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Chatterbox: Inkwell

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Who would like to do a hunter RP?

My general idea for this would be a group of people that hunt down things that go bump in the night. Is anybody interested?

submitted by SC
(December 2, 2013 - 10:13 pm)

@ Red:

Bark sounds awesome!

submitted by Everinne, age 14, A Dark World
(December 18, 2013 - 4:12 pm)

And now we can make "Our Bark is worse than our bite" puns!

submitted by Red, age 14, A Light World
(December 18, 2013 - 8:03 pm)

I am so joining this!

name: Lexi Riverstone- pronounced river stone (I have no idea why)

Age: 12-13 I know how to write 'bout kids my age.

appearance: I don't know yet but I'm think a cross between Nikki and Molly American Dolls 


We need a pet. All awesome things that go bump in the night hunter stories have pets.

I'm making it a HIM.

pet: dog; ( what kind of dog?)

Name: Sherlock

loves: food. Duh

hates: cats, being called a scardy cat. Double duh! 


When are we starting this thing? I can't wait! 

submitted by Violet, age 12, Here
(December 21, 2013 - 12:06 pm)

Well, SC told us to go ahead and start, so I'm going to kick this off.

Anna ~

I crouched low, breathing short and fast. Darkness engulfed everything, making it near impossible to see my hand in front of my face, let alone any sort of target. I used one hand to pull my jacket tighter around my shoulders, the other held my recurve bow. It was cold, well below freezing point. My fingers were cold and numb, despite the leather gloves I wore. I was lying in wait, but inwardly I was chastising myself severely.

How could you let it get away?! You had it right in your grasp, and you let it vanish! Stupid!

Suddenly I heard the slightest sound of movement. My fingers froze mid flex. I didn't dare to move. I was hardly breathing.


There it was again. The creature hardly made a noise, only the occasional sound of leaves, or movement of a branch. This thing didn't want to be found,  which just assured me this was what I had been waiting for.

Come on, come on!

Slowly, the creature made its way closer to my hiding place. I remained perfectly still. I didn't dare make a sound. This thing had two advantages over me. Better hearing, it could see in the dark, and oh, it was at least five times larger. So sorry, that's three, big advantages over me. But on my side, I had stealth, a long range weapon, surprise, and years of experience. This would be an interesting fight.


Ya'll can just throw your characters in, or change it, or whatever. I'm just trying to get the ball rollin'.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(December 24, 2013 - 8:43 pm)

The manticore had been terrorizing the villagers for weeks before they finally worked up the nerve to call for professional help. The particular group who answered appeared at first glance to be like all monster hunters. A group of young women and girls, with a variety of weapons. Bows, knives, the usual sort. They asked for a reasonable pay amount and certainly acted professionally and didn't cause a fuss in the inn they stayed at for a night. The people were thankful that soon they might be free of their monster and didn't pry much at the people said to get rid of the monster and thus never noticed the oddity.

Currently, the oddity was embroiled in a ferocious battle with the dog.

For the life of him, Bark could never understand why that dog hated him so much. It was a bad-tempered animal that loved the girls unconditionally and hunted monsters with a fiery passion, which it reserved for Bark if monsters weren't around. Bark had complained loudly before, but Lexi, the one who had brought the dog in the first place, had whined that he was her dog and going to stay and Fiona put her foot down and inisisted he stay. Bark had then told them that either their white mage or the dog was leaving, and Kat laughed and flung him into the stewpot. Sometimes, he didn't know why he put up with these girls. 

Presently, the dog was trying to chew on his feet which was a terrible nuisance at the best of times and a great way to attract a manticore if you so happened to be chasing one. Rather, he wasn't. Anna had gone on ahead to find it and the others, including Bark, had hung back for a little while and then had decided to circle around and try to trap it while Anna kept it occupied. A good plan, it seemed at the time, but Bark did not count on getting stuck with Amira and Sherlock.

"Will you keep it down back there?" Amira hissed in annoyance. 

"I'm trying, my good lady," whined Bark, "but I'm also trying to avoid this dog before he takes off my feet."

"Why does it even matter? You can fly whether you have feet or no," snapped Amira.

"My good young woman," Bark began, while flying higher to avoid Sherlock's snapping jaws, "if this beast of Lexi's manages to take off my poor, humble paws then I should not only be in a great deal of pain, but most likely also bleeding. If we are truly hunting a manticore, then it will sesne that blood and come over here to finish the job of this stupid dog-" here he jumped higher to avoid his tail being caught in the creature's mouth "and we'll all be eaten!"

"And we'll all be eaten if you don't be quiet and-"

Amira broke off suddenly. Sherlock tensed, his battle with Bark forgotten. A low growl had resonated from the nearby trees and an enormous shadowy creature could be seen perched in it. 

"Well, well", Bark thought. "We are in trouble indeed." 

submitted by Red, age 14, Elsewhere
(December 27, 2013 - 5:45 pm)

I'll make my charrie male so there's more balance.


Name: Garrett Killien

Age: 17

Description: Think Liam Hemsworth in the Hunger Games movie: wicked tall, brown hair, rugged good looks

Personality: dark, mean, not a good guy, but also funny and sarcastic

Weapon: big menacing spear and maybe a net but I'm not sure


I'll be back to post when my keyboard isn't malfunctioning. 

submitted by Melody, age 15, Disney
(January 3, 2014 - 4:45 pm)



Most hunters killed only when necessary and only to rid the world of pesky or dangerous creatures.  That's how I started.  It's not how I will end, though.  I switched my purpose and my prey a while back.  Now, I'll kill any creature.  Just because I'm bored or someone paid me enough money.  I'm the hunter other hunters run from, because they know even they aren't safe.


I woke up this morning ready, checking the wall for the spear I always keep near me.  Walked downstairs, poured a cup of coffee.  You know, normal human stuff.  I wasn't planning on killing anything today.  Today was supposed to be my day off.  I was planning on taking out my violin and playing all day.  Most kids my age would probably be going to school right now, but those things made me nervous.  Too many people in one space.  


Just as I was sitting down to play a bit of a Bach song, there was a knock on the door.  I sighed and slammed down the violin.  "It's my bloody day off!" 


A girl in a bright floral dress walked into the room.  "Not anymore."  She smirked, making her look purely evil.  The jet black hair and scar running across her left cheek didn't help matters much.  The pattern of the dress seemed rather ironic.


"The door was locked and bolted.  It's supposed to be pick-proof." I grumbled.


"I had keys made before I left." she remarked casually, flicking lint off her skirt.


"Julia?  What happened to your hair and your cheek?"


"I just wanted to have a change.  And the scar's from a manticore."  She sat down in my favorite armchair and picked up the violin.  Without even looking, she played a bit of the song I was playing.  It sounded much more effortless than when I played it.


"You've been practicing.  Mother would be delighted," I said.  She laughed.  


"Mother did always like me best."


I looked at her for a second.  "Why did you come back?  The last time I saw you, you said you'd never speak to me again for what I did."


"What, I can't just drop in to say hi to my only brother?"  I glared at her.  We'd never been close.  Our mother had raised us to be in direct competition with each other, to the point that I never got dinner some nights because she had beaten me in some stupid competition.  If she was back, that meant she wanted something.


She sighed.  "I need your spear."

submitted by Melody, age 15, Disney
(January 3, 2014 - 5:06 pm)

Anna ~

I straightened, drawing the arrow back, using my mouth as my anchor. 

One, two, three.

I released, the arrow silently speeding toward it's mark. A high-pitched screech told me the arrow had found it's mark.

"And now it's time to run," I muttered, sprinting back toward the others. The monster crashed along behind me, screeching in anger. I fired a few more arrows, hoping to slow it some. But it just continued to bellow in rage, moving all the faster. Branches slapped against me, creating gashes all over my face. 

"Get ready!" I shouted as I lept from an overhanging, tumbling down to the group. They all stared up at a tree above.

"Come on!" I said, panting.

"Um, Anna?" Bark said, hovering nearby. I then noticed that for once, Sherlock wasn't going after Bark as usual. I followed their gaze. 

"Terrific," I grumbled. Suddenly the manticore's roar echoed from just a few hundred yards off.

"Split up, get ready!" I shouted, drawing another arrow. Half the group faced the monster in the tree. The other half faced the direction of the manticore.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age classified, Running for my life
(January 6, 2014 - 8:27 pm)

Is it ok if I write as Sherlock? **sounds from monster fight**

I'll take that as a yes.

(I'll post as Lexi next time, ok?)





**sniff sniff**

’Allo there! I’m Sherlock. I don’t know if you can hear me, but I hear me, so I shall assume.


So the thing is, my owner’s a nice little girl named Lexi. I like her, she likes me. Except she’s intent upon the subject of chasing monsters. I oblige, reluctantly, to help.


And then there’s Bark. I liked him the instant I met him. I mean, look at his name!

I try to show it by chewing his shoes, but he won’t accept my friendship! I was only trying to be friendly. (o_o(*)


Aroof!! Ahoy! Humans! Monster alert!


A minute later “Lexi! Watch out! There’s a monster behind you!”

Harrumph. They never listen to me.... Sometimes I think I should just....


But then I think of Lexi! How sad she would be if I ran away....




Ok, better make that: ‘How miserable she’d be if I got eaten’ !!!



submitted by Violet, age 12, here
(January 14, 2014 - 4:09 pm)