Mystery RP!I

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Mystery RP!I

Mystery RP!

I am starting a mystery RP! The caracters will live at a detective agency, and solve crimes. To join, just fill out the form below:

Character name:







Here's my application:

Character name: Bess

Appearance: Blonde hair, blue eyes, slightly plump

Strength: She feels nothing in her hands, so she is a good puncher.

Weakness: She is often afraid.

Weapon: Her iron hand.

Story: So, she is Bess Marvin from the Nancy Drew mysteries, only she has an iron hand.


So what do you think? Good or bad idea? 

submitted by Mag Fan, age detective, on the case
(March 8, 2014 - 9:46 am)


I stared at H.G. for a few moments, puzzled by her response, until Bess cleared her throat and said, “Shall we return to the matters at hand? These organic, or imperfect, or whatever they are diamonds?”

Then she asked the other girls, “So, for those of you just starting out here, what is the first thing that one should do when you want to solve a crime?”

One of the girls– Eve, I think– put up her hand. “Interrogate suspects?” she asked.

Not quite, we need to have suspects before we can ask them anything,” Bess answered. “anyone else?”

Look for clues?” guessed another girl.


H.G. looked like she wanted to roll her eyes. She stuck her hand halfway up, and said, “You should first question the witnesses.”

Bess said, “Correct. And we have one right here, Dan. So,” here she turned her attention to me. “What did you see of the robbery?”

I didn't see the robbery,” I said.

H.G. raised her eyebrows.

I continued quickly, “I saw the earrings in a pawn shop, the same day that they were stolen.”

How do you know they're the same ones, then?” H.G. asked.

Because,” I faltered, still unsure whether I should reveal David, “because I know the person who stole them. He told me that he was going to steal them, and he did.”

-- -----

I know this is a bit short, but it gets us a bit further on, at least. 

Thanks, Everinne, I'm glad my diamond explanation didn't bore you!

submitted by CaptainRead
(March 30, 2014 - 8:24 pm)



submitted by TOP
(April 2, 2014 - 4:47 pm)

DON'T DIE!!!!!!!!!! I'll join as soon as I can!!

submitted by Lottie T., age 14, Virginia
(April 6, 2014 - 6:47 am)


submitted by TOP
(April 15, 2014 - 6:02 pm)

Since we are reviving this, and Everrine requested we "get on her tail", I'm going to attempt to kick off the investigation!

@ CaptainRead: I thought your diamond explanation was pretty cool! This is coming from a girl who can't grasp science to save her poor little soul.

H.G. Wells ~

How do you know they're the same ones, then?” I demanded. "Because," Dan faultered, evidently unsure of exactly what she was going to say next, “because I know the person who stole them. He told me that he was going to steal them, and he did.”

"You knew he was going to steal them?!" I asked incredulously, leaning forward. 

"Who was it?" Bess asked, as suprised as the rest of us. 

"Um..." Dan hesitated. 

Suddenly, it hit me.

"The window," I said, standing up. "You were startled by something you saw out the window. I'm going to assume the person who stole the diamonds is a friend of yours. And he, we're going to assume for the moment it is a "he", was just here, though of course he wasn't expecting to see you here, and vice versa. Now the question is not so much to figure out who he is currently, but rather where he will be next."


Y'all can change that if you want, I am merely throwing something out there to help this get off the ground.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age unknown, Detective Agency
(April 19, 2014 - 5:59 pm)

Thanks, BHR, for helping me revive this! When I've got more time I'll start making a run for it! :)

submitted by Everinne, age 14, On the lam
(April 20, 2014 - 3:54 pm)


I blinked. She was good. Very good.

On the other hand, I was now in danger if she went through with finding out David. I got up to leave, wishing I hadn't come in the first place. "Never mind about it. I shouldn't have come. Please don't go after him, 'cause if you do I'm dead!" I drew my finger across my throat to emphasize the point, and shakily tried to push past Beth.



Short, but I just really need to top this! 

submitted by CaptainRead
(May 5, 2014 - 9:28 am)


Squiggle says rpya. Ya, RP!!! 

submitted by TOP
(May 5, 2014 - 6:33 pm)


He knew Aidan had snitched about him, and David knew he needed to get out of town.

David hadn't expected she would have sheltered him. He thought she would make a good thief, but she made a bad accomplice. He was a little mad that he had expected so much from her in the first place. Quickly, he packed his few belongings, looking at the 200 dollars from the diamonds ruefully. This was tainted money, and he knew he wouldn't be able to spend it until he was a hundred miles away.

He didn't know how fast the people of the Dectective Agency would work, but he didn't want to take chances.

He left the pawn shop, hopping on his motorcycle. He couldn't say he would miss the place, but he had been here for a long time. It had been home, at least for a little while. But a thief on the lam couldn't afford to be sentimental. Revving up the engine, he left the side alley with a puff of smoke, heading toward Main Street.

That was the first bad plan. A blond girl with an iron hand, flanked by two others, one with a knife, the other with jet black hair. The fourth person blocking the street, entirely oblivious of the honking traffic, was Aidan.

David couldn't plow her over, and against his better judgement, he screeched to a stop, looking like a caged animal at the three girls who were sternly watching him. He didn't dare admit to himself how much Aidan's betrayal stung.


Wonder what's going to happen next, but this is starting to sound interesting. . . . 

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Running away
(May 7, 2014 - 9:19 pm)

Top it! Save the RP!

submitted by Save the RP!
(May 18, 2014 - 4:57 pm)

Ah, I was without internet for like a week, and the whole time I kept reminding myself to do this, and then I forgot. So I'm doing it now!

H.G. Wells ~

"Never mind about it. I shouldn't have come. Please don't go after him, 'cause if you do I'm dead!" Dan said, drawing a finger across her neck and trying to push past Bess.

"Hold on," Bess said, grabbing her shoulders and forcing her to sit down. "First off, it is a good a thing you came to us. It was the right thing. Second, we're not going to let anything happen to you. No matter what, you are under our protection now and we'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. Third, you need to tell us all you know so we can catch whomever this thief is."

"Like what he'll be driving for starters," I said from my spot leaning agains the desk. 

Dan hesitated.

"Dan," Bess said gently but firmly, "you need to tell us. There was something that made you come to us. You need to cling tight to what that "something" was. Please."

"He'll be on his motorcycle," Dan said after several seconds of inward debating.

"Distinguishable features," Bess said, evidently making mental notes.

"Tall, black hair, blue eyes, handsome," Dan said fast and chokingly, like she knew she had to say them, but had trouble getting the words out.

"Where will he be heading? Which direction?" I asked, Bess and I taking turns asking questions.

"North, straight out of town," Dan said.

"That's all we need for now, let's move," Bess said, pulling Dan to her feet and leading us out the back door.


"Nice car," I commented from the rear seat, sitting next to Aspen and Wren.

"Mercedes S65 AMG. Best getaway car according to Top Gear," Bess answered, smirking slightly.

I laughed outright.

"Stop! There he is!" Dan shouted, pointing to a motorcycle barreling down Main Street.

"On it," Bess said, jerking the wheel.


I sat in the driver's seat, key in the ignition, ready to take action if the guy took off. He didn't look like a serious threat, no more than maybe nineteen, but I'd quickly come to learn looks didn't account for much. Wren, Bess, and Aspen stood blocking one road, while Dan stood alone blocking another, oblivious to the held-up traffic. 

The guy had wisely stopped his motorcycle, looking slightly defeated and cornered, stared straight at Dan, a mixture of anger and hurt on his face.

"Put your hands where I can see them, and remove all weapons," Bess said slowly and clearly. The guy changed his attention to Bess. He didn't glare and become snarky, or try to talk at Bess to distract her. Instead he just studied her. His hand twitched slightly, causing Bess to flex her iron hand, and Aspen and Wren both to flash the knives they held.

"I'm not going down that easy," he called calmly, as if this were some casual chat. With that, he revved the bike, shooting down a narrow alley way that we had previously thought was too narrow for him to fit through.

"After him!" Bess screamed as they dashed for the car. I revved the engine, the car doors having barely enough time to slam shut before I floored the excelerator.


Okay, so you're going to have to forgive me for the Top Gear joke. I literally cannot resist, cause it's too perfect! Y'all may not get it, but I'm literally sitting here laughing my head off. So, fair warning, I'll probably be throwing in a lot of Top Gear/Warehouse 13 inside jokes. I just can't resist!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, Solving mysteries
(May 18, 2014 - 9:04 pm)


As I stood there in front of the honking traffic, I realized that I had no idea what I was doing. I had thrown away the only person who had thought of himself as my friend, and had suddenly been recruited to help complete strangers round him up. I'm crazy!, my mind yelled at me.

I tried to look at things differently to stop me from panicking. David had probably NOT thought of me as a friend, after all, what was a bit of lying to an expert thief? And Bess and the others were trying to protect me. I'm still utterly and completely crazy, I thought. Suddenly, I heard the screech of tires, and I looked up to see David's motorbike zoom away down the side street that led to the antique store whose attic I lived in. Bess ran up and grabbed my arm, and I was dragged back to the car. H.G. started driving before I was even completely in my seat, and I looked around at the girls beside me. What am I doing here? I should be sitting in front of the antique store's counter, counting money and reminding old Taffadil that his glasses are right where he left them, around his neck.....

"There he is again!" Bess said excitedly, waking me up from my panicked reverie. The car screeched around a corner and I saw David. He was walking in through the door of the antique store. The car squealed to a halt, and we all piled out. I was the first one to run up the steps and yank open the door. I stopped still and stared. In the few seconds it had taken for the car to stop, David had knocked over almost all of the displays on the ground floor of Taffadil's shop, and there in a corner was Taffadil himself, muttering to himself about "young rips these days". He's alright then, I thought, and hoping that Taffadil wouldn't recognize me, I raced after David, who had started climbing the long stairs up to the attic. Why is he going up there? I wondered, panting as I climbed the stairs. I never told him that I lived here, and even if I had that's no reason to rush up a dead-end...

submitted by CaptainRead
(May 22, 2014 - 8:52 pm)

I can't even join at this point, but I just enjoy reading this because y'all are awesome :D

submitted by SomeonePlusFour
(May 20, 2014 - 6:24 am)


submitted by TOP
(May 27, 2014 - 7:08 am)

This so needs to top, people!

submitted by top, age topful, topper
(May 27, 2014 - 3:25 pm)