I wrote this

Chatterbox: Inkwell

I wrote this

I wrote this poem awhile ago, and would like to think what other people think of this. 


The Nursery's Night

The nursery window brings in light
On all the scattered toys
On sleeping children, unaware,
Of happenings of then
and there.
The clock chimes two, then three, then four,
there's a movement on the floor.
The old toy dog has moved a
For that's the signal which to them all
Means "It's
time to frolic, have fun, and play,
And do what we couldn't during
the day
It's time to roll and shout and run
And play in every
manner of fun."
The rolling horse with it's faded skin
stuffing poking from within
Rolls to the center of the room
must stay silent as a tomb
In all the joys tonight will bring
everyone and everything.)
The horse is followed by Raggedy Ann
the nesting dolls and the soldier man.
Then comes Rover, the
dearest toy
Of the sleeping girl and the sleeping boy.
there comes Teddy, all brushed and fine,
And Dolly looking just
The soldiers march along in ranks,
And Jack-in-the-box
with his peek-a-boo pranks
Follows bouncing out the time With the
rubber ball the color of lime.
Then all the books jumped from the
And magically, they open themselves
To pages of
pictures, gay and bright,
And - poof!- with a flash of light
jump from picture to nursery floor
And all of then add to the
silent uproar.
First Goldilocks and the three bears, too.
Little Red Riding Hood and Boy Blue
Are followed by Mary and her
And the little Dutch boy who saved the dam.
Then Snow
White and Beauty and her beast
Are followed by Robin Hood and a
glorious feast.
And every character from stories read, written by
authors long since dead
But leave the enchanting stories'
That always are a joy to tell.
In the nursery, the toys
all are bursting
From this joy they've long been thirsting
Dolly's tea set is taken out
Then Robin's feast is past about
everyone to enjoy and eat
The cakes and cookies and all the
There is duck and turkey and chicken and ham,
And bread
with butter, or honey, or jam.
There are rosy apples and oranges
And plums and peaches and a raspberry treat.
cream and milk and juice and tea
And on display is the princess's
Among it are salads, carrots, beans, and tomatoes
are baked, fried, and mashed potatoes.
Blueberries, strawberries,
berries galore,
Nuts and berries! Soon they'll need more.
are served, and, wow! what treats!
Blueberry, lemon, cherry pie,
Not to forget there was ice cream, too.
strawberry, and berry blue.
Gallons of ice cream, boy, what a
There was ice cream in bowls and pie a la mode.
later, there was music and dancing.
Dobbin the horse sure was
The cat had his fiddle, and Boy Blue his horn,
everyone danced until the morn.
Soft light crept into the nursery
Then each and every toy went- zoom!
And pictures flew in
to their books
Who went to their own little crannies and
And all the traces were swept away,
So when the children
woke in the day
Neither would notice that when they slept
silent frolic the toys had kept.

Sorry it's a bit long. What do you think of it?

submitted by True
(December 11, 2013 - 6:52 pm)

It's absolutely AWESOME!

submitted by Bounty
(December 12, 2013 - 8:05 am)

You think so? The indents aren't like that, I don't know what happened, though.

submitted by True
(December 12, 2013 - 5:10 pm)

Oh it's lovely! I loved how you were able to make the whole thing rhyme, but it still make plenty of sense, and were able to tell a complete story. It was descriptive, so I could perfectly picture everything! This belongs in a children's book.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(December 12, 2013 - 9:34 pm)

It's so vivid and descriptive. I can see everything in my mind's eye perfectly. Really, that's amazing.

submitted by Corina
(December 13, 2013 - 4:58 pm)

That's a spectacular poem! I love it. When did you write it?

submitted by S.E., age 11, Woburn,MA
(December 14, 2013 - 8:10 am)

I wrote it about . . . August, then started to improve it? I think that's it.

submitted by True
(December 14, 2013 - 5:31 pm)

This is great! Like BHR said, this belongs in a children's book. It's so descriptive and creative! I can usually only do short poems. This was like a story! :) Great job!

submitted by Moss , age 13
(December 14, 2013 - 6:00 pm)