Chatterbox: Inkwell



For those of you who don't know what this is, it's basically NaNoWriMo but with choosable word goals and in April and July instead of November and most importantly CABINS!

There is generally a good amount of trying to get a CB cabin, and we usually get the majority of usn's into one, and now since there's ELEVEN ENTIRE PEOPLE in cabins this year, then probably all the Camp NaNoing CBers will be in a cabin, if we all request each other.

If you want to be in a cabin with some CBers, you've probably done this before, but either way, tell us your username so everyone can request peopleses.  I'm The Penultimate Bookworm, if anyone cares, and this is going to be awesome.  As usual.

Spamster in his spamster cage says oihd.  Oy in HD!  That would probably not be very interesting, but okay?

submitted by Gollum
(March 5, 2014 - 3:50 pm)

I tried to look you up, but I couldn't find you. My NaNo name's Mag Fan .   (w/ a space before the period-yes, the period's part of my name.) So, how do I do the Camp? It sounds fun!

submitted by Mag Fan, age dunno, Camp NaNoWriMo
(March 5, 2014 - 6:01 pm)

And I couldn't find you!  Maybe you're looking on the YWP?  You have to be 13 to use the Camp NaNo website, but, truth be told, I lied last year.  You do Camp by NaNoing, but updating and stuff on the Camp website, and doing it in either April or July.  Or both.

submitted by Gollum
(March 5, 2014 - 7:55 pm)

I'm not quite 13, but my mom signed me up for it so I can do it. *sheepish grin*  But it's saying that an active camper by your NaNo name was not found!

submitted by Mag Fan, age searching, CampNaNoWrimo
(March 7, 2014 - 8:06 am)

Maybe if you search for one of my novels (Dolphin; Change of Plot, Former Title No Longer Relevant or Folding Chairs and Sodden Parasols) you might have better luck?

submitted by Gollum
(March 8, 2014 - 10:41 am)

I added you, Gollum!

@Mag Fan: Have you logged into the Camp Nano site, or just the regular one?  


submitted by Ivy
(March 5, 2014 - 6:41 pm)

CandlemanRobotGenius, present! 

I don't think you need to be capitalizing all those words, but you never know.

I have absolutely no idea what to do! I'm thinking of doing a comic and competing with two of my friends who might do a nano collaboration. But they're not sure. And I'm not sure what I want to do, either!

Oh well. 

submitted by Theo W., Dark, dreary places
(March 5, 2014 - 6:59 pm)

Eeek! I'm so excited! Starting this April, I'll have officially been doing NaNo for a year! I am Anne Shirley101 on both YWP & NaNoWriMo.

I'm thinking I might draft a new novel, instead of writing a whole new one. That's what I did for Dehlia last year, and it helped a lot.


submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age unknown, Camp NaNo
(March 5, 2014 - 9:03 pm)

Yes :D So excited!! I'm doing both April and July, April being a small 10k to start out my next novel, and July as a short story book. I'm doing a book about Vincent Van Gogh and why and how he supposedly went "insane." I've been researching him a lot, so I'm trying to get as accurate as possible (though there will be some fantasy) Btw, I'm Moss the Ravenclaw on each NaNo site. I've gotten some people already so I think I can only get a few CBers ):

submitted by Moss, age 13
(March 6, 2014 - 7:02 am)

Hi! I'm doing CampNaNo now that you mention it. (thank you whoever started this discussion, I would have completely forgotten about it if you hadn't come along!)

I am ElfMoonPoetree, and if we're all going to try and be in one cabin together, we should write out our names and do this:


"If you've organized a large group of people that want to be all in the same cabin, I think it should work even if you can't all request each other. For instance, make a list of all the people who want to be together:


Everybody finds their name on the list, and requests the two people above them and the three people below them. Think of the list like a circle, so if you run out of names at the bottom start again at the top, and vice versa. Kelly would request Jane, Ian, Mark, Andy, and Betty. When the cabin-matching algorithm hits any of your names, I think it'll follow the friend request even if you couldn't request everyone. The important thing is for everyone in the group to have at least 4 others requesting them."


Note: the quotation marks are to make clear that I'm not the one who originally said this, I found it on a NaNo forum and copy-pasted.

submitted by CaptainRead, age undecided, CampNaNo
(March 6, 2014 - 12:44 pm)

I'm QuizzicalZizzle.

submitted by Madeline
(March 6, 2014 - 4:13 pm)





with the dot 

submitted by Madeline
(March 6, 2014 - 4:16 pm)

Okay, to make it easier, I'm going to make an OFFICIAL CAMP NANOWRIMO thread where you ONLY post your username and NOTHING else. :)

submitted by Madeline
(March 6, 2014 - 7:10 pm)

I'm dancingshoes.

submitted by Teresa
(March 7, 2014 - 2:45 pm)


I saw that Corina was friends with all of you on the NaNo site, so does anyone know why she hadn't been around the CB in so long? I don't remember saying she was leaving... Just curious. :)

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Missing
(March 7, 2014 - 7:40 pm)

I have no idea. I was wondering the same thing myself.

submitted by Ivy
(March 7, 2014 - 8:45 pm)