Total HypQuests!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Total HypQuests!

Total HypQuests!

Hey guys, I saw this thread ( ) and that reminded me to make more HypQuests. I'm still under an internet ban and hope I'm not caught at this... Make up your own if you like! I really appreciate that, it shows I am not alone.

1. What would you do if you woke up and The Master (as portrayed on the revived Doctor Who by John Simm) was in your room with the Toclafane and the Doctor's TARDIS (which he stole), and said, smiling, "Well, I'm afraid it's time to go! Get on into the box or I'm afraid you'll have to go, well, let's just say a much harder and more unpleasant way."?

I'd call the Doctor. Wait, no. Even if I could reach the Doctor, he probably wouldn't be able get here immediately, owing to the fact that the Master has his TARDIS. Also, if the Master saw me calling the Doctor, he'd have the Toclafane, uh, do away, with me, so I'd pretend to go along with him. Then once inside the TARDIS, I'd run away (It's big enough!) and then call Torchwood and/or UNIT, and if they couldn't be reached, then the Doctor. And until someone arrived, keep running and hiding and use whatever I can find in the TARDIS to defend myself as needed.

2. What would you do if while you were surfing the web, a pop-up window came up displaying a live feed from the security cameras at the Louvre?

Call the FBI and whoever else. Or, since I actually don't know the FBI's number, go to my dad and ask, "Hey, does the computer get this a lot?"

3. What would you do if you got a letter saying you'd been hand-picked to participate in a zebra-riding race in Las Vegas?

Mmm, sounds dangerous... first ask my parents if this was their doing. If they said no, call them up and tell them that they must have made a mistake, as I hadn't applied. If they insisted they hadn't made any such error, tell them I wouldn't be able to because a) I lack sufficient zebra-riding experience, and b) I can't come to Vegas anyway.

So these are not my best HypQuests, but they're random. And Red said a random HypQuest is a good HypQuest!

submitted by Joe the Stickfiddler, age 14, HypQuest Vortex
(January 13, 2014 - 7:37 pm)

1. Tell him, "Sir, I appear to be in a strange dream where I'm a Whovian and some idea of what you're talking about," and promptly fall back to sleep. Or shove him in the box, chuckle darkly, make a Mothy reference, and then fall back to sleep.

2. KILL THE POP-UP! What, isn't that what you guys when pop-ups come up? I hate those things!

3. Aw, yes. Zebra riding, here I come. 

submitted by Red, age 14, Elsewhere
(January 13, 2014 - 10:09 pm)
submitted by top
(January 14, 2014 - 5:18 pm)

Nice to see you again Joe (are you still on Internet Lockdown???)

1. Raise my eyebrows and wonder why I never watched an episode of Doctor Who. Sounds fascinating.

2. Watch it for a while. If nothing happened at the Louvre (like no one trying to steal Mona Lisa again), I'd close the window and change my wireless feed.

3. Ask my parents, and if they said yes, I'd compete. Hey, nothing like a new experience! 

submitted by Everinne, age 14, France
(January 14, 2014 - 5:48 pm)

1. uh... Call the authorities

2. Something awesome and highly illegal that I shall not say here cause you don't wanna know! (just kidding)

3.  SWEET! Sounds like fun! Like Swiss Family Robinson! (The whole scene where they're riding the animals and all, I love that!)

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age classified, Not tellin'
(January 14, 2014 - 9:54 pm)

@Everrine: Yes. Also, I forgot this one:

4. What would you do if Steve Jobs came to you in the street and said, "Hi, I faked my own death and now I want you to help me build the greatest computer the world has ever seen! Sound good to you? Well, guess what's even better: I'm supposed to be dead, so YOU get all the credit! How's about we get started?"?

Say, "Yes! Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!! Can I have one of the computers after we finish?"

submitted by Joe the Stickfiddler, age 14, Steve Jobs Vortex
(January 16, 2014 - 5:11 pm)

4. I'd probably wonder if this was some big hoax first. He'd have to show me documentation first. Then if it was real, I'd probably go into psycho giddy spasms, and finally accept.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(January 16, 2014 - 6:16 pm)

Yell "Creepy old guy!", hit him with my backpack, and run away. 

Red says he'd say "Oh, yes. Let's do this," and then pretend he totally knows all about computers. He would also say the word "teraFLOPs" a lot, because that's a really fun word to say and it makes you sound like you know a lot about computers.

Captcha says motf. Oh god. Steve Jobs is a motif. It's the attack of the English teachers and their symbolism! Run away! 

submitted by Ruby M., age 14, Somewhere
(January 16, 2014 - 6:27 pm)

1) Well. TARDIS. First, I'd throw the mutliple volumes of manga that sit beside my bed at him, as well as my book on comics that's about the size of a dictionary. Then, with that distraction, I'd run to the study (next door) and grab all of my really nice ink (or maybe just my bad ink), take the tops off the small jars, fling it in his face, splattering him with ink, all the while singing songs from "Oliver!" at the top of my lungs, hoping to disble him in both his eyes and his ears. Then, charge out the study window, ruining it and spreading glass everywhere, and... then I'd be in the snow in my pjs. Great.

2) Close the pop up window.

3) I'd check to see who the letter was from. Oh, yes. My cousin. It must be a joke. Even if it isn't from my cousin, I'll simiply pretend it is. 

4) Wonder if he was really a mouse, and ask him if I could call the computer "deep thought." 

submitted by Theo W.
(January 16, 2014 - 6:27 pm)
submitted by Goop
(January 17, 2014 - 1:50 pm)

1. I would wonder "Who are these people?" I have never watched Doctor Who.

2. Watch for a bit, then x-out if nothing interesting happened. Like theft.

3. Um, ask my parents. Then go.


A guy named Harry Finkleberry wrote about u in the January issue. Smile 

submitted by Emma B., age 10, New Jersey
(January 18, 2014 - 1:24 pm)

Dude, I know. He's a fictional character I made up and I wrote the letter.

submitted by Joe the Stickfiddler, age 14, Dude Vortex
(January 19, 2014 - 3:45 pm)

*laughing out loud!*

submitted by ...
(January 27, 2014 - 10:07 am)