Harry Potter RP 

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Harry Potter RP 

Harry Potter RP 

I recently watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and felt the urge to have a "Tri-Wizard Tournament" RP but this time with a twist so that not only three people participate. This is my idea. Instead of it being a Tri-Wizard Tournament, it's a Multi-Wizard Tournament. That means that the champions don't only come from Beau-Baton, Durmstrang or Hogwarts but they can also come from some wizarding school that you made up. The tournament itself will take place at Hogwarts. 

I'll post my character later. Please join! I think this RP could be pretty fun. Plus, I don't think we've had an HP RP in a while. 

One more important question: should this be before, during or after Harry?  

submitted by Elizabeth, age 14, Germany
(December 22, 2013 - 10:10 am)

Yeah... no. I can't write Malfoy's speech either. Mine would be ten times worse than the worse of anything any of ya'll came up with. Plus, I just wrote, so... Gollum, perhaps? You seem pretty good at writing that stuff.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age unknown, Hogwarts
(February 9, 2014 - 6:25 pm)

Maybe multiple kinds of animals set on them at once?


"Hey, Astrid?" One of the Gryffindor girls sticks her head into the dormitory. "Ulrik wants to talk to you."

Confused, I say the first thing that comes out of my mouth. "I'll meet him in the Common Room."  After the girl closes the door I jump out of bed, pulling on clothes and trying to get my robe on frontways front.  I grab my boots which are at the foot of my bed and go down the stairs to the Gryffindor Common Room.

"Astrid!" Ulrik hisses, pulling me to a chair near the dying fire.  "I overheard something this morning!"

"What a surprise." I yawn.

"No, you don't understand.  There was a teacher who was talking to Headmaster Malfoy in the halls.  He was talking about which students Malfoy was going to choose."

"What?" I ask.

"Headmaster Malfoy is obviously rigging the competition!" Ulrik whispers.  His eyebrows are knit together, thick in their blondeness above his blue eyes. "And you know he wanted you in it!"

"So?  That's what we came for, right?"

"He's going to do something weird, Astrid.  I've seen big crates stacked in the woods from the Quidditch pitch."

"So?" I smirk. "What's the worst that could happen?"


"Good luck!" I whisper to Danielle.

"Thanks!" she says back.  Everyone in the Great Hall is standing up, waiting for Headmaster Malfoy to reveal the contestants for the MultiWizard tournament.

"As you all know at this point, today the Goblet of Fire will announce the final drawings for the Multiwizard tournament.  I have suspended classes for today--"

A large amount of cheering results from everyone.

"As I was saying," Headmaster Malfoy continues, "classes have been suspended on holiday and to let the competitors adjust to their new environment.  Without further details, the Goblet of Fire will show the names of the lucky contestants for this year's Multiwizard--"

A belch fills the room, and a flurry of papers flie onto the stage.

"Oh, well, I guess the Goblet has made it's choice." Malfoy bends down to pick up the papers.

"From Snow Queen, Astrid and Ulrik will be fight- competing."

"Shoot.  Shoot, shoot, shoot shootshootshoot--" Ulrik starts muttering under his breath.

"If the guards will please take them to the Multiwizard House?" Malfoy says, sounding a bit sheepish.  Two thugs come and all but handcuff us, dragging us out of the Great Hall, mowing over all the students who didn't get out of the way.  I start screaming, and Ulrik is glaring at Headmaster Malfoy, his jaw tense.

"Now for our next competitor!" Malfoy has noticed Ulrik, but doesn't comment as he picks the next piece of paper off the ground.


Was that too dramatic?  That was too dramatic.  Sorry... you can disregard all that if you want.

submitted by Gollum
(February 10, 2014 - 3:45 pm)

Hey I like dramatic! Dramatic means interesting, interesting means exciting, and exciting means fun! Or so my messed up logic goes.

So, Lydia hasn't written lately. Should I include Rosalind as a Hogwart's competitor?

Btw, it just hit me my comment above may have sounded a little insulting. I HADN'T MEANT IT TO!!! This just proves I have no tact.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age unknown, Hogwarts
(February 10, 2014 - 6:59 pm)

Yeah, I think you should probably choose Hogwart's other competitor, and if Lydia comes back we can rewrite her back into the story.

submitted by Gollum
(February 10, 2014 - 7:39 pm)

Okey dokey then. Hmm, let's see.

Danielle ~

Now I'm seriously freaked out. I watch as Astrid and Ulrik are dragged from the room. Everyone is tense now. My heart is literally hammering in my chest. 

What on earth is going to be happening? 

Headmaster Malfoy picks up the next piece of paper.

"From Hogwarts..." 

Maybe it was just me, but he seemed draw out the words, stalling for a moment. I think I'm going to be sick.

"Danielle Wood and Jason Maverick." Two guards march forward, grabbing me gruffly by the either arm. Susan gives a little shriek of terror behind me. Somewhere else in the crowd, I can hear two more guards grabbing the other Hogwarts student. I glanced around, staring into the faces of classmates. Their faces are now portraying fear. Those who haven't entered their names are backed up, watching the competitors. Those who are still waiting to hear have put on brave faces, but I can tell, they're getting nervous.


So this has taken a sort of intense turn, but I like it! We haven't picked the first challenge yet. What creature should it be? 

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age classified, Hogwarts
(February 11, 2014 - 2:06 pm)

I just realized that there may have been multiple Basilisks... might this be going too far? Other than that, I kind of like Blast-Ended Skrewts.

Spamster in his spamster cage says pbam.  Peanut butter morning?  That actually sounds like a good name for a song...

submitted by Gollum
(February 12, 2014 - 11:44 am)

Oh my gosh, I LOVE the idea of the Basilisks! That would be exciting and really really creepy! I don't personally think that's going too far, since it was kind of known that there was no cure for Basilisk venom, so maybe not many, but there were some.

Also, I don't know how ya'll would feel about this, so just say no, but what if instead of individual rounds, all the houses go at once for the creature, like in the water challenge? I dunno, just a thought.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(February 12, 2014 - 6:26 pm)

I'm confused.  Are you saying we just have one event that is really long?

Oh.  Now I get it.  So instead of teams taking turns we all attack the creature at once?  That would lead to some interesting alliance things, or something.  We'd also need something really powerful *coughbasiliskcough* so we wouldn't all just kill it (disable it, greatly maim, you know) immediately.  Like if we did that a Blast-Ended Skrewt would be grossly outnumbered.  Unless there were a bunch of them...  A room full of Blast-Ended Skrewts.  That we have to stay in for a very long time...

My brain is running away with me.

What I was thinking with the whole dramatic hostage thing, by the way, was that the peopleses in the tournament would be in a separate house like thing from everyone else.  We could run away with that in whatever way we want.  Double-u, double-u, double-u.

How do you spell "W"?

Elizabeth and Theo, and everyone else who disappeared a while ago, PLEASE JOIN IN THE DISCUSSION!

Spamster in shis spamster cage says exwt.  Exit?  Like an exit, but for wizards?  Exwit.

I'll shut up now.

submitted by Gollum
(February 13, 2014 - 9:31 am)

Yeah, sorry. I worded that really badly. I'm terrible at getting my thoughts out properly. But yes, that's what I meant! I thought different allience possibilities might be interesting. Then it wouldn't be as difficult to write, either. And yeah, that would be really help the Basilisk idea!

I like the idea of a separate house! That would be really unique, and as you said, that could lead to so many possibilities!


submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(February 13, 2014 - 10:33 pm)

Yay!  Agreeing!  On things!  Wild!  Gesticulation!

So... Basilisk for our first event?  Or maybe that would make a good final event.  Or maybe we plan the darn thing already.

Just to clarify, a simple outline of the Tournament as it currently stands derived from preceding posts:

1. Some sort of animal event, possibly including a Basilisk, hippogriffs, those skeleton horse thingies (which have been clarified as threstrals, a name which makes more sense.  At least Latinly speaking.), Blast-Ended skrewts or something else present or not present in cannon, probably including attacking said creature(s) EN MASSE with alliances ensuing possibly and such.


An underwater event in the Black Lake as suggested by Elizabeth.

Quidditch sort of event as suggested by Gollum (Yes, Gollum is speaking in third person all of the sudden.  Deal with it.) with possibly rigged Bludger things or at least SOMETHING abnormal.  This could also be substituted for just a normal Quidditch match scene, seeing as there is a more competitive schedule/regime that was established later so this would now make more sense (also sub-plots), but seeing as we have a virtual WEALTH of PARTICIPANTS and PEOPLE TO BOUNCE IDEAS OFF OF *coughcough* this might be needed to, you know, have a decent amount of event-y things. (Yes, Gollum knows it shoul be "participants and people with which to bounce ideas off" but grammar sometimes sounds weird when done correctly.  Also, never use a preposition to end a sentence with.  Gollum also knows they're actually just called events, but seeing as terms and restrictions have been kidnapped and thrown out the window, you should expect that sort of thing.)


Maze event, as suggested by Blackberry E., a la the actual Book Four (but, you know, at this point canon accuracy has gone the way of terms and restrictions).  Seeing as we have the massive Death Eater elephant in the room (Elephant with a dark mark as a cutie mark.  Are they even called cutie marks?  I haven't seen that show.  I mean Gollum hasn't seen that show.  Gollum will try to not start singing Hank Green.  But anyway, the point was, Dark Mark cutie marks.), this would be a good idea to have things be found Death Eater, treachery-wise (see section entitled "Other Things")

OTHER THINGS TO CONSIDER & KEEP IN MIND (other than ampersands being the best kind of punctuation including interrobang and umlauts, which people have told me aren't umlauts.  I mean, they told Gollum.  Anyhoo):

We need a winner for this mess.  Possible suggestions include everyone wins (Blackberry's idea of giving everyone their perfect environment and then sacrificing.  Clarification or improvisation may be needed.), no one wins because Hogwarts explodes (Thanks, Theo.  I think this may have been a joke.  But you know, we accept pyromaniacs here.), drawing from a hat (suggested by BHR, pretty self explanatory) or process of elimination via volunteering to not win.  Kyary, Astrid, Gollumthinks Danielle and Gollumthinks Mathis (these could totally be innaccurate, but that's when she remembers.) have been volunteered to not win.  We could also have a character who at present is not narrating win.  Then we'd probably want them to narrate a thing at least a little bit, just to get a sense of the person.

Astrid will most likely defect over to Death Eaters.  (This seems to be a trend with Gollum's RP characters.  Does anyone remember Brenning?  What a Benedict Arnold.)

The possibility of kind of continuing this after the Tournament to have big Death Eater battle things.  (Gollum's brain comes up with this randomly.  Please ignore or regard as necessary.)

There's been talk of a Yule Ball, so we need to do that.  This arrises the question of what month the RP is currently in, and how long we need to keep this thing going until then.  Also, there were event buffer issues, so we'll either need a ton of events to get us to the end of the year, have a random stop in the middle of the year, finish early, decide on buffers or kill the thread before it's done, which would be sad, because it's probably given Gollum carpal tunnel syndrome at this point, and it would be sad to have that go to waste.


1. Most importantly, figure out the first event.

2. Decide on time between events (I think we had this, but, well, see above)

3. Find a winner.

4. Finalize everything in general.

5. Stop making lists because Gollum's mom is going to get mad at her for spending so much time obsessing in front of the computer.


And... breathe.

submitted by Gollum
(February 14, 2014 - 7:18 pm)

Wow. Okay I'm glad you made that. I'd forgotten everything we need to do.

Maybe we should just kill everybody at the end. Or have them loose their minds, or have weird, freakish things happen to them. (okay, no, no don't listen to me. I'm going off on another one of my WEIRD tangents. Yeah, ignore this.)

Maybe we should have more than three events. We've got a lot of cool ideas, and we're going against cannon for the most part anyway, why not? But maybe the Basilisk would serve as a good finale type thing. (Btw, I'm offically going to go around speaking in third person for a whole day. I thought that was hilarious).

I'm cool with the Death Eater idea.

I like Hogwarts exploding! Totally random and cool. Or we could have someone not narrating win too.

I remember Brenning! I rather liked her, despite her working for Leck (or whatever his name was).

I wanna continue after the Tournament (so therefore really don't pay attention to my weird tangent at the top of the comment). 

I'm down with the Yule Ball, but do we have to have dates for it? How on earth do you even write that? Time issue, hmm. If we added more events, that would help that. And if we all lived in a separate house as suggested, that might help too.

This doesn't help, but there are my thoughts (which are jumbled, hard to understand, and morally and ethically wrong and I have tried to tame them, so take from them what you will.) Seriously, where did everyone go?

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(February 14, 2014 - 10:07 pm)

Everyone was kidnapped in Alaska. You know how it goes. But I've escaped! I don't know about the others, but....

Okay. Ideas. Hmm. The man in the sharp suit might turn  again, and he could be helpful with whatever conflict we have going. Just an idea.

The problem with us not going individually is the judges, they'd be too confused an not know how to tally up points. Maybe that's the idea. Or all the teams could go at once in separate areas? Are there teams. I'm confused. Just ignore this.

Hmm. Okay, Hogwarts is probably too big to explode, and most likely has spells protecting that from happening. But anything is possible!

Could one of our events have a lead up with a riddle or something? I remember that part being pretty awesome in the 4th book. I mean, presumably our characters went getting picked just because the can play quidich and fight a blast-ended squwert. Which I can't spell.

If we want to do more events, one of them could be a dueling tournament. Seems kind of old fashioned, but it might be fun to write them just using straight up magic.

That's all I can think of for now. If I come up with something, I will post it.

submitted by Theo W.
(February 15, 2014 - 9:25 am)

I have no idea where everyone went, but we seem to be losing our minds together, so that's nice.  I haven't seen Elizabeth or Theo around much, so we know they're not just ignoring the thread.

Maybe as a way of ending we have one contestant die after each event?  Or is that too Hunger Gamesy?  Yeah, I don't like that idea all that much, but we're getting kind of desperate here.

So what you're saying is we don't have the buffer between events and just have more of them?  Then I'm assuming we won't really go all the way through the year, maybe diverting from competition things sometime after the Yule Ball (because that seems like a thing people would want to do.)  I think getting sidetracked with more important less tournamenty things might be a good solution for that.  Such as this Death Eater attack that I've kind of been trying to hint at happening.  AT THE YULE BALL!  <-- please ignore idea as necessary, but that might fix issues that have been arrising involving romantic pairings.  Or pairings in general, a la Book Four.  I found absolutely no reason for Harry to go to the ball with... Padma?  I forget which one, and I have no cannon, so whatever.


Definitely do a Yule Ball, with an option to not bring a date.

Get sidetracked from tournament things probably sometime after the Yule Ball, with Death Eaters preferably playing some role in that.

Ditch three month buffers from cannon and just have more events (I think there should probably be at least a week between each, just so we don't run out too quickly, also so we don't kill our characters too quickly.)


I think Death Eaters interfering with Yule Ball could be a way to get us sidetracked from the tournament and go into further tangential plot lines.  This could involve Hogwarts exploding (we're malicious, aren't we?) or just battles.

Also, if we're thinking of the Basilisk wrapping things up (although the way things are going, we probably won't have a very official ending) then are we doing something else for the animal event?  I really like the thestral idea, but I also happen to like Blast-Ended Skrewts.  Hippogriffs, if we want, could probably make an appearance later in the plot, so having them in an event isn't necessary.

This brainstorming thing is actually really fun...

submitted by Gollum
(February 15, 2014 - 9:26 am)

@ Theo: Ah yes, I forgot the whole kidnapping in Alaska situation. Yes, unfortunate events. Glad you escaped!

Yeah if we're going to branch out in plot ideas, killing off characters may not be such a good idea.

Trying to spread it out through the year may prove difficult trying to find buffer material. And being as the nature of RPs don't last long without action... yeah. I agree with diverting from the tournament, and I like the Death Eater idea! At the Yule Ball too! Something to spice up the getting dressed up and dancing thing. I found it pointless for Harry to go with what's-her-name too. (And personally, what he saw in Cho, I will never know.)

I agree about at least one week buffer though.

I REALLY REALLY like the idea of Death Eaters droppin in at the Yule Ball, and either Hogwarts blowing up (yes we're quite malicious, but that's what I love about us), or battles ensuing. Or both. If Death Eaters blew up Hogwarts, we could try a whole Dumbledor's Army (not that title, but gist of the idea)/Red Dawn type thing. 

For the animal thing, maybe we could sort of mix in a maze type thing. Or maybe not a maze. Well, maybe we could send them out into the forest with the different creatures we've suggested. Perhaps we could try to find something? That way maybe we could include the basilisk? I dunno.

Brainstorming is fun! Makes me think uniquely and more outside the box.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(February 15, 2014 - 1:12 pm)

Sorry, but it was getting hard to breathe in those really skinny posts.  Also, we're glad you're back from Alaska.  Was it nice, there, you know, being kidnapped?  I assume it was excellent.  But anyway, moving right along.

Bringing back the man with sharp suit sounds like a good idea!  Maybe he's a person at Hogwarts, kind of a double agent kind of thing?

Maybe there's a spell/magic thing where they can find that sort of thing out from tagging wands.  This is Harry Potter, after all.  They can do that sort of thing.

The riddle idea sounds good.  Also, as long as we're talking about riddles, maybe we could have an event like at the end of the first book where we have to answer a bunch of different riddle things to get to a random object (or not so random, depending) and then come back.  That might be something like the maze, and also I just liked that part of the book anyway.

Dueling also sounds like a really awesome event!  Just shoot sparkly light at each other, children, that's the idea.

Killing people might not be a good idea, so let's throw it out the window along with terms and restrictions, as well as cannon accuracy!

So, I guess at this point we're having the Yule Ball destroyed by Death Eaters.  Excellent!  Also, Dumbledore's Army!  Yes!  Most certainly!

Going into the woods and letting the whims of nature destroy things sounds like a good solution to our refusal to decide on which animal we're using.  Maybe the Basilisk can be in a cave or something.  Or maybe if we do the Sorcerer's Stone revival event the Basilisk could be at the end of that?


That reminds me.  I have to go practice my evil laugh now.


submitted by Gollum
(February 15, 2014 - 4:44 pm)