
Chatterbox: Inkwell



I hear that it's good to keep a journal, so now I've started to keep one. I got a really nice journal today and I'd love to fill it up with as much as I can! The thing is, I have no idea what to write about. For those of you who keep a journal or a diary, what do you write about to fill it up? Does anybody have any ideas? 

submitted by Nina, age 11, Florida
(February 9, 2014 - 6:11 pm)

I keep a journal! I've gone through... at least four or five.

Journals are for writing whatever you like! I usually like to write about the days events. Or I write about my thoughts or feelings. Or when I'm mad. Then I'm more prone to use profanity. So really, I don't want my kids ever finding my old diaries! 

But sometimes I also write poems, short stories, or story ideas in my journal. Or I doodle. It's just there for you to vent whatever you feel. I always name my journals, usually after my favorite book characters! Though I named my first one "Kitty" because that's what Anne Frank called her diary.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age classified, Writing my diary
(February 9, 2014 - 8:36 pm)

I love journals, and anything and everything about them! Even ask my mom! She's always mad at me because I'm always asking for more journals and more journals and more journal-type books. Have you ever heard of Keri Smith? I LOVE her books! They are so good (they're mostly journal/types)!!! I have like seven of her books.

Anyways, I also keep a travel journal, where I write about what we did and when it was, so that when I go back to make a photo book on Mixbook, I know when and what happened. It's also good for memories. Sometime I think I'd like to show my kids my journals (unlike BHR, hehe). :)

I just love journals! I love the types that are leather, etc., like they look like they hold memories, stories, etc. My travel journal is a good-sized leather journal, with a little hinge lock thingy (no key) on the front. I'd love to get another one similar to it for just everyday, but it was $40, and my mom would get mad at me for having too many journals. Not that she isn't already. Hehehehehe That is like all I ask for every holiday! More journals/journally-type books! Check out Keri Smith, or the Nat Geo Action Journal. I bet you'd like both.



submitted by Madeline
(February 10, 2014 - 8:14 pm)

I keep a diary and have been for a few years. I just write about what happens in my days- things I'll want to remember later in life or things I just need to get out of my system. I all ways give a name to my diary (kinda weird) and write in it like I'm almost writing aletter for me and the person to enjoy later in life. Currently, I'm taking a break form writing in it- and thats okay:) Just find what works for you.

submitted by Abigail A., age 12, VT
(February 11, 2014 - 8:20 am)

I've always kept a journal, but I've thrown away everything written before the age of eleven. Everything sounded so stupid. It is fun to reread old entries though, and see how much your personality's changed over the years.

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Library
(February 11, 2014 - 4:28 pm)

I love journals. My favorite part is that whatever you write about can be different every day and it is almost like a story about yourself. I also love seeing the change in my grammar over the years, why didn't I use any commas at age 6? Surely I've improved since then. That's another thing, journals make it easy to track self improvement. Happy Journaling!!!

submitted by Katie, age 11, NH
(February 12, 2014 - 3:55 pm)