My dad did the story of Jesus' resurrection. We have these eggs that tell the story, with special little figures in each one. Like the crown of thorns, the spear, the whip, the cross. And the final egg is golden and empty, symbolizing that Jesus rose from the dead!
We take our Easters fairly simply, but still focus on God throughout the day.
(April 20, 2014 - 8:18 pm)
Choca and I had a marvelous Easter this year!
6:30 Wake up and eat cinnamon rolls and milk for breakfast
6:45 - 7:20 Get ready and leave for church, trying to make it to 8am Mass
7:30 Realize we left a burner on in our kitchen and turn around to turn it off and save our coffee pot
7:30 - 9:00 Look at our Easter baskets, eat candy and work on cleaning our house for the party in the afternoon
9:05 Leave again, this time trying to get to 9:45 Mass (We live 25 minutes from church, and it's always super crowded for Easter so we have to get there early)
9:45 - 11:15 Attend an especially nice, especially long Easter Mass
11:15 - 12:00 Talk after church and drive home
12:00 - 4:00 Cleaning and cooking, getting ready for having our family over!
4:00 - 8:30 Dinner and Easter egg hunt with our little cousins, and when we couldn't figure out what we should do with the cracked, dirty, dyed easter eggs from the hunt we ended up having an easter egg fight with our cousins and our aunt. The easter egg fight was awesome, but the funniest part was when my uncle threw a raw egg at my aunt.
(April 21, 2014 - 10:20 am)
Happy Easter, a day late!
I was woken up at 5:30 in the morning by my cat swatting at my head because she wanted me to get up and feed her. I refused to get up, so we lay in bed looking out my window and listening to some extremely loud birds and a very loud, very early Easter church service at the top of a nearby "mountain" (it's more like hill, but in comparison to everthing else around it it looks tall).
Around 6:30 my parents woke up, and my mom went and hid my Easter basket. We normally do an egg hunt in the morning but this year we just did my basket. I got lots of chocolate, some books, and a swim suit that I had wanted.
We sat around drinking coffee (my parents) and hot chocolate (me) for a while, and then got up to start prepareing the dish that my mom is taking to my aunt's house for Easter brunch.
We get there around 10:00, and we have to wait for one of my cousins to get home from a camping trip with a friend. While we're waiting, my other cousins (two girls that are a little younger than me, and a 7 year old boy) and I take turns flying the 7 year old's new toy airplane.
When the other cousin gets home, we do the Easter Egg Hunt, which lasts for approximately 5 minutes. We count our eggs, and the three girls (including me) all happened to find 28 eggs.
We eat, and then do whatever until we went home.
Then, Once Upon a Time was on last night, so of course I watched it (It was soooooo good! I CAN'T wait for next week!) while eating homemade lemon ice cream.
And that was my Easter!
(April 21, 2014 - 12:27 pm)