Hi. Here is
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Hi. Here is
Hi. Here is the plot:
You live at Willowing Whispers, a multigenerational private boarding
school for all ages that provides housing for entire families of alumni
and their kids. You have to be a genius to get in without a family
member who went there. You are not a genius, but you still got in. In
philosophy you are given a project in which you will be assigned a house
on campus and a group of students, all ages, genders, and races, to
live with. You must act as if you are all siblings and you have to tell
people the same thing. If anyone doesn't follow the rule you get an F.
Read The RULES:
The ages run from 2-19.
-This is based I my book plot so no stealing it.
-If the genders, races, and ages get too unbalanced then I will force
different traits such as gender, race, and age onto people.
-You can make up to 2 characters.
Name (first and last):
If there is any shocking secret you want to have put it here:
My Character:
Name (first and last): Gayles Darling (aka. Eul (yoo-el))
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Ethnicity: Polish
Appearance: [link removed]
If there is any shocking secret you want to have put it here: She suffers depression
Personality: Very sweet, but troubled. Loving, caring, but a bit depressed.
Other: Have Fun
(December 18, 2013 - 4:21 pm)
room 1
Alice: 4
Vanessa: 13
Gayles: 16
room 2
Agnes: 11
Emma: 16
Nadia: 18
room 3
Kelly: 7
Taylor: 12
Anthony: 15
(January 3, 2014 - 2:49 pm)
little while later, Eul said to me, “Ah…could you just call me Gayles,
actually?” I nodded, somewhat confused. She continued, speaking to both me and
Alice, "I don't know
about you guys, but if we are going to spend six months living together with no
grownups then I think we should figure out some rules and maybe a few of us
older kids to act as parents. Would you help me round up the others?"
Alice and I nodded and left the room. A minute later, I realized that Gayles
hadn’t said where we were to gather
our “siblings.” I walked back to the room and said to Gayles, “Um, where to you
want us to gather them?”
She looked up, startled. “Um…in the
front room, I guess.” I nodded and left the room. I walked down the hallway to
the other girls’ room. I knocked on the door and Nadia called, “Come in!” I
entered the room and said awkwardly, “Um, Gayles wanted me and Alice to get
everyone to come to the front room so that we would be able to establish some
rules as a group.” She smiled. “Okay.” I left the room and walked across the
hall to the boys’ room. As it turned out, Alice had already talked to them,
because just when I knocked on the door, they walked out of the room with
Alice. Nadia, Agnes, and Emma walked out of their room, too. They all looked to
me for instruction. You shouldn’t talk to
them. You’re just going to mess up. “Uh…hold on. I’m going to go get
Gayles.” I walked back to the room. “Gayles? Alice and I got everyone out of
their rooms. Do you want to go talk to them?” Hearing no answer, I walked
farther into the room. Gayles wasn’t on her bunk. “Gayles? Where are you?”
(hopefully the formatting isn't going to be messed up this time)
(January 3, 2014 - 3:21 pm)
(January 12, 2014 - 5:09 pm)